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Created August 11, 2011 17:17
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  • Save ePirat/1140222 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ePirat/1140222 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Crap Script © ePirat
-- by MacScripter User Nigel Garvey
on switchText(t, r, s)
set d to text item delimiters
set text item delimiters to s
set t to t's text items
set text item delimiters to r
tell t to set t to item 1 & ({""} & rest)
set text item delimiters to d
end switchText
-- END
-- IsRunning Snipped from
on ApplicationIsRunning(appName)
tell application "System Events" to set appNameIsRunning to exists (processes where name is appName)
return appNameIsRunning
end ApplicationIsRunning
-- END
on textualcmd(cmd)
set itunesstring to (do shell script "defaults read com.textualnowplaying itunesstring")
on error
do shell script "defaults write com.textualnowplaying itunesstring -string 'Now playing %title by %artist [%pos/%length]'"
set itunesstring to "Now playing %title by %artist [%pos/%length]"
end try
set glue to (do shell script "defaults read com.textualnowplaying glue")
on error
do shell script "defaults write com.textualnowplaying glue 'and'"
set glue to "and"
end try
set expyt to (do shell script "defaults read com.textualnowplaying yt")
on error
do shell script "defaults write com.textualnowplaying yt FALSE"
set expyt to false
end try
set ignoremute to (do shell script "defaults read com.textualnowplaying ignoremute")
on error
do shell script "defaults write com.textualnowplaying ignoremute TRUE"
set ignoremute to true
end try
if ApplicationIsRunning("iTunes") then
tell application "iTunes"
if player state is playing then
if (ignoremute as boolean is true) and (sound volume is equal to 0) then
set itunes to false
set itunes to true
--Calc player pos in min and sec
set itunespos to player position
set itunesposmin to (itunespos div 60)
set itunespossec to (itunespos - (itunesposmin * 60))
if (itunespossec < 10) then set itunespossec to ("0" & itunespossec) as text
set itunespos to (itunesposmin & ":" & itunespossec) as text
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, itunespos, "%pos")
set dada to current track's artist
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, current track's artist, "%artist")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's name), "%title")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's album), "%album")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's album artist), "%albumartist")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's album rating), "%albumrating")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's bit rate), "%bitrate")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's bpm), "%bpm")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's category), "%category")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's comment), "%comment")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's composer), "%composer")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's date added as text), "%added")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's description), "%description")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's disc count), "%disccount")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's disc number), "%discnumber")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's disc count), "%disccount")
--Calc duration in min and sec
--set theduration to current track's duration
--set durationmin to (theduration div 60)
--set durationsec to (theduration - (durationmin * 60))
--if (durationsec < 10) then set durationsec to ("0" & durationsec) as text
--set theduration to (durationmin & ":" & (round (durationsec))) as text
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's time as text), "%length")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's genre), "%genre")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's played count), "%playcount")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's rating), "%rating")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's release date), "%date")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (((current track's sample rate) / 1000)), "%samplerate")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's episode number), "%episode")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's season number), "%season")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's release date), "%date")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's track count), "%tracklen")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's track number), "%tracknr")
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (current track's track number), "%tracknr")
if (current track's video kind as text) is "none" then
if current track's podcast as boolean is true then
set thekind to "Podcast"
set thekind to "Music"
end if
set thekind to current track's video kind
end if
set itunesstring to my switchText(itunesstring, (thekind), "%kind")
return itunesstring as «class utf8»
end if
set itunes to false
return player state
end if
end tell
end if
if ApplicationIsRunning("QuickTime Player") then
tell application "QuickTime Player"
set countwindow to 1
set test to ""
set test to test & (document countwindow's playing)
set countwindow to countwindow + 1
on error
exit repeat
end try
end repeat
return test
end tell
end if
end textualcmd
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