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Forked from davidlamarwheeler/Tags+CKForm.html
Last active May 12, 2018 11:13
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This code was forked from and modified by Daan Wilmer
The instructions should be quite clear: follow the REPLACE directions to get the basic form set up.
For questions you can contact [email protected] — I can't always help, as much is from ConvertKit, but I'll do my best whenever I have time.
<script src=""></script>
<div class="ck_form ck_naked">
<div class="ck_form_fields">
<!-- REPLACE {formId} on the line below with the ID of your form -->
<form method="POST" id="ck_subscribe_form" class="ck_subscribe_form" action="{formId}/subscribe" data-remote="true">
<!-- REPLACE {formId} on the line below with the ID of your form -->
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="{formId}" id="landing_page_id">
<!-- REPLACE {apiKey} on the line below with your API key (find it at -->
<input type="hidden" name="api_key" value="{apiKey}" />
<div class="ck_errorArea">
<div id="ck_error_msg" style="display:none">
<p>There was an error submitting your subscription. Please try again.</p>
<div class="ck_control_group ck_email_field_group">
<label class="ck_label" for="ck_emailField" style="display: none">Email Address</label>
<input type="text" name="name" class="ck_first_name" id="ck_firstNameField" placeholder="FIRST NAME">
<input type="email" name="email" class="ck_email_address" id="ck_emailField" placeholder="EMAIL ADDRESS" required>
<!-- This is your the custom tag-select, REPLACE {tagId} to match tag
IDs. You can find IDs for tags but looking at the URL for your tag.
This right here ↑
<!-- REPLACE, on the line below, the sentence between the '>' and '<' with the question you want to ask-->
<legend>Which tag would you like to select?</legend>
<!-- Perform, on the lines below (between the line with "START BELOW THIS LINE" and the line with </fieldset>), the following things:
- For each line, REPLACE {tagID} with a tag ID, as described above
- For each line, REPLACE {Tag label} with the label you want, corresponding to the correct tag. This will be the text visible next to the radio button.
- If you want to add another tag, copy the first line and paste it between the last one and the line with </fieldset>, then update the two occurrences of "tags_tag1" to match the next number, for example "tags_tag4" if there is already a "tags_tag3", or "tags_tag5" is "tags_tag4" is taken as well. Most importantly, these two should be the same on the same line and different from the other lines.
- If you want to remove a tag, simply remove the line — you don't have to change the other lines.
<input name="tags" type="radio" value="{tagId}" id="tags_tag1" required="required"/><label class="tag" for="tags_tag1">{Tag label}</label>
<input name="tags" type="radio" value="{tagId}" id="tags_tag2" required="required"/><label class="tag" for="tags_tag2">{Tag label}</label>
<input name="tags" type="radio" value="{tagId}" id="tags_tag3" required="required"/><label class="tag" for="tags_tag3">{Tag label}</label>
</div> <!-- /.ck_control_group (this is a note to programmers, you don't have to do anything with it) -->
<button class="subscribe_button ck_subscribe_button btn fields button" id="ck_subscribe_button">
</div> <!-- /.ck_form_fields (this is a note to programmers, you don't have to do anything with it) -->
</div> <!-- /.ck_form (this is a note to programmers, you don't have to do anything with it) -->
/* Put your custom styles here. Or grab the styles from another ConvertKit
form and place them here. */
<script type="text/javascript">
/* This script handles submission and redirect */
function overrideCKFormHandler() { (function ($) {
$("document").ready(function ($) {
form = $("form#ck_subscribe_form");"submit");
form.submit(function(e) {
var subButton = form.find("#ck_subscribe_button");
var btnText = subButton.text();
var successMsg = form.parent().find("#ck_success_msg");
var errorMsg = form.find("#ck_error_msg");
subButton.prop("disabled", true).text("Subscribing...");
var showErrorMsg = function() {
errorMsg.parent("div").css("display", "block");
errorMsg.css("opacity", "0").fadeTo(250, 1);
data = form.serializeArray();
if (!!document.referrer) {
data.push({ name: "referrer", value: document.referrer});
if (form.find(".optIn").is(":checked")) {
data.push({name: "course_opted", value: true})
url: form.attr("action"),
data: data,
method: "POST",
success: function (response) {
/* REPLACE {thankYouUrl} on the line below with your thank you page URL */
window.location.href = "{thankYouURL}"
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
subButton.prop("disabled", false).text(btnText);
})(window.ckJQ); }
function overrideCKFormWhenReady() {
if(window.ckJQ) { overrideCKFormHandler(); }
else { overrideCKFormWhenReady(); }
}, 300);
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