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(* Script to record and tag spotify tracks, by Lloyd Moore *) | |
(* Modified by Tiffany G. Wilson to resolve audio splitting issues, automate starting/stopping, and add recording customization *) | |
(* Modified by github.com/duggi on 7/18/2014 -- replace slash with dashin new filename to prevent directory write errors *) | |
(* Snippets for controlling Spotify are from Johnny B on tumblr (http://johnnyb.tumblr.com/post/25716608379/spotify-offline-playlist) *) | |
(* The idea of using delayed tagging/filename updating is from a guest user on pastebin (http://pastebin.com/rHqY0qg9) *) | |
(* The only thing to change in the script is the output format; you must change the file extension and the recording format to match *) | |
(* Run this script once a song you want to record is queued (stopped at beginning) or playing *) | |
(* Running the script will initiate hijacking, recording and audio playback *) | |
(* To stop script, pause Spotify or wait for album/playlist to end*) | |
(* To set id3 tags, use application Kid3 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/kid3/) and copy '%{artist} - %{album} - %{track} - %{title}' from file name to Tag 2 *) | |
set output_folder to (choose folder with prompt "Please choose an output directory") | |
set folder_path to POSIX path of output_folder | |
property file_extension : ".mp3" | |
-- property file_extension : ".m4a" (* If format is changed to AAC *) | |
property check_delay : 0.1 (* How often to check for a new track *) | |
property write_delay : 2 (* How long to wait before updating file name *) | |
property stop_delay : 1 (* How long to wait before updating final file after playback stops *) | |
set track_counter to 1 | |
tell application "Spotify" | |
if player state is playing then pause | |
end tell | |
tell application "Audio Hijack Pro" | |
activate | |
set theSession to my getSession() | |
tell theSession | |
-- Recording file settings | |
set output folder to output_folder | |
set output name format to "%tag_title" | |
set title tag to track_counter | |
-- Audio format settings | |
set recording format to {encoding:MP3, bit rate:256, channels:Stereo, style:VBR} | |
--set recording format to {encoding:AAC, bit rate:256, channels:Stereo} | |
end tell | |
if hijacked of theSession is false then start hijacking theSession | |
start recording theSession | |
end tell | |
set track_counter to (track_counter + 1) | |
tell application "Spotify" | |
-- Start playing Spotify from beginning of current track | |
set player position to 0 | |
play | |
set track_name to (name of current track) | |
set track_artist to (artist of current track) | |
set track_album to (album of current track) | |
set track_number to (track number of current track) | |
repeat until player state is not playing | |
-- On change of track | |
if track_name is not equal to (name of current track) then | |
tell application "Audio Hijack Pro" | |
tell theSession | |
set title tag to track_counter | |
split recording | |
end tell | |
end tell | |
delay write_delay | |
-- Update the file name from track_counter.mp3 to artist - ... - track.mp3 | |
my update_filename(track_counter - 1, track_artist, track_name, track_album, track_number, folder_path) | |
set track_counter to (track_counter + 1) | |
-- Get new track data | |
set track_name to name of current track | |
set track_artist to artist of current track | |
set track_album to album of current track | |
set track_number to track number of current track | |
end if | |
delay check_delay | |
end repeat | |
-- Stop recording and edit final file name once playback has stopped | |
delay stop_delay | |
tell application "Audio Hijack Pro" | |
stop recording theSession | |
stop hijacking theSession | |
end tell | |
my update_filename(track_counter - 1, track_artist, track_name, track_album, track_number, folder_path) | |
end tell | |
on replace_chars(this_text, search_string, replacement_string) | |
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string | |
set the item_list to every text item of this_text | |
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string | |
set this_text to the item_list as string | |
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "" | |
return this_text | |
end replace_chars | |
-- Update file name so it can be tagged using Kid3 | |
on update_filename(track_counter, track_artist, track_name, track_album, track_number, folder_path) | |
set old_file to ("\"" & folder_path & track_counter & file_extension & "\"") | |
set new_file to (track_artist & " - " & track_album & " - " & track_number & " - " & track_name & file_extension & "\"") | |
set temp_final_file to replace_chars(new_file, "/", "-") | |
set final_file to ("\"" & folder_path & temp_final_file) | |
do shell script ("mv " & old_file & " " & final_file) | |
end update_filename | |
-- Set Spotify session in Audio Hijack Pro | |
on getSession() | |
tell application "Audio Hijack Pro" | |
set sessionName to "Spotify" | |
try | |
set theSession to (first item of (every session whose name is sessionName)) | |
theSession is not null | |
on error | |
set theSession to (make new application session at end of sessions) | |
set name of theSession to sessionName | |
end try | |
end tell | |
return theSession | |
end getSession |
I'm getting an error on mine. This happens after I choose the directory. Would you assist me please?
AppleScript Error: -10000
Audio Hijack Pro got an error: AppleEvent handler failed.
Found at character position, length: 784, 16
@muzicktrash looks like that happens when Audio Hijack Pro is already set to be hijacking Spotify. Click on the "Hijack" button to de-activate the hijacking session and try again.
Thanks to all who have worked on this script. Works great except when the song, album, or artist have a single or double quote in them. Any ideas on how to fix this in the replace_chars function?
This one seems to work:
Remove double quotes from artist name, track name and album name as they cause errors
Thank you! This versions works perfectly for me! :-)