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Last active August 8, 2022 17:06
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  • Save dwiyatci/740a52a08eb6147baa1f0be9b4f38785 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Jest Timers and Promises in polling.
const pollingPromise = poll();
const cancelAdvance = advanceTimersContinuously();
const status = await pollingPromise;
function advanceTimersContinuously() {
let isCancelled = false;
async function advance() {
let mockSetTimeoutFnCallCount = 0;
while (!isCancelled) {
// 1. Make sure the setTimeout mock being queued to be called.
await Promise.resolve();
const isMockSetTimeoutFnBeingCalled =
mockSetTimeoutFnCallCount !== setTimeout.mock.calls.length;
if (isMockSetTimeoutFnBeingCalled) {
mockSetTimeoutFnCallCount = setTimeout.mock.calls.length;
// 2. Fast forward and exhaust only currently pending timers.
// 3. Flush the "PromiseJobs".
await Promise.resolve();
return () => {
isCancelled = true;
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