lets go ahead and use markdown in github wiki pages for now
the only elements we should need are:
- h1, h2, h3
- blockquote
- p
- pre
- code
- ul/ol
- horizontal rule
github flavored markdown also accepts the code blocks, eg ```javascript your code here ```
lets see how it looks in lighthouse:
important text usually underneath h* in a blockquote
this should be a p
this should be another p
when documenting inline code
blocks like how to use ENV_VARS
use the code element
longer blocks use the triple-backtick: (same as using pre
html tag, but with syntax highlighting)
var foo = bar;
function foo() {
if using pre, be sure to line break at col 80! otherwise it will put up the scroll bars.
to test this out in github, click Edit
on this comment and copy paste the text in the textarea to a github gist