This assumes you have a ROSA cluster and you have added an OIDC provider for the cluster. We will walk through the steps to auth ROSA pods to access specific S3 buckets. Instead of creating and distributing your AWS credentials to the containers or using the Amazon EC2 instance’s role, we will create a IAM Policy and Role (with federated identity) and associate it to some of the built-in ROSA service accounts.
aws configure --profile rosa-demo
....answer questions....
export AWS_PROFILE=rosa-demo
export S3_CUSTOM_BUCKET=sagemaker-us-east-1-546584748567
export S3_FULL_POLICY_ARN=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess
cat <<EOF > /tmp/s3-policy.json
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Statement",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
S3_CUSTOM_POLICY_ARN=$(aws iam create-policy --policy-name ROSADemoS3Access \
--policy-document file:///tmp/s3-policy.json \
--query 'Policy.Arn' --output text)
Get your AWS account info:
export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
Get your cluster OIDC info:
export OIDC_PROVIDER=$(oc get cluster -o json | jq -r .spec.serviceAccountIssuer | sed -e "s/^https:\/\///")
The trust policy defines the rules around who can assume this new role:
cat <<EOF > /tmp/trustpolicy.json
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Federated": "arn:aws:iam::${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:oidc-provider/${OIDC_PROVIDER}"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"${OIDC_PROVIDER}:sub": [
Create the new role:
S3_ROLE=$(aws iam create-role \
--role-name "ROSADemoS3AccessRole" \
--assume-role-policy-document file:///tmp/trustpolicy.json \
--query "Role.Arn" --output text)
echo $S3_ROLE
Attach the role:
aws iam attach-role-policy \
--role-name "ROSADemoS3AccessRole" \
--policy-arn $S3_CUSTOM_POLICY_ARN
Annotate the local namespace's service account(s) that will run pods needing S3 access:
oc annotate serviceaccount builder$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:role/ROSADemoS3AccessRole
oc annotate serviceaccount default$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:role/ROSADemoS3AccessRole
Alternatively, create a new service account, annotate that, and reference it in your deployments:
cat <<EOF > /tmp/new-service-account.json
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: new-s3-service-account
namespace: default
oc apply -f /tmp/new-service-account.json
oc annotate -n default serviceaccount new-s3-service-account$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:role/ROSADemoS3AccessRole