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Last active October 28, 2021 19:41
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Scraping - find-products
(defn get-content
(into {} (map (fn [c] [(:tag c) (first (:content c))]) (:content content))))
(defn find-products
"Crawls the url's sitemap and for each product, will call f with the site and the product"
[site url f]
(let [p (parse-xml url)
tag (:tag p)]
(println (str "Parsing URL: " url " for site " site))
(if p
(= tag :urlset) (doseq [mm (map get-content (:content p))] (f site mm))
(= tag :sitemapindex) (let [ccs (map get-content (:content p))
pps (vec (map :loc ccs))]
(doseq [mm pps] (find-products site mm f)))
:else (println "none"))
(println (str "Unable to process url for " site)))
(println "Done finding products")))
(find-products "bellroy" "" println)
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