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Last active November 8, 2022 03:16
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  • Save dwyn/559af8a6cdbec71f1463c0b65b522fba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dwyn/559af8a6cdbec71f1463c0b65b522fba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
tap "homebrew/cask"
tap "buo/cask-upgrade"
tap "homebrew/cask-fonts"
brew "antidote"
brew "ca-certificates"
brew "chezmoi"
brew "chrome-export"
brew "gdbm"
brew "gettext"
brew "httpie"
brew "libtermkey"
brew "gnupg"
brew "libuv"
brew "libvterm"
brew "luajit"
brew "luv"
brew "mpdecimal"
brew "ranger"
brew "msgpack"
brew "tree-sitter"
brew "neovim"
brew "mas"
brew "[email protected]"
brew "unibilium"
brew "[email protected]"
brew "xz"
brew "git"
brew "readline"
brew "zsh-async"
brew "mas"
brew "speedtest-cli" #
brew "htop" # cli activity monitor
brew "cask"
brew "nvm" #
brew "tmux"
brew "wget" #
brew "ranger"
brew "k9s"
cask "font-fira-code"
mas "One Thing", id: 1604176982
mas "Hand Mirror", id: 1502839586
mas "Smart Countdown Timer", id: 1410709951
mas "gifski", id: 1351639930
mas "Clean My Mac", id: 1339170533
mas "Fantastical", id: 975937182
mas "Amphetamine", id: 937984704
mas "Unzip - RAR ZIP 7Z Unarchive", id: 1537056818
mas "Presentify", id: 1507246666
mas "Smart Countdown Timer", id: 1410709951
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