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Last active August 25, 2024 00:39
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Backup of thread_profile.scad
use <scad-utils/transformations.scad> //
use <list-comprehension-demos/skin.scad> //
// radial scaling function for tapered lead-in and lead-out
function lilo_taper(x,N,tapered_fraction) =
min( min( 1, (1.0/tapered_fraction)*(x/N) ), (1/tapered_fraction)*(1-x/N) )
// helical thread with higbee cut at start and end
// to be attached to a cylindrical surface with matching $fn
module straight_thread(section_profile, pitch = 4, turns = 3, r=10, higbee_arc=45, fn=120)
$fn = fn;
steps = turns*$fn;
thing = [ for (i=[0:steps])
rotation([0, 0, 360*i/$fn - 90])*
translation([0, r, pitch*i/$fn])*
// demo: straight_thread(section_profile=demo_thread_profile());
function demo_thread_profile() = [
// PCO-1881 soda bottle cap thread (estimated from bottle thread dims)
function bottle_pco1881_nut_thread_major() = 27.8;
function bottle_pco1881_nut_thread_pitch() = 2.7;
function bottle_pco1881_nut_thread_height() = 1.15;
function bottle_pco1881_nut_thread_profile() = [
// PCO-1881 soda bottle neck thread
function bottle_pco1881_neck_clear_dia() = 21.74;
function bottle_pco1881_neck_thread_dia() = 24.94;
function bottle_pco1881_neck_thread_pitch() = 2.7;
function bottle_pco1881_neck_thread_height() = 1.15;
function bottle_pco1881_neck_thread_profile() = [
// 38mm 2-start HF cap (BERICAP compatible, 1L Granini bottle)
function bottle_2S38HF_nut_thread_major() = 37.5;
function bottle_2S38HF_nut_thread_pitch() = 3.63;
function bottle_2S38HF_nut_thread_height() = 1.0;
function bottle_2S38HF_nut_thread_profile() = [
// 38mm 2-start HF neck (BERICAP compatible, 1L Granini bottle)
function bottle_2S38HF_neck_clear_dia() = 32.5;
function bottle_2S38HF_neck_thread_minor() = 35.0;
function bottle_2S38HF_neck_thread_pitch() = 3.63;
function bottle_2S38HF_neck_thread_height() = 1.2;
function bottle_2S38HF_neck_thread_profile() = [
// 38mm 3-start CF cap (BERICAP 3439 compatible, 5L uncarbonated water)
function bottle_3S38CF_nut_thread_major() = 38.2;
function bottle_3S38CF_nut_thread_pitch() = 3.0;
function bottle_3S38CF_nut_thread_height() = 1.0;
function bottle_3S38CF_nut_thread_profile() = [
// 38mm 3-start HT neck (BERICAP 3439 compatible, 5L uncarbonated water)
function bottle_3S38CF_neck_clear_dia() = 33.4;
function bottle_3S38CF_neck_thread_minor() = 36.0;
function bottle_3S38CF_neck_thread_pitch() = 3.0;
function bottle_3S38CF_neck_thread_height() = 1.0;
function bottle_3S38CF_neck_thread_profile() = [
// 48-41 bottle cap thread (estimated from bottle thread dims)
function bottle_4841_nut_thread_major() = 48;
function bottle_4841_nut_thread_pitch() = 3.3;
function bottle_4841_nut_thread_height() = 1.0;
function bottle_4841_nut_thread_profile() = [
// 48-41 bottle thread for 3-5L jugs
function bottle_4841_neck_clear_dia() = 41;
function bottle_4841_neck_thread_minor() = 45;
function bottle_4841_neck_thread_pitch() = 3.3;
function bottle_4841_neck_thread_height() = 1.35;
function bottle_4841_neck_thread_profile() = [
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