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Created October 2, 2012 02:51
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Save durden/3815902 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Custom processor for markedapp
#!/usr/bin/env python
Simplified stand-alone script to mimic short code processing.
Script takes 1 optional argument, the path of your python environment.
The rest of the input is read directly from stdin and expected to be codrspace
markdown text. The output is codrspace html after all markdown and codrspace
specific short codes have been processed.
To use:
- git clone git:// codrspace_processor
- cd codrspace_processor
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- Test script installation:
- echo '[code]import this[/code]' | <PYTHONPATH>
- PYTHONPATH should be path to where your pip install from above put
the requirements
- Should see output like the following (without pretty whitespace)
<div class="highlight">
<span class="n">import</span> <span class="n">this</span>
You can use this script with the fantastic Marked (
markdown preview tool by doing the following after installating the processor
(above steps):
- Open Marked app
- Go to preferences
- Select the 'behavior' tab
- Select 'Custom Markdown Processor'
- Type the FULL path to the script in the 'Path'
- Type the FULL path to the Python library path (site-packages) if you
installed the processor script in a virtual environment. This argument
is not needed if you installed the script into the global Python
- Click 'Save'
from hashlib import md5
import re
import types
import json
def get_lexer_list():
"""Get list of all available lexers"""
lexers = []
for lexer in get_all_lexers():
name, aliases, filetypes, mimetypes = lexer
lexers.extend([alias for alias in aliases])
return lexers
def get_lexer(value, lang):
"""Find a lexer for the given text and language"""
if lang:
if '.' in lang:
# possibly a filename, poor detection for now
return get_lexer_for_filename(lang)
elif lang in get_lexer_list():
# guess it by specific language
return get_lexer_by_name(lang)
# try and guess the lexer by content
return guess_lexer(value)
def explosivo(value):
Search text for any references to supported short codes and explode them
# Round-robin through all functions as if they are filter methods so we
# don't have to update some silly list of available ones when they are
# added
module = sys.modules[__name__]
all_replacements = []
# get the replacement values and content with replacement hashes
for name, var in vars(module).items():
if type(var) == types.FunctionType and name.startswith('filter_'):
replacements, value, match = var(value)
if match:
# convert to markdown
value = markdown.markdown(value)
# replace the hash values with the replacement values
for rep in all_replacements:
_hash, text = rep
value = value.replace(_hash, text)
return value
def filter_gitstyle(value):
replacements = []
pattern = re.compile("```(?P<lang>[^\\n\\s`]+)+?(?P<code>[^```]+)+?```",
re.I | re.S | re.M)
if len(re.findall(pattern, value)) == 0:
return (replacements, value, None,)
git_styles = re.finditer(pattern, value)
for gs in git_styles:
lang ='lang')
except IndexError:
lang = None
text = colorize('code'), lang=lang)
text_hash = md5(text.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
replacements.append([text_hash, text])
value = re.sub(pattern, text_hash, value, count=1)
return (replacements, value, True,)
def filter_inline(value):
Look for any [code][/code] blocks and replace with syntax highlighted html
Return hash of text that needs to be replaced
replacements = []
regx = '\\[code(\\s+lang=\"(?P<lang>[\\w]+)\")*\\](?P<code>.*?)\\[/code\\]'
pattern = re.compile(regx, re.I | re.S | re.M)
if len(re.findall(pattern, value)) == 0:
return (replacements, value, None,)
inlines = re.finditer(pattern, value)
for inline_code in inlines:
lang ='lang')
except IndexError:
lang = None
text = colorize('code'), lang=lang)
text_hash = md5(text.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
replacements.append([text_hash, text])
value = re.sub(pattern, text_hash, value, count=1)
return (replacements, value, True,)
def filter_gist(value):
Look for any [gist][gist] blocks, fetch gist code (if applicable) and
syntax highlight it
Return hash of text that needs to be replaced
gist_base_url = ''
replacements = []
pattern = re.compile('\[gist (\d+) *\]', flags=re.IGNORECASE)
ids = re.findall(pattern, value)
if not len(ids):
return (replacements, value, None,)
for gist_id in ids:
gist_text = ""
lang = None
resp = requests.get('%s%d' % (gist_base_url, int(gist_id)))
if resp.status_code != 200:
return (replacements, value, None,)
content = json.loads(resp.content)
# Go through all files in gist and smash 'em together
for name in content['files']:
_file = content['files'][name]
# try and get the language of the file either
# by passing filename or by passing the language
# specified
if 'filename' in _file:
lang = _file['filename']
elif 'language' in _file:
lang = _file['language']
gist_text += "%s" % (colorize(_file['content'], lang=lang))
if content['comments'] > 0:
gist_text += """
<p class="github_convo">
Join the conversation on
<a href="%s#comments">github</a>
(%d comments)
</p>""" % (content['html_url'], content['comments'])
text_hash = md5(gist_text.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
replacements.append([text_hash, gist_text])
value = re.sub(pattern, text_hash, value, count=1)
return (replacements, value, True,)
def colorize(value, lang=None):
Syntax highlight given text based on the language of choice
If no language is provided, try to guess (not reliable).
return highlight(value, get_lexer(value, lang), HtmlFormatter())
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
# Hack path with first argument
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
import requests
import markdown
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name, get_lexer_for_filename, \
guess_lexer, get_all_lexers
print explosivo(
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