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Last active September 25, 2020 08:56
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How to reset archiva admin password

I don't know how to reset Archiva admin password -.- My work around is to create a new admin by deleting Archiva's user database.


  1. Delete Archiva user database. Don't forget to make a backup.
 mv /archiva-root/data/databases/users /archiva-root/data/databases/users_bak
  1. Restart Archiva
/archiva-root/bin/archiva restart
  1. Access Archiva web interface and create a new admin.
  2. Done!
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martnst commented Sep 25, 2020

For the xetusoss/archiva docker image it is slightly different.

 mv /archiva-data/data/databases/users /archiva-data/data/databases/users_backup
  1. The restart via bash fails with:
Unable to locate any of the following operational binaries:
  /archiva/bin/./wrapper-linux-x86-64 (Found but not executable.)
  /archiva/bin/./wrapper-linux-x86-32 (Found but not executable.)

Therefor simply restart the container / pod in k8s.

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