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Created May 12, 2019 03:11
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react virtualized data grid clojurescript
(defn row [ctx k]
^{:key (pr-str k)}
[:> js/ReactVirtualized.Column
{:label (reagent.core/as-element [hyperfiddle.ui/field [k] ctx])
:dataKey (hypercrud.transit/encode k)
(fn [m]
(let [k (hypercrud.transit/decode (aget m "dataKey"))
ctx (aget m "rowData")
#_#_ctx (hypercrud.browser.context/attribute ctx k)]
;(hypercrud.browser.context/data ctx)
[hyperfiddle.ui/field [k] ctx])))
:width 60}])
(defn cell [ctx jm]
(let [columnIndex (goog.object/get jm "columnIndex")
rowIndex (goog.object/get jm "rowIndex")
react-key (goog.object/get jm "key")
style (goog.object/get jm "style")
cols (hypercrud.browser.context/children ctx)
row (get @(:hypercrud.browser/result ctx) rowIndex)
row-key (hypercrud.browser.context/row-key ctx row)
ctx (hypercrud.browser.context/row ctx row-key)
col-key (get (vec cols) columnIndex)
#_#_ctx (hypercrud.browser.context/attribute ctx col-key)]
[:div {:key react-key :style style}
#_[hyperfiddle.ui/field [col-key] ctx]
(pr-str [c r])
(defn rv-grid [ctx props]
(let [ctx (assoc ctx
;:hypercrud.browser/head-sentinel true
:hyperfiddle.ui/layout :hyperfiddle.ui.layout/table)
items (hypercrud.browser.context/data ctx)]
[:> js/ReactVirtualized.AutoSizer
(fn [m]
[:> js/ReactVirtualized.Grid
{:cellRenderer (partial cell ctx)
:columnCount (count (hypercrud.browser.context/children ctx))
:columnWidth 60
:height 300
:className "inspector hyperfiddle unp"
:width (aget m "width")
:rowHeight 30
:rowCount (count items)}]))]))
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