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Forked from tiffanygwilson/Spot the Hijack
Last active February 15, 2018 14:56
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Spot the Hijack
(* Script to record and tag spotify tracks, by Lloyd Moore *)
(* Modified by Tiffany G. Wilson to resolve audio splitting issues, automate starting/stopping, and add recording customization *)
(* Modified by on 7/18/2014 -- replace slash with dashin new filename to prevent directory write errors *)
(* Snippets for controlling Spotify are from Johnny B on tumblr ( *)
(* The idea of using delayed tagging/filename updating is from a guest user on pastebin ( *)
(* The only thing to change in the script is the output format; you must change the file extension and the recording format to match *)
(* Run this script once a song you want to record is queued (stopped at beginning) or playing *)
(* Running the script will initiate hijacking, recording and audio playback *)
(* To stop script, pause Spotify or wait for album/playlist to end*)
(* To set id3 tags, use application Kid3 ( and copy '%{artist} - %{album} - %{track} - %{title}' from file name to Tag 2 *)
set output_folder to (choose folder with prompt "Please choose an output directory")
set folder_path to POSIX path of output_folder
property file_extension : ".mp3"
-- property file_extension : ".m4a" (* If format is changed to AAC *)
property check_delay : 0.1 (* How often to check for a new track *)
property write_delay : 2 (* How long to wait before updating file name *)
property stop_delay : 1 (* How long to wait before updating final file after playback stops *)
set track_counter to 1
tell application "Spotify"
if player state is playing then pause
end tell
tell application "Audio Hijack Pro"
set theSession to my getSession()
tell theSession
-- Recording file settings
set output folder to output_folder
set output name format to "%tag_title"
set title tag to track_counter
-- Audio format settings
set recording format to {encoding:MP3, bit rate:256, channels:Stereo, style:VBR}
--set recording format to {encoding:AAC, bit rate:256, channels:Stereo}
end tell
if hijacked of theSession is false then start hijacking theSession
start recording theSession
end tell
set track_counter to (track_counter + 1)
tell application "Spotify"
-- Start playing Spotify from beginning of current track
set player position to 0
set track_name to (name of current track)
set track_artist to (artist of current track)
set track_album to (album of current track)
set track_number to (track number of current track)
repeat until player state is not playing
-- On change of track
if track_name is not equal to (name of current track) then
tell application "Audio Hijack Pro"
tell theSession
set title tag to track_counter
split recording
end tell
end tell
delay write_delay
-- Update the file name from track_counter.mp3 to artist - ... - track.mp3
my update_filename(track_counter - 1, track_artist, track_name, track_album, track_number, folder_path)
set track_counter to (track_counter + 1)
-- Get new track data
set track_name to name of current track
set track_artist to artist of current track
set track_album to album of current track
set track_number to track number of current track
end if
delay check_delay
end repeat
-- Stop recording and edit final file name once playback has stopped
delay stop_delay
tell application "Audio Hijack Pro"
stop recording theSession
stop hijacking theSession
end tell
my update_filename(track_counter - 1, track_artist, track_name, track_album, track_number, folder_path)
end tell
on replace_chars(this_text, search_string, replacement_string)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
set the item_list to every text item of this_text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
set this_text to the item_list as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return this_text
end replace_chars
-- Update file name so it can be tagged using Kid3
on update_filename(track_counter, track_artist, track_name, track_album, track_number, folder_path)
set old_file to ("\"" & folder_path & track_counter & file_extension & "\"")
set new_file to (track_artist & " - " & track_album & " - " & track_number & " - " & track_name & file_extension & "\"")
set temp_final_file to replace_chars(new_file, "/", "-")
set final_file to ("\"" & folder_path & temp_final_file)
do shell script ("mv " & old_file & " " & final_file)
end update_filename
-- Set Spotify session in Audio Hijack Pro
on getSession()
tell application "Audio Hijack Pro"
set sessionName to "Spotify"
set theSession to (first item of (every session whose name is sessionName))
theSession is not null
on error
set theSession to (make new application session at end of sessions)
set name of theSession to sessionName
end try
end tell
return theSession
end getSession
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Thank you! This versions works perfectly for me! :-)

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I'm getting an error on mine. This happens after I choose the directory. Would you assist me please?

AppleScript Error: -10000
Audio Hijack Pro got an error: AppleEvent handler failed.

Found at character position, length: 784, 16

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@muzicktrash looks like that happens when Audio Hijack Pro is already set to be hijacking Spotify. Click on the "Hijack" button to de-activate the hijacking session and try again.

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PJJPtx commented Jun 6, 2015

Thanks to all who have worked on this script. Works great except when the song, album, or artist have a single or double quote in them. Any ideas on how to fix this in the replace_chars function?

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PJJPtx commented Jun 13, 2015

This one seems to work:
Remove double quotes from artist name, track name and album name as they cause errors

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