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Created November 2, 2011 23:10
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My implementation of feature sign search for L1 minimization.
L1-penalized minimization using the feature sign search algorithm.
import logging
import numpy as np
log = logging.getLogger("feature_sign")
def feature_sign_search(dictionary, signal, sparsity, solution=None):
Solve an L1-penalized minimization problem with the feature
sign search algorithm of Lee et al (2006).
dictionary : array_like, 2-dimensional
The dictionary of basis functions from which to form the
sparse linear combination.
signal : array_like, 1-dimensional
The signal being decomposed as a sparse linear combination
of the columns of the dictionary.
sparsity : float
The coefficient on the L1 penalty term of the cost function.
solution : ndarray, 1-dimensional, optional
Pre-allocated vector to use to store the solution.
solution : ndarray, 1-dimensional
Vector containing the solution. If an array was passed in
as the argument `solution`, it will be updated in place
and the same object will be returned.
.. [1] H. Lee, A. Battle, R. Raina, and A. Y. Ng. "Efficient
sparse coding algorithms". Advances in Neural Information
Processing Systems 19, 2007.
effective_zero = 1e-18
# precompute matrices for speed.
gram_matrix =, dictionary)
target_correlation =, signal)
# initialization goes here.
if solution is None:
solution = np.zeros(gram_matrix.shape[0])
assert solution.ndim == 1, "solution must be 1-dimensional"
assert solution.shape[0] == dictionary.shape[1], (
"solution.shape[0] does not match dictionary.shape[1]"
# Initialize all elements to be zero.
solution[...] = 0.
signs = np.zeros(gram_matrix.shape[0], dtype=np.int8)
active_set = set()
z_opt = np.inf
# Used to store max(abs(grad[nzidx] + sparsity * signs[nzidx])).
# Set to 0 here to trigger a new feature activation on first iteration.
nz_opt = 0
# second term is zero on initialization.
grad = - 2 * target_correlation # + 2 *, solution)
max_grad_zero = np.argmax(np.abs(grad))
# Just used to compute exact cost function.
sds =, signal)
while z_opt > sparsity or not np.allclose(nz_opt, 0):
if np.allclose(nz_opt, 0):
candidate = np.argmax(np.abs(grad) * (signs == 0))
log.debug("candidate feature: %d" % candidate)
if grad[candidate] > sparsity:
signs[candidate] = -1.
solution[candidate] = 0.
log.debug("added feature %d with negative sign" %
elif grad[candidate] < -sparsity:
signs[candidate] = 1.
solution[candidate] = 0.
log.debug("added feature %d with positive sign" %
if len(active_set) == 0:
log.debug("Non-zero coefficient optimality not satisfied, "
"skipping new feature activation")
indices = np.array(sorted(active_set))
restr_gram = gram_matrix[np.ix_(indices, indices)]
restr_corr = target_correlation[indices]
restr_sign = signs[indices]
rhs = restr_corr - sparsity * restr_sign / 2
# TODO: implement footnote 3.
# If restr_gram becomes singular, check if rhs is in the column
# space of restr_gram.
# If so, use the pseudoinverse instead; if not, update to first
# zero-crossing along any direction in the null space of restr_gram
# such that it has non-zero dot product with rhs (how to choose
# this direction?).
new_solution = np.linalg.solve(np.atleast_2d(restr_gram), rhs)
new_signs = np.sign(new_solution)
restr_oldsol = solution[indices]
sign_flips = np.where(abs(new_signs - restr_sign) > 1)[0]
if len(sign_flips) > 0:
best_obj = np.inf
best_curr = None
best_curr = new_solution
best_obj = (sds + (,, new_solution))
- 2 *, restr_corr))
+ sparsity * abs(new_solution).sum())
if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
# Extra computation only done if the log-level is
# sufficient.
ocost = (sds + (,, restr_oldsol))
- 2 *, restr_corr))
+ sparsity * abs(restr_oldsol).sum())
cost = (sds +,, new_solution))
- 2 *, restr_corr)
+ sparsity * abs(new_solution).sum())
log.debug("Cost before linesearch (old)\t: %e" % ocost)
log.debug("Cost before linesearch (new)\t: %e" % cost)
ocost = None
for idx in sign_flips:
a = new_solution[idx]
b = restr_oldsol[idx]
prop = b / (b - a)
curr = restr_oldsol - prop * (restr_oldsol - new_solution)
cost = sds + (,, curr))
- 2 *, restr_corr)
+ sparsity * abs(curr).sum())
log.debug("Line search coefficient: %.5f cost = %e "
"zero-crossing coefficient's value = %e" %
(prop, cost, curr[idx]))
if cost < best_obj:
best_obj = cost
best_prop = prop
best_curr = curr
log.debug("Lowest cost after linesearch\t: %e" % best_obj)
if ocost is not None:
if ocost < best_obj and not np.allclose(ocost, best_obj):
log.debug("Warning: objective decreased from %e to %e" %
(ocost, best_obj))
log.debug("No sign flips, not doing line search")
best_curr = new_solution
solution[indices] = best_curr
zeros = indices[np.abs(solution[indices]) < effective_zero]
solution[zeros] = 0.
signs[indices] = np.int8(np.sign(solution[indices]))
grad = - 2 * target_correlation + 2 *, solution)
z_opt = np.max(abs(grad[signs == 0]))
nz_opt = np.max(abs(grad[signs != 0] + sparsity * signs[signs != 0]))
return solution
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hungmat commented Feb 23, 2018

The code works very well, thank you so much

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