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Created October 28, 2011 02:12
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Compositional interpreter for lambda calculus as Visitor in Java for @ccshan @djspiewak @kaleidic
// Compositional evaluator as visitor
import java.math.BigInteger;
// Syntax
interface Exp {
<X> X accept(Visitor<X> v);
interface Visitor<X> {
<X> X visit(String x);
<X> X visit(String x, Exp e);
<X> X visit(Exp l, Exp r);
class Var implements Exp {
String x;
Var(String x) {
this.x = x;
public <X> X accept(Visitor<X> v) {
return v.visit(this.x);
class Lam implements Exp {
String x;
Exp e;
Lam(String x, Exp e) {
this.x = x;
this.e = e;
public <X> X accept(Visitor<X> v) {
return v.visit(this.x, this.e);
class App implements Exp {
Exp left;
Exp right;
App(Exp left, Exp right) {
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
public <X> X accept(Visitor<X> v) {
return v.visit(this.left, this.right);
// Values
// A Value is a function or an integer
interface Value {
Value apply(Value v);
BigInteger getConst();
abstract class Function implements Value {
public BigInteger getConst() {
throw new Error("Not an integer");
class Const implements Value {
BigInteger i;
Const(BigInteger i) {
this.i = i;
public BigInteger getConst() { return this.i; }
public Value apply(Value v) {
throw new Error("Not a function");
// Environments
abstract class Env {
abstract public Value lookup(String x);
public Env extend(String x, Value v) {
return new Cons_Env(x, v, this);
class MT_Env extends Env {
public Value lookup(String x) {
throw new Error("Unbound variable: " + x);
class Cons_Env extends Env {
String x;
Value v;
Env rest;
Cons_Env(String x, Value v, Env rest) {
this.x = x;
this.v = v; = rest;
public Value lookup(String y) {
return this.x.equals(y) ? this.v : rest.lookup(y);
// Semantics
class Eval implements Visitor<Value> {
Env env;
Eval(Env env) {
this.env = env;
public Value visit(String x) {
return env.lookup(x);
public Value visit(final String x, final Exp e) {
return new Function() {
public Value apply(Value v) {
return e.accept(new Eval(env.extend(x, v)));
public Value visit(Exp l, Exp r) {
return l.accept(this).apply(r.accept(this));
// Split environment into compile-time and run-time lists
interface List<X> {
int lookup(X x);
X get(int i);
List<X> cons(X x);
class MT<X> implements List<X> {
public int lookup(X x) {
throw new Error("Unbound: " + x.toString());
public X get(int i) {
throw new Error("Invalid index");
public List<X> cons(X x) {
return new Cons<X>(x, this);
class Cons<X> implements List<X> {
X first;
List<X> rest;
Cons(X first, List<X> rest) {
this.first = first; = rest;
public int lookup(X x) {
return x.equals(this.first) ? 0 : 1 +;
public X get(int i) {
return i==0 ? this.first :;
public List<X> cons(X x) {
return new Cons<X>(x, this);
interface Computation {
Value run(List<Value> renv);
class Compile implements Visitor<Computation> {
List<String> env;
Compile(List<String> env) {
this.env = env;
public Computation visit(String x) {
final int i = env.lookup(x);
return new Computation() {
public Value run(List<Value> renv) {
return renv.get(i);
public Computation visit(String x, Exp e) {
final Computation c = e.accept(new Compile(this.env.cons(x)));
return new Computation() {
public Value run(final List<Value> renv) {
return new Function() {
public Value apply(Value v) {
public Computation visit(Exp l, Exp r) {
final Computation cl = l.accept(this);
final Computation cr = r.accept(this);
return new Computation() {
public Value run(List<Value> renv) {
// An example
public class Evaluator {
public static void main(String [] args) {
Exp prog =
new Lam("f",
new Lam("x",
new App(new Var("f"),
new App(new Var("f"),
new Var("x")))));
Value twice = prog.accept(new Eval(new MT_Env()));
Value add1 = new Function () {
public Value apply(Value v) {
return new Const(v.getConst().add(BigInteger.ONE));
Value res =
// Don't even *think* about applying twice another time.
.apply(new Const(BigInteger.ZERO));
System.out.println(res.getConst()); // 65536
Computation cprog =
new App(new App(new App(prog,prog), prog), prog)
.accept(new Compile(new MT<String>()));
Value cres = MT<Value>()).apply(add1)
.apply(new Const(BigInteger.ZERO));
System.out.println(cres.getConst()); // 65536
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