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Last active May 5, 2018 11:48
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Payment Request API


  1. tạo payment request

    let paymentReq = new PaymentRequest([paymentMethod], details, options)
    • paymentMethod: app defined
    • details: popup for user select
    • options: app defined

    - Shipping option
    - Payment method

  2. show payment UI cho user<paymentResponse>
  3. xử lý các thay đổi trên payment UI

    paymentReq.onshippingoptionchange = (e:PaymentRequestUpdateEvent) => {


        displayItems[]: [],
        "error": "",
        modifiers: '',
        total: .....    
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<button style="-webkit-appearance: -apple-pay-button;"></button>
let log = console.log
class paymentItem {
constructor(label, price, currency='USD') {
this.label = label
this.amount = { currency: currency, value: price }
this.pending = true
function getDisplayItems(products, currency="VND") {
return item => new paymentItem(, item.price, currency) )
function getPriceOfProducts(products) {
return products.reduce((prev, cur) => prev.price + cur.price)
function getPriceOfShipping(shippingOptions) {
return shippingOptions.find( shipItem => shipItem.selected == true ).amount.value
function getTaxOfProducts(totalPriceOfProducts, tax=0.1) {
return totalPriceOfProducts * tax
function getTotalPrice(products, shipping, tax) {
let totalPrices = products + tax + shipping
return new paymentItem("TOTAL", totalPrices)
function showPaymentUI(paymentReq) { // start trigger payment process
.then(paymentResponse => log('payment response: ', paymentResponse))
.catch(err => log('payment response cancelled: ', err.message)) // khi user cancel payment
// user defined
let products = [
name: 'ao khoac',
price: 100
name: 'quan dai',
price: 65
// app defined
let discount = 3
/** --------------- MAIN --------------- */
try {
let shippingOptions = [
id: 'standard',
label: 'Standard shipping (2 ngày)',
amount: {
currency: 'USD',
value: 0 //free
selected: false // default select
id: 'express',
label: 'giao hang nhanh (trong ngày)',
amount: {
currency: 'USD',
value: 30
selected: true
let priceOfProducts = getPriceOfProducts(products)
let priceOfTax = getTaxOfProducts(priceOfProducts)
let priceOfShipping = getPriceOfShipping(shippingOptions)
let paymentReqMethod = {
supportedMethods: 'basic-card', // google pay, samsung pay.... tham khao cach setup
data: {
/** */
supportedNetworks: ['visa', 'jcb', 'mastercard'], //['visa' || 'mastercard' || 'amex' || 'jcb' || 'diners' || 'discover' || 'mir' || 'unionpay']
/** */
supportedTypes: ['credit', 'debit'] // ['credit' || 'debit' || 'prepaid']
let paymentReqDetails = {
* A free-form identifier for this payment request.
* If a value is not supplied, the browser will construct one.
id: `dtanphat9388-${}`, // id giao dich
* An array of optional line items for the payment request that the user agent may display,
* such as product details, tax, and shipping.
displayItems: getDisplayItems(products, 'USD'),
* The shipping options the user may choose from.
* If this sequence is blank, it indicates the merchant cannot ship to the current shipping address
* must enable in options
modifiers: [{
supportedMethods: 'basic-card',
data: {
supportedNetworks: ['visa', 'jcb', 'mastercard'],
supportedTypes: ['credit', 'debit']
additionalDisplayItems: [
new paymentItem('DISCOUNT', 3),
new paymentItem('TAX', 50)
total: new paymentItem('Credit card price', 71)
* The total amount of the payment request.
total: getTotalPrice(priceOfProducts, priceOfShipping, priceOfTax)
let paymentReqOptions = {
requestPayerName: true,
requestPayerEmail: true,
requestPayerPhone: true,
requestShipping: true,
shippingType: 'delivery' // delivery | shipping | pickup
* @paymentMethod: Contains an array of identifiers for the payment methods the merchant web site accepts and any associated payment method specific data
* @data: Provides information about the requested transaction
* @options: Lets you set options that control the behavior of the user agent
let paymentReq = new PaymentRequest([paymentReqMethod], paymentReqDetails, paymentReqOptions)
.then( isSuccess => isSuccess && showPaymentUI(paymentReq) )
.catch( err => alert("co loi khi payment hoac chua du dieu kien") )
paymentReq.onshippingoptionchange = (e) => {
e.updateWith(async function() {
let newShippingSelected = shipItem => {
shipItem.selected = ==
return shipItem
let priceOfShipping = getPriceOfShipping(newShippingSelected)
let newPaymentReqOptions = {
displayItems: getDisplayItems(products),
shippingOptions: newShippingSelected,
total: getTotalPrice(priceOfProducts, priceOfShipping, priceOfTax)
return newPaymentReqOptions
paymentReq.onshippingaddresschange = (e) => {
log('shipping address change', e)
} catch (e) {
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