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Created September 2, 2011 22:18
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Glitch Date/Time calculation in JavaScript
function time_to_glitch(time){
var year, day_of_year, month_and_day, month, day_of_month, hour, minute, sec, ts ;
sec = Number(time) - 1238562000;
// there are 4435200 real seconds in a game year
// there are 14400 real seconds in a game day
// there are 600 real seconds in a game hour
// there are 10 real seconds in a game minute
year = Math.floor(sec / 4435200);
sec -= year * 4435200;
day_of_year = Math.floor(sec / 14400);
sec -= day_of_year * 14400;
hour = Math.floor(sec / 600);
sec -= hour * 600;
minute = Math.floor(sec / 10);
sec -= minute * 10;
// turn the 0-based day-of-year into a day & month
month_and_day = day_to_md(day_of_year);
month = month_and_day[0];
day_of_month = month_and_day[1];
// get day-of-week
if(month == 11) {
day_of_week = undefined
} else {
day_of_week = (day_of_year + (307 * year)) % 8;
return [year, month, day_of_month, day_of_week, hour, minute, sec]
function day_to_md(day_of_year){
var m,d,cd,months;
months = [29, 3, 53, 17, 73, 19, 13, 37, 5, 47, 11, 1];
cd = 0;
for (var i=0; i<months.length; i++){
cd += months[i];
if (cd > day_of_year){
m = i;
d = day_of_year+1 - (cd - months[i]);
return [m, d];
return [0,0];
function ordinalize(number){
if (11 <= parseInt(number) % 100 && parseInt(number) % 100 <= 13) {
return number + "th";
} else {
switch (parseInt(number) % 10) {
case 1: return number + "st";
case 2: return number + "nd";
case 3: return number + "rd";
default: return number + "th";
function formatted_glitch_time(time){
var days_of_week, months, parts, hour, ap, min;
days_of_week = ['Hairday', 'Moonday', 'Twoday', 'Weddingday', 'Theday', 'Fryday', 'Standday', 'Fabday']
months = ['Primuary', 'Spork', 'Bruise', 'Candy', 'Fever', 'Junuary', 'Septa', 'Remember', 'Doom', 'Widdershins', 'Eleventy', 'Recurse']
parts = time_to_glitch(time);
if(parts[4] > 12){
hour = parts[4] - 12;
ap = 'pm'
}else if(parts[4] == 0){
hour = 12;
ap = 'am';
hour = parts[4];
ap = 'am'
var day_and_weekday;
if(parts[1] == 12) {
day_and_weekday = 'Recurse'
} else {
day_and_weekday = days_of_week[parts[3]] + ', ' + ordinalize(parts[2]) + ' of ' + months[parts[1]]
if(parts[5] < 10){ min = '0' + String(parts[5]) }else{ min = parts[5] }
return hour + ':' + min + ap + ', ' + day_and_weekday + ', year ' + parts[0]
// The useful functions provided are:
// > [17, 3, 41, 3, 7, 18, 2]
// The return value is [year, month, day_of_month, day_of_week, hour, minute, sec]
// > "7:18am, Weddingday, 41st of Candy, year 17"
// Both functions take the number of seconds since epoch as an argument. The argument
// is cast to a number before being used, so don't worry about the casting if you're
// pulling it out of HTML. If you're trying to show the current time, you'll probably
// want to do something like:
formatted_glitch_time((new Date).getTime() / 1000)
// JavaScript's Date.getTime() function return milliseconds instead of seconds, so we're
// dividing by 1000 to account for that.
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