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Doguhan Uluca duluca

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I hereby claim:

  • I am duluca on github.
  • I am dougi ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCO4mKqid0D1Vjc9P3iDzh9SNMkXbugEMCqFbpsybDfrQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

duluca /
Created January 18, 2018 00:11 — forked from bigomega/
A simple bash script to do load (performance) testing of a web service
echo "url: $2
rate: $max calls / second"
START=$(date +%s);
get () {
curl -s -v "$1" 2>&1 | tr '\r\n' '\\n' | awk -v date="$(date +'%r')" '{print $0"\n-----", date}' >> /tmp/perf-test.log
duluca / config.xml
Created October 26, 2017 14:17
Sample Cordova Config file
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<widget android-versionCode="203091" id="com.excella.central" version="2.3.9" xmlns="" xmlns:gap="">
<name>Excella Central</name>
Connect with your colleagues.
<author email="[email protected]" href="">
<content src="index.html" />
duluca / Angular VS Code
Last active January 7, 2023 03:54
Optimizing VS Code for Angular Development.

Configure VS Code and Angular project with an optimized development experience using a CLI tool

How to Use

npm i -g mrm-task-angular-vscode
npx mrm angular-vscode



duluca /
Last active February 5, 2025 13:59
Step-by-step Instructions to Setup an AWS ECS Cluster

Configuring AWS ECS to have access to AWS EFS

If you would like to persist data from your ECS containers, i.e. hosting databases like MySQL or MongoDB with Docker, you need to ensure that you can mount the data directory of the database in the container to volume that's not going to dissappear when your container or worse yet, the EC2 instance that hosts your containers, is restarted or scaled up or down for any reason.

Don't know how to create your own AWS ECS Cluster? Go here!

New Cluster

Sadly the EC2 provisioning process doesn't allow you to configure EFS during the initial config. After your create your cluster, follow the guide below.

New Task Definition for Web App

If you're using an Alpine-based Node server like duluca/minimal-node-web-server follow this guide:

duluca /
Last active April 14, 2021 06:44
npm scripts for AWS ECS (Blue-Green Deployment)

AWS ECS Deploy Permissions

In order to be able to deploy using the scripts provided by npm scripts for AWS ECS make sure your user is part of an IAM Group that has the following inline policy applied to it.

Note: This may not be complete.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
duluca /
Last active August 19, 2024 09:22
npm scripts for Docker

These are generic npm scripts that you can copy & paste into your package.json file as-is and get access to convinience scripts to manage your Docker images all in one place.

How to Use

npm i -g mrm-task-npm-docker
npx mrm npm-docker


Here's the code repository

duluca /
Last active June 20, 2017 16:39
The JavaScript Promise Outline

The JavaScript Promise

A guide to effective, productive and joyful development experience

The JavaScript Promise is about the promise of JavaScript as a whole, including the language, community, libraries, frameworks and tools, enabling you to be a happier, more effective and productive creator for beginners and seasoned software engineers alike.

If you're an absolute beginner, the JavaScript ecosystem offers the gentlest ramp up possible in any web-ready technology stack to bring you up from zero to hero. You don't need to be a long time coder or have a computer science degree to achieve results with JavaScript.

If you're a professional whose needs scale from a single page website to large scale enterprise deployment, who needs reliability, performance, security, code analysis and automated testing, JavaScript is fully capable of meeting and exceeding these needs and do so in a cost effective manner.

The JavaScript Promise aims to open your mind up to the possibilities that are enabled by the JavaS

duluca / Legacy System
Last active April 12, 2017 14:18
What is Legacy System Modernization?

Legacy System Modernization

Here is our understanding of what legacy system modernization is vs. what it isn't -- and the importance of doing it in the first place.

Defining Legacy System Modernization

We modernize to rebuild (and rethink) legacy systems to achieve new levels of scalability, maintainability, and flexibility.

Legacy System Modernization is NOT...:

duluca /
Last active September 11, 2018 14:20
Commonly Used, but Oft-Forgotten CLI Commands

Commonly Used, but Oft-Forgotten CLI Commands


  • zip -e your_original_file.docx


  • ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"
  • eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
  • ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa use this to add existing key to your terminal session