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Last active December 24, 2017 17:15
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Creating RESTful API's with Spark microframework using Java
import spark.Request;
import javax.servlet.MultipartConfigElement;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.Part;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import static spark.Spark.*;
public class Server {
private static String STORAGE = "storage";
public static void main(String[] args) {
File storageDir = new File(STORAGE);
if (!storageDir.isDirectory()) storageDir.mkdir();
post("/upload", (req, res) -> uploadFile(req));
get("/download/:file", (req, res) -> downloadFile(req.params(":file")));
get("/count", (req, res) -> countFiles());
delete("/delete/:file", (req, res) -> deleteFile(req.params(":file")));
private static String uploadFile(Request request) {
// TO allow for multipart file uploads
request.attribute("org.eclipse.jetty.multipartConfig", new MultipartConfigElement(""));
try {
// "file" is the key of the form data with the file itself being the value
Part filePart = request.raw().getPart("file");
// The name of the file user uploaded
String uploadedFileName = filePart.getSubmittedFileName();
InputStream stream = filePart.getInputStream();
// Write stream to file under storage folder
Files.copy(stream, Paths.get(STORAGE).resolve(uploadedFileName),
} catch (IOException | ServletException e) {
return "Exception occurred while uploading file" + e.getMessage();
return "File successfully uploaded";
private static String downloadFile(String fileName) {
Path filePath = Paths.get(STORAGE).resolve(fileName);
File file = filePath.toFile();
if (file.exists()) {
try {
// Read from file and join all the lines into a string
return Files.readAllLines(filePath).stream().collect(Collectors.joining());
} catch (IOException e) {
return "Exception occurred while reading file" + e.getMessage();
return "File doesn't exist. Cannot download";
private static int countFiles() {
// Count the number of files in the storage folder
return new File(STORAGE).listFiles().length;
private static String deleteFile(String fileName) {
File file = Paths.get(STORAGE).resolve(fileName).toFile();
if (file.exists()) {
return "File deleted";
} else {
return "File " + fileName + " doesn't exist";
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