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Last active April 30, 2022 18:53
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  • Save eNV25/3a75790eb171f6effb416fcb80d9d510 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save eNV25/3a75790eb171f6effb416fcb80d9d510 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
color0 #000000
color1 #d81029
color2 #00c172
color3 #e2e800
color4 #1571ce
color5 #c824c2
color6 #00aad1
color7 #e5e5e5
color8 #666666
color9 #fe3646
color10 #00d684
color11 #f2f800
color12 #2e8df1
color13 #e163dc
color14 #00badf
color15 #e5e5e5
background #1e2429
selection_foreground #1e2429
cursor #e5e5e5
foreground #d1d5da
selection_background #d1d5da
#define Ansi_0_Color #000000
#define Ansi_1_Color #d81029
#define Ansi_2_Color #00c172
#define Ansi_3_Color #e2e800
#define Ansi_4_Color #1571ce
#define Ansi_5_Color #c824c2
#define Ansi_6_Color #00aad1
#define Ansi_7_Color #e5e5e5
#define Ansi_8_Color #666666
#define Ansi_9_Color #fe3646
#define Ansi_10_Color #00d684
#define Ansi_11_Color #f2f800
#define Ansi_12_Color #2e8df1
#define Ansi_13_Color #e163dc
#define Ansi_14_Color #00badf
#define Ansi_15_Color #e5e5e5
#define Background_Color #1e2429
#define Cursor_Text_Color #1e2429
#define Cursor_Color #e5e5e5
#define Foreground_Color #d1d5da
#define Selected_Text_Color #dde0e3
#define Selection_Color #5b5f62
# Colors (github-vscode-dark)
black: '#666666'
blue: '#2e8df1'
cyan: '#00badf'
green: '#00d684'
magenta: '#e163dc'
red: '#fe3646'
white: '#e5e5e5'
yellow: '#f2f800'
cursor: '#e5e5e5'
text: '#1e2429'
black: '#000000'
blue: '#1571ce'
cyan: '#00aad1'
green: '#00c172'
magenta: '#c824c2'
red: '#d81029'
white: '#e5e5e5'
yellow: '#e2e800'
background: '#1e2429'
foreground: '#d1d5da'
background: '#5b5f62'
text: '#dde0e3'
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