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Created July 11, 2010 08:28
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import random
class Lineage:
""" Model one independantly evolving lineage """
def __init__(self, complexity= 0, min = None):
self.complexity = complexity
self.min = min
def __repr__(self):
return "Lineage(%s, %s, %s)" % (self.complexity, self.min)
def generation(self, report = False):
""" do the evolution (get more or less complex)"""
self.complexity += random.normalvariate(0, 0.01)
if min:
if self.complexity < self.min:
self.complexity = self.min
if report:
return "complexity:%s" % self.complexity
def run(self, generations = 100, log=None):
""" Run a simulation with one lineage over several generations"""
for generation in range(generations):
if log:
log.write("%s,%s\n" % (generation, self.complexity))
print "complexity after %s generations: %s" % (generation, self.complexity)
class Simulation:
""" Run a simulation with many lineages
'Generations' sets the number of generations to run the simulation, "species"
is the equlibrium number of species to maintain in each population (the point
at which the speciation rate and the extinction rate are balanced) and
"turnover" sets both the extinction and speciation rate at that balance. The
population of evoling lineages is stored as a tuple list ([id, Lineage())...]
In order to get multiple species into the population early on, the speciation
rate is elevated (5x) before the equilibrium point is met and extinction
doesn't kick in untill half the equilibrium population is in place.
def __init__(self, generations= 500, species = 50, turnover = 0.005, min= None):
self.generations = generations
self.species = species
self.turnover = turnover
self.min = min
L = Lineage(min=self.min)
self.lineage_count = 1
self.population = [(1,L)]
def _speciate(self, rate):
""" Create a new lineage that inherits its parents complexity """
new_species = []
for i, L in self.population:
if random.random() < rate:
self.lineage_count += 1
new_species.append((self.lineage_count, Lineage(complexity=L.complexity, min=self.min)) )
self.population += new_species
def _cladogenesis(self):
""" Kill of some lineges, duplicate others """
if len(self.population) > self.species/2:
self.population = [L for L in self.population if
random.random() > self.turnover]
if len(self.population) < self.species:
self._speciate(self.turnover * 5)
def _csv_line(self, tup, generation):
""" Converts information in a (lineage ID, lineage) tuple to string"""
return "%s, %s, %s\n" % (tup[0], generation, tup[1].complexity)
def generation(self, report= False):
""" Evolve for one generation with extinction/speciation and complexity """
for i, L in self.population:
if report:
print [L for i, L in self.population]
def run(self, log, header = True):
""" Run a simulation over many generations """
if header:
log.write("lineage, generation, complexity\n")
for generation in range(self.generations):
log.writelines([ self._csv_line(t, generation) for t in self.population])
def main():
s = Simulation(generations = 300, species = 20)"test.csv", "w"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
theme_set( theme_bw() )
test <- read.csv("test.csv")
#take a look
p <- ggplot(test, aes(generation, complexity, group=as.factor(replicate)))
p + geom_line()
# which lineages get past 0.5 complexity?
max.complexity <- tapply(test$complexity, as.factor(test$lineage), max)
colour <- ifelse(max.complexity > 0.5, "red", "grey")
p2 <- ggplot(test, aes(generation, complexity, colour=as.factor(replicate)))
p2 + geom_line(size=0.2, alpha=0.3) + scale_colour_manual(values=colour)
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