Hello! Thanks for helping me build my app, Sketchi!
Forgive me if I don’t know all the “tech words” for stuff. I have a pretty good mental image of what I want, but I don’t know anything about how to make it or what tools are best to use.
I produce a weekly sketch comedy show, “Wednesday Afternoon Taped”. The WAT writers need to brainstorm dozens of sketch ideas each week in order to narrow down to the ones the actors will rehearse and perform. I need an app to help them manage their ideas for sketches.
A writer should be able to see a list of all the sketch ideas they came up with so far. They’ve used a physical card system in the past. (“The WATboard”, they’d call it.) Each card would have the title of the sketch, a brief synopsis, the number of actors, and the duration in minutes. They’d also put little gold stars on the ones they wanted to keep.
The writers always use pencil when they write their cards because they edit them often. Is that possible in the app too? Like a pencil button next to each sketch and then there’s a form to edit it.
Speaking of forms, writers will need to be able to create a sketch in the app. So maybe there’s one side of the page to list a sketch, and another side where you have the form for making a new sketch or editing one? That would be fantastic.
Once the writers get all their ideas up, they need to control for time. (Shows run for 95 minutes. It would be a “nice to have” for the page to show the total duration of all the sketches in the list, but it’s not high priority.) They should be able to delete sketches from the list by clicking an “❌” icon next to them.
With a lot of sketches on the board at the start of each week, it would be cool to do digital stuff that wouldn’t be as easy in the real world. Like sorting the sketches based on actor count, or sketch duration, or alphabetically by title. Not mission critical compared to the other stuff, but it would be cool. Maybe there’s like a selector menu or something to choose how things sort, default to the newest thing being at the top of the list.
My main concern for version 1 is being able to see sketches listed, add to the list or remove from it, and change sketch info too. Please focus on all those pieces before totaling durations or sorting sketches.
Thanks again!