I hereby claim:
- I am dyve on github.
- I am dyve (https://keybase.io/dyve) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASAdkJR1vzlXCq64lVOVxXthcugfI7UP_e-RTX3DB-tsWAo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
# Python versions for matrix | |
language: python | |
python: | |
- "2.7" | |
- "2.6" | |
- "3.2" | |
- "3.3" | |
- "3.4" | |
# Django versions for matrix |
.table-container th.asc:after { | |
content: '\0000a0\0025b2'; | |
} | |
.table-container th.desc:after { | |
content: '\0000a0\0025bc'; | |
} | |
.pagination { | |
text-align: center; | |
} |
dyve:~ dylan$ brew install osm2pgsql | |
Error: This is a head-only formula; install with `brew install --HEAD osm2pgsql` | |
dyve:~ dylan$ brew install --HEAD osm2pgsql==> Checking out http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/utils/export/osm2pgsql/==> ./autogen.sh | |
./autogen.sh: line 2: autoreconf: command not found | |
==> Exit Status: 127 | |
http://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/blob/master/Library/Formula/osm2pgsql.rb#L8 | |
==> Environment | |
require 'formula' | |
require 'net/http' | |
This is the Homebrew formula for PHP's PostgreSQL modules. | |
class PhpPostgresql <Formula | |
homepage 'http://www.php.net/' |