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Dylan Chong dylan-chong

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* I am dylan-chong on github.
* I am dylanchongspoke1 ( on keybase.
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dylan-chong / gist:a6ee667dd1ebdcc48b4d2546a8180776
Created December 26, 2023 03:22
Get HTML table data out into tsv
console.log(Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('tr')).map(tr => Array.from(tr.getElementsByTagName('td')).map(td => td.innerText).join('\t')).join('\n'))
dylan-chong / activity-monitor-memory-grouper.ex
Created October 3, 2023 03:21
Select all on the memory page of the Mac Activity Monitor and then run the script. It will add up how much all of the similar processes (e.g., add up to)
IO.puts "Reading activity monitor data from clipboard:"
{activity_monitor_data, 0} = System.cmd("pbpaste", [])
memory_grouped_by_name =
|> String.split("\n")
|> Enum.filter(fn line ->
match? [_name, _size | _], String.split(line, "\t")
|> line ->
var pattern = /\b(SEARCHTERM)\b/
.forEach(con =>
|| con.remove()
find . -type f | while read file; do echo "$(date -r "$file" "+%s %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" " $file"; done > filechangedates
cat filechangedates | sort -n
dylan-chong /
Created October 13, 2022 01:11
[MacOS] See what files are getting read/written
sudo fs_usage -f filesys | grep my-directory
dylan-chong / vim-as-bash-scriptable-editor.bash
Last active July 23, 2022 14:31
Bash command to add `, async: true` to a given file
nvim test/hello.exs -c 'execute "normal! gg/use ExUnit.Case\<CR>A, async: true\<Esc>:wq\<CR>"' -u NONE --headless
dylan-chong / adguard
Created March 28, 2020 23:51
Adguard blacklist/block time-wasting feed pages
dylan-chong / download-songs-by-name.rb
Created December 28, 2019 00:44
Download a list of songs by name
# Requires spotdl and youtube-dl to installed with python3
# Should be a list of search query text for spotify (e.g. `Song Name Artist Name`)
SONG_LIST_FILE = '/Users/Dylan/Desktop/songs.txt'.freeze
OUTPUT_FOLDER = '/Users/Dylan/Desktop/songs'.freeze
File.foreach(SONG_LIST_FILE) do |line|
command = [
dylan-chong / do-not-disturb-toggler-high-sierra.scpt
Last active December 3, 2024 11:52
(* setDoNotDisturb function based on *)
set workTimeLengthInSeconds to 60 * 10
set breakTimeLengthInSeconds to 60 * 1
on setDoNotDisturb(shouldBeOn)
(* Note 1: The 1 after menu bar may need to be changed to 2 when using multiple monitors *)
(* Note 2: For 10.11 and newer “NotificationCenter” is now spelled “Notification Center”*)
(* Note 3: The alert must be shown before toggling do not disturb mode, as doing the toggling requires pressing the option key, and we don't want to disturb the user's typing *)
tell application "System Events"