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Created September 26, 2018 12:32
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\documentclass[preview=true, border=2mm]{standalone}
\usepackage{bm} % boldmath
\definecolor{beaublue}{rgb}{0.74, 0.83, 0.9}
\definecolor{amethyst}{rgb}{0.6, 0.4, 0.8}
\definecolor{carminepink}{rgb}{0.92, 0.3, 0.26}
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={draw=none, circle, fill=none,
outer sep=1mm, inner sep=0pt}]
\tikzfeynmanset{myprop/.style={\PropColor,fermion,edge,very thick}}
\tikzfeynmanset{mygraviton/.style={\GravitonColor,charged boson, very thick}}
% Interaction region
\vertex[blob, ellipse, fill=\InteractionRegionColor, align=center,
inner sep=2mm, outer sep=1mm] (m) at ( 0, 0) {Interduck \\ region};
% Two input and one output BHs
\vertex[label={left:$m_{1}, \bm{\chi}_{1}$}, minimum size=4mm] (a) at (-3, 1) {\scaledduck[5mm]};
\vertex[label={left:$m_{2}, \bm{\chi}_{2}$}, minimum size=2mm] (b) at (-3,-1) {\scaledduck[3mm]};
\vertex[label={right:$m_{f}, \bm{\chi}_{f}, \bm{v}_{f}$},
minimum size=5mm] (c) at ( 3, 0.5) {\scaledduck[6mm]};
% Fake vertices to make sure all GW lines have same slope
\vertex[below = 1cm of m] (belowm1);
\vertex[right = 5mm of belowm1] (belowm2);
\vertex[right = 5mm of belowm2] (belowm3);
\vertex[below right = 6mm and 9mm of belowm1] (w1);
\vertex[below right = 6mm and 9mm of belowm2] (w2);
\vertex[below right = 6mm and 9mm of belowm3] (w3);
% Separate text vertex or else the vertices above get pushed
% around, messing up the angles
\vertex[below = 1mm of w2, align=center, rectangle, fill=none, draw=none]
(wtext) {Duck waves\\ to $\mathscr{I}^{\scaledduck[2mm]}$};
\diagram* {
(a) -- [myprop] (m) -- [myprop] (c),
(b) -- [myprop] (m),
(belowm1) -- [mygraviton] (w1);
(belowm2) -- [mygraviton] (w2);
(belowm3) -- [mygraviton] (w3);
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