#!/usr/bin/python |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup |
import urllib |
import re |
import shlex |
import subprocess |
from urlparse import parse_qs |
import httplib |
from urlparse import urlparse |
import os |
import time |
debug = False |
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib.urlopen('http://chromeos.hexxeh.net/').read()) |
## {{{ http://code.activestate.com/recipes/541096/ (r1) |
def confirm(prompt=None, resp=False): |
"""prompts for yes or no response from the user. Returns True for yes and |
False for no. |
'resp' should be set to the default value assumed by the caller when |
user simply types ENTER. |
>>> confirm(prompt='Create Directory?', resp=True) |
Create Directory? [y]|n: |
True |
>>> confirm(prompt='Create Directory?', resp=False) |
Create Directory? [n]|y: |
False |
>>> confirm(prompt='Create Directory?', resp=False) |
Create Directory? [n]|y: y |
True |
""" |
if prompt is None: |
prompt = 'Confirm' |
if resp: |
prompt = '%s [%s]|%s: ' % (prompt, 'y', 'n') |
else: |
prompt = '%s [%s]|%s: ' % (prompt, 'n', 'y') |
while True: |
ans = raw_input(prompt) |
if not ans: |
return resp |
if ans not in ['y', 'Y', 'n', 'N']: |
print 'please enter y or n.' |
continue |
if ans == 'y' or ans == 'Y': |
return True |
if ans == 'n' or ans == 'N': |
return False |
## end of http://code.activestate.com/recipes/541096/ }}} |
def get_head(name, req): |
url = urlparse(req) |
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url.netloc) |
conn.request('HEAD', url.path + '?' + url.query) |
res = conn.getresponse() |
return res.getheader(name) |
def run(cmd, d=False, shell=False): |
# print 'cwd', os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) |
print cmd |
if not debug or d: |
proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, |
shell=False) |
(curlstdout, curlstderr) = proc.communicate() |
# print '|', curlstdout + curlstderr, '|' |
return curlstdout + curlstderr |
def find_croot(): |
disk = run('bash -c "ls /dev/disk/by-label/ -all | grep C-ROOT"', True).split('/') |
print 'C-ROOT is :', disk[len(disk) - 1] |
if confirm(prompt='Is this correct?', resp=True): |
return disk[len(disk) - 1] |
else: |
return input('Enter correct disk? (sdd5)?') |
def unzip(verzija): |
run('unzip ' + verzija + '-chromeos.zip') |
def kpartx(verzija): |
# http://blog.vodkamelone.de/archives/137-Mounting-a-disk-image-containing-several-partitions.html |
disk = find_croot() |
run('kpartx -a -v ChromeOS-Vanilla-' + verzija + '.img') |
time.sleep(5) |
run('dd if=/dev/mapper/loop0p3 of=/dev/' + disk) |
time.sleep(5) |
run('fsck /dev/' + disk + ' -fy') |
time.sleep(5) |
# run('mount /dev/mapper/loop0p3 /mnt/ -o loop,ro') |
# Time.sleep(5) |
# run('bash -c "cd /mnt; tar cvf ' + loc + '/chromeos.tar opt/"') |
# time.sleep(5) |
# run('umount /mnt/') |
# time.sleep(5) |
run('kpartx -d -v ChromeOS-Vanilla-' + verzija + '.img') |
def curl(zip_image, verzija): |
run('curl -C - -z ' + verzija + '-chromeos.zip -L ' + zip_image + ' -o ' + verzija |
+ '-chromeos.zip') |
def get_version(lin): |
url = parse_qs(lin['href']) |
return str(url['build'][0]) |
def main(): |
# http://chromeos.hexxeh.net/download.php?track=vanilla&build=2556.0.2012_07_07_1636-rccf8f959&type=usb |
linki = soup.find_all(href=re.compile('track=vanilla.+type=usb')) |
i = 1 |
for lin in linki: |
print '(', i, ')', get_version(lin) |
i += 1 |
# break |
verzija = get_version(linki[int(input('Choose version to download?')) - 1]) |
zip_image = get_head('location', 'http://chromeos.hexxeh.net/download.php?track=vanilla&build=' |
+ verzija + '&type=usb') |
size = int(get_head('content-length', zip_image)) |
try: |
size_local = int(os.stat(verzija + '-chromeos.zip').st_size) |
except Exception: |
size_local = 0 |
print 'size', size |
print 'size local', size_local |
if size != size_local: |
curl(zip_image, verzija) |
unzip(verzija) |
kpartx(verzija) |
# http://distribution.hexxeh.net/archive/vanilla/2591.0.2012_07_13_1633-rd712ae90/ChromeOS-Vanilla-2591.0.2012_07_13_1633-rd712ae90.zip |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
main() |
I'm using the latest arnoldthebat image.
When using this scripts i get several directory error's.
For example "/opt/google/chrome/pepper/", the pepper directory does not exists on my build.
I noticed when I copied the files manually that the system does not create the pepper directory but that the copied files get's the name pepper. The system becomes unusable after this.
So maybe it's better to try to create all dirs in advance like the mozilla plugin dir.
Same happens with /usr/lib/chromo