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Last active December 5, 2021 03:46
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This script creates Idris2.docset for use in
# It expects idris to be in ~/.idris2 and is hardcoded to 0.5.1 at the moment.
import os, sqlite3, html5lib, re
oj = os.path.join
debug = lambda *x: None
# debug = print
infoPlist = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
base = 'Idris2.docset'
resources = oj(base, 'Contents/Resources')
os.makedirs(resources, exist_ok=True)
db = sqlite3.Connection(oj(resources, 'docSet.dsidx'))
db.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS searchIndex(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, type TEXT, path TEXT);')
db.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS anchor ON searchIndex (name, type, path);')
db.execute('DELETE FROM searchIndex')
def register(name, kind, path):
debug('register',kind, name, path)
db.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES (?,?,?)",[name,kind,path])
def elem(doc, name):
return doc.findall(f'.//{name}')
def process(p,f):
def scan(node, parent=''):
kind = parent
for el in node:
if el.get('id') == 'moduleHeader':
name = el.cssselect('h1')[0].text
register(name, 'Module', oj(p,f'{f}#moduleHeader'))
elif el.tag == 'dt':
id = el.get('id')
parts = id.split('.')
name = parts[-1]
m = re.match(r'.*\((.*)\)', id)
if m: name = m[1]
link = oj(p,f'{f}#{id}')
# "hints" section
if name.startswith('$resolved'): continue
if name and name[0]:
# see for possible values
kind = 'Function'
c = name[0]
if c == '.':
kind = 'Field'
elif c.isupper():
text = ''.join(el.itertext())
if text.startswith('interface'):
kind = 'Interface'
elif text.startswith('record'):
kind = 'Record'
elif parent == 'Type':
kind = 'Constructor'
kind = 'Type'
elif c.islower():
if parent: kind = 'Method'
kind = 'Operator'
register(name, kind, link)
scan(el, kind)
data = open(oj(src,p,f),'rb').read()
os.makedirs(oj(dest,p), exist_ok=True)
if f.endswith('.html'):
doc = html5lib.parse(data,treebuilder='lxml',namespaceHTMLElements=False)
# assert 'Data' not in f
src = os.path.expanduser('~/.idris2/idris2-0.5.1/docs')
dest = oj(resources, 'Documents')
for p,ds,fs in os.walk(src):
p = os.path.relpath(p,src)
for f in fs:
print('Wrote', base)
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