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Last active April 17, 2020 04:28
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elm concept: writing a shell with elm
-- if elm was imperative
import Console
import Proc
type alias Model =
{ prompt : String
initModel : Model
initModel =
{ prompt = "\n$ "
getCmd : String -> List String
getCmd prompt =
Console.input prompt
|> String.split " "
main : Model -> Int
main model =
case getCmd of
[ "setprompt", newPrompt ] ->
main { model | prompt = newPrompt }
[ "exit" ] ->
args -> ( \_ -> main model ) args
main initModel
-- work in progress
port module Shell exposing ( main )
import Gp
import Gp.Cmd
import Gp.Sub
import Gp.Proc
import Gp.Console
port portOut : Gp.PortOut
port portIn : Gp.PortIn
main : Gp.Program Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
, portIn = portIn
, portOut = portOut
type alias Model =
{ prompt : String
type Msg
= ProcFinished Gp.Proc.FinishedProc
| GetCmd
| TypedCmd String
init : Gp.Flags -> ( Model, Gp.Cmd Msg )
init _ =
( { prompt = "\n$ " }
, Gp.trigger GetCmd
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Gp.Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
GetCmd ->
( model
, Gp.Conosle.input TypedCmd model.prompt
TypedCmd command ->
case String.split " " command of
[ "setprompt", newPrompt ] ->
( { model | prompt = newPrompt }
, Gp.Cmd.trigger GetCmd
[ "exit" ] ->
( model
, Gp.exit 0
args ->
( model
, ProcFinished args
ProcFinished { exitCode } ->
( model
, Gp.Cmd.sequence
[ Gp.Console.print <| "Command exited with code " ++ exitCode
, Gp.Cmd.trigger GetCmd
subscriptions : Model -> Gp.Sub Msg
subscriptions _ =
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