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Created October 4, 2016 20:17
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import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import com.rockymadden.stringmetric.similarity.NGramMetric
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import sqlContext.implicits._
import java.util.UUID
import com.datastax.spark.connector._
object BlockingUtils {
object MatchingConfig {
// Matching configs
case class NGramMethod(gram: Int)
case class ExactMethod()
val config = Map(
"normalized_first_name" -> NGramMethod(2),
"normalized_middle_name" -> NGramMethod(2),
"normalized_last_name" -> NGramMethod(2),
"normalized_postal_address" -> NGramMethod(2),
"normalized_email_address" -> NGramMethod(2),
"normalized_phone_number" -> ExactMethod,
"normalized_date_of_birth" -> ExactMethod,
"normalized_primary_language" -> ExactMethod,
"normalized_gender" -> ExactMethod)
val fieldsToCompare = Seq(
// End of matching configs
object UDFS {
val uuidUdf = udf(() => UUID.randomUUID().toString)
def applyComparison[T]: (String, String, (String, String) => T) => Option[T] =
(str1: String, str2: String, comparisonMethod: (String, String) => T) => {
def isValid = (str: String) => Option(str).exists(s => s.nonEmpty && s != "null")
if (isValid(str1) && isValid(str2)) Some(comparisonMethod(str1, str2))
else None
val nGramUdf = (gram: Int) => udf[Double, String, String] {
(str1: String, str2: String) => {
val matcher = (s1: String, s2: String) => NGramMetric(gram).compare(s1, s2).getOrElse(0.0)
applyComparison(str1, str2, matcher).getOrElse(-1.0)
val exactUdf = udf[Double, String, String] {
(str1: String, str2: String) => {
val matcher = (s1: String, s2: String) => if (s1 == s2) 1 else 0
applyComparison(str1, str2, matcher).map(_.toDouble).getOrElse(-1.0)
// If both field x columns are populated, size++, sum+=x_sim
val meanUdf = udf[Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double] {
(d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9) => {
Seq(d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9).filter(_ != -1.0) match {
case filteredList if filteredList.nonEmpty => filteredList.sum / filteredList.size
case _ => 0.0
* Load a cassandra table into a dataframe
* @param tableName Name of the table
* @param keyspace Name of the keyspace
* @param cluster Name of the cluster
def loadTableIntoDF(tableName: String, keyspace: String = "doppler", cluster: String = "cpark") =
"table" -> tableName,
"keyspace" -> keyspace,
"cluster" -> cluster)).load()
* Create a blocked and joined data frame
* @param df Dataframe to operate on, usually the blocking normalized profile data frame
* @param blockingKey Blocking key, if there are more than one, all of them will be treated as a composite blocking key
* @return
def blockedAndJoinedDF(df: DataFrame, blockingKey: Seq[String]) = {
def addPostfixForDFColumns(cols: Iterable[String], df: DataFrame, postfix: String) =
cols.foldLeft(df)((df, colName) => df.withColumnRenamed(colName, s"$colName$postfix"))
val joinExpr = blockingKey.foldLeft($"profile_id_1" < $"profile_id_2")((expr, blockingKey) =>
expr && $"${blockingKey}_1" === $"${blockingKey}_2"
&& !isnull($"${blockingKey}_1")
&& !isnull($"${blockingKey}_2")
&& ($"${blockingKey}_1" !== lit("null"))
&& ($"${blockingKey}_2" !== lit("null"))
val cols = df.columns
val df1 = addPostfixForDFColumns(cols, df, "_1")
val df2 = addPostfixForDFColumns(cols, df, "_2")
df1.join(df2, joinExpr)
* Calculate the similarity for blocked and joined data frame
* @param blockedAndJoinedDF The blocked and joined data frame
def calculateSimilarityForBlockedAndJoinedDF(blockedAndJoinedDF: DataFrame) = {
val matchedDF = MatchingConfig.fieldsToCompare.foldLeft(blockedAndJoinedDF)((df, fieldToCompare) => {
val config = MatchingConfig.config.get(fieldToCompare)
config match {
case Some(MatchingConfig.NGramMethod(gram)) =>
df.withColumn(s"${fieldToCompare}_sim", UDFS.nGramUdf(gram)(df(s"${fieldToCompare}_1"), df(s"${fieldToCompare}_2")))
case Some(MatchingConfig.ExactMethod) =>
df.withColumn(s"${fieldToCompare}_sim", UDFS.exactUdf(df(s"${fieldToCompare}_1"), df(s"${fieldToCompare}_2")))
case _ =>
// Calculate the mean sim score
matchedDF.withColumn("mean_sim", UDFS.meanUdf(
* Persist a data frame into cassandar
* @param df The dataframe to be persisted
* @param keyspace Keyspace to persist to
* @param table Table to persist to
* @param saveMode Save mode
def persistDataFrame(df: DataFrame, keyspace: String, table: String, saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Append) {
.options(Map("keyspace" -> keyspace, "table" -> table))
* Load normalized profiles into a dataframe and cache it
def loadNormalizedProfiles = {
.distinct // Drop the profile id and do a distinct for deduping
.withColumn("profile_id", BlockingUtils.UDFS.uuidUdf()) // Then we add a new profile id
def getBlockingKeysByProperty(property: String): Seq[Seq[String]] = property match {
case "30100" => Seq(
Seq("normalized_last_name", "normalized_first_name_first_3"),
Seq("normalized_last_name_first_3", "normalized_postal_address")
case x if Seq("GOVERN", "LUCIA").contains(x) => Seq(
Seq("normalized_first_name", "normalized_last_name_first_3"),
Seq("normalized_last_name_first_3", "normalized_postal_address")
case _ => Seq(
Seq("normalized_last_name_first_3", "normalized_postal_address")
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