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Last active August 11, 2019 22:56
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Bencode in smalltalk. (first smalltalk program). is a later revision that should be able to both encode and decode.
Integer extend [
bencode: stream [
stream nextPutAll: 'i'.
stream nextPutAll: (self storeString).
stream nextPutAll: 'e'.
OrderedCollection extend [
bencode: stream [
stream nextPutAll: 'l'.
self do: [:a | a bencode: stream ].
stream nextPutAll: 'e'.
ByteArray extend [
bencode: stream [
stream nextPutAll: ((self size) storeString).
stream nextPutAll: ':'.
stream nextPutAll: self.
String extend [
bencode: stream [
self asByteArray bencode: stream
Dictionary extend [
bencode: stream [
stream nextPutAll: 'd'.
self keys sorted do: [:k |
k bencode: stream.
(self at: k) bencode: stream.
stream nextPutAll: 'e'.
x := Dictionary new.
x add: #a->4; add: #c->7; add: #b->3.
x bencode: stdout
Character extend [
bencodedType [
self == $i ifTrue: [^Integer].
self isDigit ifTrue: [^ByteArray].
self == $l ifTrue: [^OrderedCollection].
Integer extend [
bencode: stream [
stream nextPutAll: 'i'.
stream nextPutAll: (self storeString).
stream nextPutAll: 'e'.
Integer class extend [
bdecode: stream [
| r |
r := ((stream upTo: $e) select: [:a | (a isDigit) | (a == $-)]) asInteger.
"stream next."
OrderedCollection extend [
bencode: stream [
stream nextPutAll: 'l'.
self do: [:a | a bencode: stream ].
stream nextPutAll: 'e'.
OrderedCollection class extend [
bdecode: stream [
| r |
r := OrderedCollection new.
stream next.
[true] whileTrue: [
| a |
a := stream peek.
a == $e ifTrue: [
stream next.
r add: ((a bencodedType) bdecode: stream).
ByteArray extend [
bencode: stream [
stream nextPutAll: ((self size) storeString).
stream nextPutAll: ':'.
stream nextPutAll: self.
ByteArray class extend [
bdecode: stream [
| l |
l := ((stream upTo: $:) select: [:a | (a isDigit)]) asInteger.
"stream next."
^(stream next: l) asByteArray.
String extend [
bencode: stream [
self asByteArray bencode: stream
String class extend [
bdecode: stream [
^((ByteArray bdecode: stream) asString).
Dictionary extend [
bencode: stream [
stream nextPutAll: 'd'.
self keys sorted do: [:k |
k bencode: stream.
(self at: k) bencode: stream.
stream nextPutAll: 'e'.
Dictionary class extend [
bdecode: stream [
| r |
r := Dictionary new.
stream next.
[true] whileTrue: [
| a b aa bb |
a := stream peek.
a == $e ifTrue: [
stream next.
aa := (a bencodedType) bdecode: stream.
b := stream peek.
b == $e ifTrue: [
stream next.
bb := (b bencodedType) bdecode: stream.
r add: aa->bb.
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