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Last active February 15, 2021 01:02
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redux setup
import { INC } from './constants';
export const Inc = () => ({
type: INC as typeof INC
export type Actions =
| ReturnType<typeof Inc>
import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { AppState } from './state';
export const ReduxComponent = connect(
(state: AppState) => ({
count: state.count
(dispatch) => ({
}))((props: { count: number }) => <span>{props.count}</span>)
export const INC = "INC"
import { Observable, empty, interval } from "rxjs";
import { ActionsObservable, ofType, combineEpics, StateObservable } from "redux-observable";
import { switchMapTo, tap, mapTo, withLatestFrom } from "rxjs/operators";
import { Actions, Inc } from "./actions";
import { AppState } from "./state";
export const logIncEpic = (action$: ActionsObservable<Actions>, state$: StateObservable<AppState>) => action$.pipe(
tap(([action, state]) => console.log(action.type, state)),
export const each5secEpic = (action$: ActionsObservable<Actions>) => interval(5000).pipe(
export const rootEpic = combineEpics(
import { AppState } from './state';
import { Actions } from './actions';
const initialState: AppState = {
count: 1
export const rootReducer = (state = initialState, action: Actions) => {
switch(action.type) {
case "INC":
return { ...state, count: state.count + 1 }
return state
export type AppState = {
count: number
import { createStore, applyMiddleware, Store } from 'redux'
import { composeWithDevTools } from 'redux-devtools-extension'
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'
import { createEpicMiddleware, EpicMiddleware } from 'redux-observable'
import { rootReducer } from './reducers'
import { rootEpic } from './epics'
const epicMiddleware: EpicMiddleware<Actions, Actions, AppState> = createEpicMiddleware();
const middleware = [thunk, epicMiddleware]
import { AppState } from './state';
import { Actions } from './actions';
const composeEnhancers = composeWithDevTools({
name: "IT Corpo React App"
export const getStore = (): Store<AppState> => {
const store = createStore(rootReducer, composeEnhancers(
// other store enhancers...
return store;
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ducin commented May 26, 2019

wejdź do głównego folderu projektu (itcorpo-react-app)

npm i redux react-redux redux-devtools-extension redux-observable redux-thunk @types/react-redux
git clone src/store
rm -rf src/store/.git # aby git nie robił submodules

(ostatnia komenda zakłada że masz unixowego basha (lub git basha, jeśli jesteś na windowsie)

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