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Created August 27, 2024 16:06
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(def log-store (atom {}))
(defn debug [tag val]
(swap! log-store update-in [tag] #(conj (or % []) val))
(defn logs
[tag & functions]
(let [tag (if (number? tag)
(nth (keys @log-store) tag)
(loop [values (@log-store tag)
functions functions]
(if (seq functions)
(recur ((first functions) values)
(rest functions))
(defn same-values? [x]
(if (= 1 (count (set x)))
(defn tags []
(->> @log-store
(reduce-kv #(assoc %1 [(count %3) (same-values? %3) %2] (last %3)) {})
(map-indexed hash-map)
(into [])))
(defn debug-data-reader [form]
`(debug (quote ~form) ~form))
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