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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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C Coding Style proposal for Icecast

C Coding Style

Proposal for Icecast


Indent with (4) spaces, no tabs.
A Line Should Not Exceed 80 Characters.

Brace Placement

All if, while, for and do statements should either have braces or be on a single line. Do not put parens next to keywords. Put a space between.

if (foo == 1) {
    /* code */
} else {
    /* code */

For complex conditions you can put spaces in the start and the end of the statement, if it helps readability:

if ( (a > 5) && (b < 3) || (a < 7) && (!b) && (func(test_var) << 7) == 5 ) {
    /* code */

One line form:

if (somevalue == 1) somevalue = 2;

(Should be used only where it really makes sense and stays readable)

If Then Else Formatting

Recommended way:

if (condition) {
    /* code */
} else if (condition) {
    /* code */
} else {
    /* code */

switch Formatting

Falling through a case statement into the next case statement shall be permitted as long as a comment is included.

switch (something) {
    case 1:
        /* code */
    case 2:
        /* code */
    /* fall through */
    case 3:
        /* code */
        /* code */


(condition) ? funct1() : func2();


    ? long statement
    : another long statement;


Functions should limit themselves to a single page of code. Unlike conditions, functions should have the curly brace on a newline. No whitespace between function name and brace.

static void test(client_t *client, const char *mount)
    /* code */

If variable list is too long, break it as follow

static void test(client_t	*client,
                 const char	*mount)
    /* code */

Macros and inline functions

Don't change syntax via macro substitution. Macros for small tasks are ok, longer ones should be, when possible, inline functions

inline int max(int a, int b)
    return (a > b) ? a : b;

When putting expressions in macros always wrap the expression in parenthesis

#define ADD(x,y) ((x) + (y))


For comments, // should never be used but instead /* comment here */.

If the comment is about what a special if case does, it should be on the next line:

if (ret == 0) {
    /* nothing to do */

Multiline comment should have text on the first line, but not on the last:

/* This is text on the first line
 * an here is even more cool text
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