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Last active December 8, 2023 16:01
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Add a hot-corner to access task view in windows 10
;The Problem:
; I love the hotcorner(s) in GNOME & KDE, and kept finding myself
; trying to use them since I've been forced to use windows 10 (winshit).
;My solution:
; download & install:
; save this script with the extension ".ahk"
; click on the script to start it and/or set it to launch automatically.
SetTimer, HotCorners, 0
taskOverview := false
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
; get desktop size
WinGetPos, X, Y, Xmax, Ymax, Program Manager
; adjust tolerance value if desired
T = 2
MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
; any of these can be used to have a different hot corner
Corner := (MouseY < T and MouseX < T) ; top left
;Corner := (MouseY < T and MouseX > Xmax - T) ; top right
;Corner := (MouseY > Ymax - T and MouseX < T) ; bottom left
;Corner := (MouseY > Ymax - T and MouseX > Xmax - T) ; bottom right
; top-left hot-corner-hit => send super + tab
if Corner {
; press <super> + <tab>
Send, {LWin down}{tab down}
taskOverview := !taskOverview
; move mouse to center of screen towards apps
if taskOverview {
;MouseMove, Xmax/2, Ymax/2
; unpress <super> + <tab>
Send, {LWin up}{tab up}
; prevent retriggering
Sleep, 250
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