This is my current Windows install's NTLite configuration. This requires the Home license which costs 40 EUR.
It is based off of AtlasOS back when they used NTLite. Click here to see the commit this was built off of .
This is my current Windows install's NTLite configuration. This requires the Home license which costs 40 EUR.
It is based off of AtlasOS back when they used NTLite. Click here to see the commit this was built off of .
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> | |
<Preset isAutoSaved="true" xmlns="urn:schemas-nliteos-com:pn.v1"> | |
<Date>04/09/2023 03:39:17</Date> | |
<AppInfo> | |
<Version>2023.4.9191</Version> | |
<Licensed>Yes</Licensed> | |
<Protections>Yes</Protections> | |
<Host>Windows 10 Enterprise (21H2) x64 - 10.0.19044.1889 (en-US)</Host> | |
</AppInfo> | |
<ImageInfo> | |
<Version mode="offline">Windows 11 Professional (22H2) x64 - 10.0.22621.525 (en-US)</Version> | |
<GUID>{DD1929E0-868D-484F-A3AE-C6DCDFA27ED9}</GUID> | |
</ImageInfo> | |
<RemoveComponents AppRemovalMode="DISM"> | |
<c>aarsvc 'Agent Activation Runtime'</c> | |
<c>actioncenter 'Action Center'</c> | |
<c>afunix 'Unix socket (AF_UNIX)'</c> | |
<c>alljoyn 'AllJoyn Router Service'</c> | |
<c>appv 'Application Virtualization (App-V)'</c> | |
<c>asimov 'Telemetry Client'</c> | |
<c> '.NET assembly cache'</c> | |
<c>assignedaccess 'Assigned Access'</c> | |
<c>audit 'Windows Audit'</c> | |
<c>axinstall 'ActiveX Installer Service'</c> | |
<c>azman32 'Authorization Manager - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>backup 'Backup and Restore'</c> | |
<c>branchcacheclient 'BranchCache Client'</c> | |
<c>ceip 'CEIP (SQM)'</c> | |
<c>cellulartime 'Cellular Time'</c> | |
<c>certmgr32 'Certificate Manager - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>clouddownload 'Windows Recovery (WinRE) - Cloud download'</c> | |
<c>commmc32 'COM+ (Component Services) (management console) - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>compmgmt32 'Computer Management - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>datacenterbridging 'Data Center Bridging (DCB)'</c> | |
<c>desktopactivitymoderator 'Desktop Activity Moderator (DAM)'</c> | |
<c>desktopimgdownldr 'Desktop image downloader'</c> | |
<c>deviceupdatecenter 'Device Update Center'</c> | |
<c>devmgmt32 'Device Manager - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>directaccess 'Direct Access Connection'</c> | |
<c>directml 'Direct Machine Learning (DirectML)'</c> | |
<c>diskdiagnosis 'Disk failure diagnostics'</c> | |
<c>diskmgmt32 'Disk Management - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>diskquota 'Disk Quota'</c> | |
<c>diskquota32 'Disk Quota - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>diskraid 'DiskRAID tool'</c> | |
<c>driver_c_barcodescanner.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_c_cashdrawer.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_c_computeaccelerator.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_c_dot4.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_c_dot4print.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_c_infrared.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_c_linedisplay.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_c_magneticstripereader.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_c_mcx.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_c_mediumchanger.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_c_multifunction.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_c_multiportserial.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_c_receiptprinter.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_c_securitydevices.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_c_sslaccel.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_digitalmediadevice.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_hidir.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_hidirkbd.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_kdnic.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_msclmd.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_perceptionsimulationsixdofmodels.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_rawsilo.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_rdcameradriver.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_remoteposdrv.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_scunknown.inf</c> | |
<c>driver_usbcir.inf</c> | |
<c>dvdplay 'DVD Play'</c> | |
<c>embeddedexperience 'Device Lockdown (Embedded Experience)'</c> | |
<c>embeddedmode 'Embedded Mode'</c> | |
<c>enhancedstorage 'Enhanced Storage'</c> | |
<c>errorreporting 'Windows Error Reporting'</c> | |
<c>eudcedit 'Private Character Editor'</c> | |
<c>eventviewer32 'Event Viewer - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>F46D4000-FD22-4DB4-AC8E-4E1DDDE828FE 'Add Folder Suggestions dialog'</c> | |
<c>facerecognition 'Face Recognition'</c> | |
<c>fciclient 'File Server Resource Manager'</c> | |
<c>filehistory 'File History'</c> | |
<c>firstlogonanim 'First-logon animation'</c> | |
<c>fsmgmt32 'Shared Folders UI - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>gameexplorer 'Game Explorer'</c> | |
<c>graphicsperfsvc 'Graphics performance monitor service'</c> | |
<c>help 'Windows Help content'</c> | |
<c>hwsupport_infrared 'Infrared devices'</c> | |
<c>hwsupport_modemsettings 'Shared modem settings (mdmgl*.inf)'</c> | |
<c>ias 'Internet Authentication Service (IAS)'</c> | |
<c>iis 'Internet Information Server (IIS)'</c> | |
<c>indeo 'Intel Indeo Codecs'</c> | |
<c>insiderhub 'Windows Insider Program'</c> | |
<c>ipt 'Identity Protection Technology (Intel IPT)'</c> | |
<c>iscsi 'iSCSI Initiator'</c> | |
<c>kerberos32 'Kerberos Client - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>kerneldebug 'Kernel Debugging'</c> | |
<c>lcu 'Cumulative Update cache (LCU)'</c> | |
<c>location 'Location Service'</c> | |
<c>lockscreens 'Lock Screen backgrounds'</c> | |
<c>lpasvc 'Local Profile Assistant Service'</c> | |
<c>lusrmgr32 'Local Users and Groups Manager - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>mail 'Windows Mail'</c> | |
<c>manifestbackup 'Manifest Backup (WinSxS\Backup)'</c> | |
<c>mapcontrol 'Map Control'</c> | |
<c>mediaplayer 'Windows Media Player'</c> | |
<c>mediaplayer32 'Windows Media Player - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>mediaplayernetworksharing 'WMP Network Sharing Service'</c> | |
<c>mediaplayernetworksharing32 'WMP Network Sharing Service - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>memorydiagnostic 'Memory Diagnostic'</c> | |
<c>messagingsvc 'Messaging Service'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.549981C3F5F10 'Cortana'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.AsyncTextService 'AsyncTextService'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.BingWeather 'MSN Weather'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.ECApp 'Eye Control'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.GetHelp 'Get Help'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.Getstarted 'Tips (Get Started)'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.HEIFImageExtension 'HEIF Image Extensions'</c> | |
<c>microsoft.microsoftedge.stable 'Microsoft Edge (Chromium)'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge 'Microsoft Edge (Legacy)'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.MicrosoftEdgeDevToolsClient 'Microsoft Edge DevTools Client'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub 'Office'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.People 'Microsoft People'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.ScreenSketch 'Snipping Tool'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.WebMediaExtensions 'Web Media Extensions'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.WebpImageExtension 'Webp Image Extensions'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.Windows.Apprep.ChxApp 'SmartScreen'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.Windows.AssignedAccessLockApp 'Assigned Access Lock app'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.Windows.CallingShellApp 'Call'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager 'Content Delivery Manager'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.Windows.OOBENetworkConnectionFlow 'Network Connection Flow'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls 'Microsoft family features'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.Windows.PeopleExperienceHost 'Windows Shell Experience'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.Windows.PinningConfirmationDialog 'PinningConfirmationDialog'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.Windows.SecureAssessmentBrowser 'Take a Test'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.Windows.XGpuEjectDialog 'Safely Remove Device'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.WindowsAlarms 'Windows Clock'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.WindowsCamera 'Windows Camera'</c> | |
<c>microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps 'Mail and Calendar'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub 'Feedback Hub'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.WindowsMaps 'Windows Maps'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder 'Windows Voice Recorder'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.YourPhone 'Your Phone'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.ZuneMusic 'Windows Media Player'</c> | |
<c>Microsoft.ZuneVideo 'Movies & TV'</c> | |
<c>migwiz 'Easy Transfer'</c> | |
<c>mixedreality 'Windows Mixed Reality'</c> | |
<c>mmga 'MMGA MAPI'</c> | |
<c>mobiledevicemanagement 'Mobile Device Management (MDM)'</c> | |
<c>msmq 'Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ)'</c> | |
<c>multipointconnector 'MultiPoint Connector'</c> | |
<c>naturalauthentication 'Natural Authentication'</c> | |
<c>NcsiUwpApp 'Network Connectivity Status Indicator (NCSI)'</c> | |
<c>ndisimplat 'Network Adapter Multiplexor Protocol'</c> | |
<c>nfc 'Near Field Communication (NFC)'</c> | |
<c>nfsclient 'NFS Administrative Tools'</c> | |
<c>offlinefiles 'Offline Files'</c> | |
<c>onedrive</c> | |
<c>payments</c> | |
<c>pdfreader 'Windows Reader (PDF)'</c> | |
<c>phonesvc 'Phone Service'</c> | |
<c>photocodec32 'Photo codec - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>photoviewer32 'Photo Viewer - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>picturepassword 'Picture password'</c> | |
<c>pos 'Point of Service (POS)'</c> | |
<c>powershellise32 'PowerShell ISE - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>projfs 'Projected File System (ProjFS)'</c> | |
<c>rascmd 'Remote Access Service Client Tools'</c> | |
<c>rdpclient32 'Remote Desktop Client - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>reliabilityanalysis 'Reliability Analysis Services'</c> | |
<c>remoteaccessservice 'Routing and Remote Access Service'</c> | |
<c>remoteactivex32 'Remote Desktop Services ActiveX Client - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>remoteassistance 'Remote Assistance'</c> | |
<c>remoteregistry 'Remote Registry'</c> | |
<c>retaildemo 'Retail Demo Content'</c> | |
<c>rightsmanagement 'Rights Management support'</c> | |
<c>rpclocator 'Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator'</c> | |
<c>securitycenter 'Security Center'</c> | |
<c>servicesmmc32 'Services (management console) - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>settingsync 'Setting Sync'</c> | |
<c>sharedpc 'Shared PC mode'</c> | |
<c>sihclient 'Server-Initiated Healing Client'</c> | |
<c>simpletcp 'Simple TCP/IP services'</c> | |
<c>skypeortc 'Skype ORTC'</c> | |
<c>smsrouter 'SMS Router Service'</c> | |
<c>soundthemes 'Sound Themes'</c> | |
<c>sstackwow64 'Servicing Stack - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>stepsrecorder 'Steps Recorder'</c> | |
<c>synccenter 'Sync Center'</c> | |
<c>systemguard 'System Guard'</c> | |
<c>systemrestore 'System Restore'</c> | |
<c>targetedcontent32 'Targeted Content Service - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>taskmanager32 'Task Manager - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>taskschdmsc32 'Task Scheduler (management console) - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>telnetclient 'Telnet Client'</c> | |
<c>tempcache 'Cache and temp files'</c> | |
<c>tftpclient 'TFTP client'</c> | |
<c>timetraveldebugger 'Time Travel Debugger (TTD)'</c> | |
<c>tpmmmc32 'Trusted Platform Module (TPM) (management console) - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>troubleshootingsvc 'Recommended Troubleshooting service'</c> | |
<c>uev 'User Experience Virtualization (UE-V)'</c> | |
<c>unp 'Universal Notification Platform (UNP)'</c> | |
<c>voiceaccess 'Voice Access'</c> | |
<c>waasassessment 'Windows Update Medic Service'</c> | |
<c>wallet 'Wallet Service'</c> | |
<c>wcn 'Windows Connect Now (WCN)'</c> | |
<c>webclient</c> | |
<c>wfmmc32 'Windows Firewall (management console) - 32 bit'</c> | |
<c>wifinetworkmanager 'Wi-Fi Network Manager (Wi-Fi Sense)'</c> | |
<c>winai 'Windows AI Machine Learning'</c> | |
<c>Windows.CBSPreview 'Windows Barcode Preview'</c> | |
<c>windowstogo 'Windows To Go'</c> | |
<c>winocr 'Windows TIFF IFilter (OCR)'</c> | |
<c>winrm 'Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)'</c> | |
<c>winsat 'Windows System Assessment Tool (WinSAT)'</c> | |
<c>wwanautoconfig 'WWAN AutoConfig'</c> | |
<c>zipfolder 'Zip & Cab folder'</c> | |
</RemoveComponents> | |
<Compatibility protectHidden="true"> | |
<ComponentFeatures> | |
<Feature enabled="no">AppGuard</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">YubiKey</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">Bluetooth</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">CapFrameX</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">Discord</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">FileSharing</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">Hyper-V</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">iCloud</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="no">ManualSetup</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">OfficeSupport</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">AppxSupport</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">Netflix</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">NetworkDiscovery</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">NightLight</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="no">NvidiaSetup</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">OOBE</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">Printing</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">Recommended-All</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="no">SamsungSwitch</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">Scanning</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">ServicingStack</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="no">ShellSearchSupport</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">Spotify</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">SFC</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">DefaultFonts</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">SafeMode</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">TeamViewer</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">Recommended-Tablet</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="no">USBModem</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">USB</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">VideoPlayback</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">VPN</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">VisualStudio</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">VSS</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">ActivationKMS</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">Activation</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">WindowsStore</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="no">WindowsUpdate</Feature> | |
<Feature enabled="yes">WLAN</Feature> | |
</ComponentFeatures> | |
<MachineDrivers> | |
<Machine enabled="yes">HostMachine</Machine> | |
<Machine enabled="no">hwlist_HP-Mavilion-x360(0)</Machine> | |
<Machine enabled="yes">Hyper-V VM</Machine> | |
<Machine enabled="no">Parallels VM</Machine> | |
<Machine enabled="no">Virtual Box VM</Machine> | |
<Machine enabled="no">VMware VM</Machine> | |
</MachineDrivers> | |
</Compatibility> | |
<Features> | |
<Feature name="DirectPlay">true</Feature> | |
<Feature name="Language.Handwriting~~~en-us~">false</Feature> | |
<Feature name="Language.OCR~~~en-us~">false</Feature> | |
<Feature name="Language.Speech~~~en-us~">false</Feature> | |
<Feature name="Language.TextToSpeech~~~en-us~">false</Feature> | |
<Feature name="Language.Basic~~~en-us~">false</Feature> | |
<Feature name="Printing-Foundation-InternetPrinting-Client">false</Feature> | |
<Feature name="LegacyComponents">true</Feature> | |
<Feature name="MathRecognizer~~~~">false</Feature> | |
<Feature name="OpenSSH.Client~~~~">false</Feature> | |
<Feature name="Printing-Foundation-Features">false</Feature> | |
<Feature name="SmbDirect">false</Feature> | |
<Feature name="MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2">false</Feature> | |
<Feature name="MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2Root">false</Feature> | |
<Feature name="WorkFolders-Client">false</Feature> | |
</Features> | |
<Packages> | |
<File>C:\Program Files\NTLite\Updates\11.22H2.x64\</File> | |
<File>C:\Program Files\NTLite\Updates\11.22H2.x64\windows11.0-kb5019178-x64_1372573297db9903de0ecf377226e902cd42eca0.msu</File> | |
<File>C:\Program Files\NTLite\Updates\11.22H2.x64\windows11.0-kb5023706-x64_79f9cb602196d8152019690a7a67d6d3e9833165.msu</File> | |
<File>C:\Program Files\NTLite\Updates\11.22H2.x64\windows11.0-kb5023778-x64_204c2f5ab1eb71d80eb470b5af079dd8e56c20e7.msu</File> | |
<File>C:\Program Files\NTLite\Updates\11.22H2.x64\</File> | |
<File>C:\Program Files\NTLite\Updates\11.22H2.x64\windows11.0-kb5012170-x64_a7bdcaed87329716522cf6d0b464363d2599fb1c.msu</File> | |
<File>C:\Program Files\NTLite\Updates\11.22H2.x64\windows11.0-kb5022497-x64-ndp481_92ce32e8d1d29d5b572e929f4ff90e85a012b4d6.msu</File> | |
</Packages> | |
<Commands> | |
<PostUpdates> | |
<!--<Command>cmd /c echo Example from [MOUNTDIR]\Windows & pause</Command>--> | |
<!--<Command>dism /image:[MOUNTDIR] /get-intl</Command>--> | |
</PostUpdates> | |
</Commands> | |
<Drivers showHidden="true"></Drivers> | |
<Unattended mode="1"> | |
<OEMSetupComplete>false</OEMSetupComplete> | |
<AnswerFileLocationPanther>false</AnswerFileLocationPanther> | |
<AnswerFileLocationBoot>true</AnswerFileLocationBoot> | |
<SaveBothArch>false</SaveBothArch> | |
<EditionPrompt>false</EditionPrompt> | |
<settings pass="oobeSystem"> | |
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup"> | |
<OEMInformation> | |
<Model>AtlasOS 22H2</Model> | |
<SupportURL></SupportURL> | |
</OEMInformation> | |
<OOBE> | |
<HideEULAPage>false</HideEULAPage> | |
<HideOnlineAccountScreens>true</HideOnlineAccountScreens> | |
<HideWirelessSetupInOOBE>true</HideWirelessSetupInOOBE> | |
<NetworkLocation>Home</NetworkLocation> | |
</OOBE> | |
</component> | |
</settings> | |
<settings pass="specialize"> | |
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup"> | |
<ComputerName>*</ComputerName> | |
</component> | |
</settings> | |
<settings pass="windowsPE"> | |
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE"> | |
<InputLocale>0409:00000409</InputLocale> | |
<SystemLocale>en-US</SystemLocale> | |
<UILanguage>en-US</UILanguage> | |
<UILanguageFallback>en-US</UILanguageFallback> | |
<UserLocale>en-US</UserLocale> | |
<SetupUILanguage> | |
<UILanguage>en-US</UILanguage> | |
</SetupUILanguage> | |
</component> | |
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup"> | |
<Diagnostics> | |
<OptIn>false</OptIn> | |
</Diagnostics> | |
<DynamicUpdate> | |
<Enable>false</Enable> | |
<WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI> | |
</DynamicUpdate> | |
<ImageInstall> | |
<OSImage> | |
<WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI> | |
<InstallFrom> | |
<MetaData> | |
<Key>/IMAGE/INDEX</Key> | |
<Value>6</Value> | |
</MetaData> | |
</InstallFrom> | |
</OSImage> | |
</ImageInstall> | |
<UserData> | |
<AcceptEula>false</AcceptEula> | |
<FullName>Atlas</FullName> | |
<ProductKey> | |
<Key></Key> | |
<WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI> | |
</ProductKey> | |
</UserData> | |
</component> | |
</settings> | |
</Unattended> | |
<Tweaks> | |
<Settings></Settings> | |
<Services></Services> | |
<ExtraServices></ExtraServices> | |
<ScheduledTasks></ScheduledTasks> | |
</Tweaks> | |
<ApplyOptions> | |
<ImageTasks> | |
<Task>imageSaveTrim</Task> | |
<Task>imageFormatWim</Task> | |
<Task>imageOptionsCreateIso</Task> | |
</ImageTasks> | |
<AutoIsoFile>C:\Atlas-22H2.iso</AutoIsoFile> | |
<AutoIsoLabel>Atlas 22H2</AutoIsoLabel> | |
<AutoSplitSize>4000</AutoSplitSize> | |
<CleanHotfixedLeftovers>3</CleanHotfixedLeftovers> | |
<OptimizeAppX>true</OptimizeAppX> | |
<ReuseDriverCache>true</ReuseDriverCache> | |
</ApplyOptions> | |
<Execution> | |
<Remove></Remove> | |
<Change></Change> | |
<Add></Add> | |
</Execution> | |
<Registry></Registry> | |
</Preset> |