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Derek Willis dwillis

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dwillis /
Last active April 6, 2022 16:56
spatialite install


brew install libspatialite

geojson-to-sqlite toxmap.db hotspots hotspot_perimeters_for_data_store.geojson --spatialite

datasette toxmap.db --load-extension=spatialite


import os
import csv
from dateutil.parser import parse
from slack import WebClient
from slack.errors import SlackApiError
slack_token = os.environ["SLACK_API_TOKEN"]
client = WebClient(token=slack_token)
march_27 = parse('3/27/2022').date()
dwillis / group2_question_1.Rmd
Last active March 7, 2022 20:07
Calculating police shootings' gender percentage with guns
# create dataframe of all shootings by gender
all_police_shootings_by_gender <- fatal_police_shootings %>%
group_by(gender) %>%
summarise(count=n()) %>%
# create separate dataframes for each gender
all_shootings_men <- all_police_shootings_by_gender %>%
filter(gender == 'M')
Sample template for basic filtering, mutate and group_by with count
my_result <- original_data %>%
filter(some_column == "some value") %>%
mutate(some_column=str_to_title(some_column)) %>%
group_by(some_column) %>%
summarise(new_aggregate = n()) %>%
F3XNC00694323WINREDPO BOX 9891ARLINGTONVA22219MYP20222021010120210630OttenhoffBenjamin20210728506.45258275844.90258276351.35258275634.48716.870.00105821.00228991233.65826.00228992059.650.0098300.00229090359.650.
allegany_sums_all <- allegany_athletics %>%
group_by(county, year) %>%
summarise(boys_total = sum(boys_participants), girls_total = sum(girls_participants)) %>%
select(county, year, boys_total, girls_total)
allegany_sums_without_cau <- allegany_athletics %>%
filter( %>%
group_by(county, year) %>%
summarise(boys_without_cs = sum(boys_participants), girls_without_cs = sum(girls_participants)) %>%
select(county, year, boys_without_cs, girls_without_cs)
dwillis / merrill.r
Last active October 11, 2021 17:51
html <- read_html("")
# get faculty/staff names
names <- html %>% html_nodes(".card-title") %>% html_text()
# get titles
dwillis / example.R
Last active September 27, 2021 18:38
my_data %>%
category = case_when(
amount < 10000 ~ 'under_10k',
amount < 50000 ~ '10k_50k',
amount < 100000 ~ '50k_100k',
amount < 500000 ~ '100k_500k',
amount < 1000000 ~ '500k_1m',
amount > 1000000 ~ '1m_plus'
results <- data.frame()
years <- c('2021','2020')
for (year in years) {
data_dir <- str_c("/Users/dwillis/code/wbb/fiba/", year)