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Last active September 27, 2016 23:42
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# Simulating shit
# Model
# 10 parties
np <- 10
# uniform distribution for this parties seq(10) - number of legislators
nl <- sample(10:40, np, replace = T)
# parties ideal points
repo <- Vectorize(rep)
rollcalls <- data_frame(id_party=1:np, phi=rnorm(np), nl=nl) # priors for parties N(0,1)
for (i in 1:nrow(rollcalls)) {
rollcalls$id_party[i] <- paste0(rep(as.character(rollcalls$id_party[i]), rollcalls$nl[i]), collapse="#")
rollcalls %<>%
unnest(id_party = strsplit(id_party, "#")) %>%
# \theta_i <- \gamma_i + \phi_k
rollcalls$id_party <- as.numeric(rollcalls$id_party)
rollcalls$id_legis <- 1:nrow(rollcalls)
rollcalls$gamma <- rnorm(nrow(rollcalls))
rollcalls$theta <- rollcalls$phi + rollcalls$gamma
nr <- 200 # number rollcalls
matrix_rollcalls <- cbind(rnorm(nr), rnorm(nr))
vector_rollcalls <- paste0(apply(matrix_rollcalls, 1, function(x) paste0(x, collapse=",")), collapse='#')
rollcalls$alpha_beta <- vector_rollcalls
rollcalls %<>%
unnest(alpha_beta = strsplit(alpha_beta, "#")) %>%
separate(alpha_beta, c("alpha","beta"), sep=",")
rollcalls$alpha <- as.numeric(rollcalls$alpha)
rollcalls$beta <- as.numeric(rollcalls$beta)
rollcalls$id_rollcalls <- rep(1:nr, sum(nl))
logit_f <- function(z) {
rollcalls$y <- rbinom(nrow(rollcalls), 1, logit_f(-rollcalls$alpha + rollcalls$beta * rollcalls$theta))
# Afterwards, we could test a second model: # \theta_i <- \gamma_i + \rho_i * \phi_k + \epsilon_i
# Legislator 1 is left or right?
if ( rollcalls$gamma[1] < 0 ) prior_orient <- -1
if ( rollcalls$gamma[1] > 0 ) prior_orient <- 1
# Running first model without hierarchy
stan_data <- list(nrow=nrow(rollcalls),
l=rollcalls$id_legis, r=rollcalls$id_rollcalls,
stan_str <- "
data {
int nrow;
int L;
int R;
int<lower=0> l[nrow];
int<lower=0> r[nrow];
real prior_orient;
int y[nrow];
parameters {
vector[R] alpha;
vector[R] beta;
vector[L] theta;
model {
for (i in 1:nrow) {
y[i] ~ bernoulli_logit(-alpha[r[i]] - beta[r[i]] * theta[l[i]]);
alpha ~ normal(0,1);
beta ~ normal(0,1);
theta[1] ~ normal(prior_orient, 1);
for (i in 2:L) {
theta[i] ~ normal(0, 1);
fit1 <- stan(model_code = stan_str, data=stan_data, iter=3000, warmup=1500, thin=10, chains=1)
thetas <- extract(fit1, pars="theta")
thetas <- apply(thetas$theta, 2, mean)
thetas_originais <- rollcalls %>%
thetas_originais <- thetas_originais[!duplicated(thetas_originais),]
gamas_originais <- rollcalls %>%
gamas_originais <- gamas_originais[!duplicated(gamas_originais),]
theta_plot <- qplot(x=thetas, y=thetas_originais$theta, geom="point") + geom_smooth(method="lm")
gama_plot <- qplot(x=thetas, y=gamas_originais$gamma, geom="point") + geom_smooth(method="lm")
grid.arrange(theta_plot, gama_plot)
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