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Created July 22, 2013 20:13
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Save eXpl0it3r/6057215 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Stroke - A dirty port to SFML 2.0
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include "Stroke.hpp"
int main()
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "Stroke");
Stroke my_stroke;
my_stroke.SetJointLinearSpeed(0, -20);
int i = 0;
sf::Clock clock;
float dt = clock.restart().asSeconds();
sf::Event event;
if(event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
my_stroke.AddJoint(400, 300);
// Headers
#include "Stroke.hpp"
#include <SFML/OpenGL.hpp>
const float myRand(float low, float high)
return static_cast<float>(std::rand()) / RAND_MAX * (high - low) + low;
// Constructeur
Stroke::Joint::Joint() :
Stroke::Stroke() :
random_thickness(1, 1),
// Accesseurs
const sf::Vector2f & Stroke::GetJointLinearSpeed() const
return joint_linear_speed;
unsigned int Stroke::GetMaxJoints() const
return max_joints;
float Stroke::GetMaxLength() const
return max_length;
float Stroke::GetMinSegmentLength() const
return min_segment_length;
float Stroke::GetJointLifetime() const
return joint_lifetime;
float Stroke::GetThickness() const
return thickness;
float Stroke::GetMaxRandomThickness() const
return random_thickness.y;
float Stroke::GetMinRandomThickness() const
return random_thickness.x;
float Stroke::GetStartThickness() const
return start_thickness;
float Stroke::GetEndThickness() const
return end_thickness;
float Stroke::GetOffset() const
return stroke_offset;
float Stroke::GetStartSweep() const
return start_sweep;
float Stroke::GetEndSweep() const
return end_sweep;
Stroke::SweepStyle Stroke::GetStartSweepStyle() const
return start_sweep_style;
Stroke::SweepStyle Stroke::GetEndSweepStyle() const
return end_sweep_style;
float Stroke::GetStippling() const
return stippling;
float Stroke::GetShaking() const
return shaking;
const sf::Color & Stroke::GetStartInnerColor() const
return start_inner_color;
const sf::Color & Stroke::GetStartOuterColor() const
return start_outer_color;
const sf::Color & Stroke::GetEndInnerColor() const
return end_inner_color;
const sf::Color & Stroke::GetEndOuterColor() const
return end_outer_color;
const sf::Texture & Stroke::GetTexture() const
return texture;
const sf::IntRect & Stroke::GetSubRect() const
return sub_rect;
bool Stroke::IsSymetric() const
return symetric;
float Stroke::GetTextureOffset() const
return texture_offset;
float Stroke::GetTexturePan() const
return texture_pan;
float Stroke::GetLength()
return length;
const sf::FloatRect & Stroke::GetBoundingBox()
return bounding_box;
bool Stroke::IsDrawable() const
if(joints.size() < 2 || thickness == 0.f || stippling == 1.f)
return false;
return true;
// Modificateurs de l'objet
void Stroke::SetJointLinearSpeed(float x, float y)
SetJointLinearSpeed(sf::Vector2f(x, y));
void Stroke::SetJointLinearSpeed(const sf::Vector2f & joint_linear_speed)
this->joint_linear_speed = joint_linear_speed;
void Stroke::SetMaxJoints(unsigned int max_joints)
this->max_joints = max_joints;
void Stroke::SetMaxLength(float max_length)
this->max_length = max_length;
void Stroke::SetMinSegmentLength(float min_segment_length)
this->min_segment_length = min_segment_length;
void Stroke::SetJointLifetime(float joint_lifetime)
this->joint_lifetime = joint_lifetime;
void Stroke::SetThickness(float thickness)
this->thickness = thickness;
is_compiled = false;
void Stroke::SetRandomThickness(float min, float max)
random_thickness.x = min;
random_thickness.y = max;
void Stroke::SetStartThickness(float start_thickness)
this->start_thickness = ToRange(start_thickness);
is_compiled = false;
void Stroke::SetEndThickness(float end_thickness)
this->end_thickness = ToRange(end_thickness);
is_compiled = false;
void Stroke::SetOffset(float stroke_offset)
this->stroke_offset = ToRange(stroke_offset, -1.f);
is_compiled = false;
void Stroke::SetSweep(float sweep)
is_compiled = false;
void Stroke::SetStartSweep(float start_sweep)
this->start_sweep = ToRange(start_sweep);
is_compiled = false;
void Stroke::SetEndSweep(float end_sweep)
this->end_sweep = ToRange(end_sweep);
is_compiled = false;
void Stroke::SetSweepStyle(Stroke::SweepStyle sweep_style)
this->start_sweep_style = sweep_style;
this->end_sweep_style = sweep_style;
is_compiled = false;
void Stroke::SetStartSweepStyle(Stroke::SweepStyle start_sweep_style)
this->start_sweep_style = start_sweep_style;
is_compiled = false;
void Stroke::SetEndSweepStyle(Stroke::SweepStyle end_sweep_style)
this->end_sweep_style = end_sweep_style;
is_compiled = false;
void Stroke::SetStippling(float stippling)
this->stippling = ToRange(stippling);
void Stroke::SetShaking(float shaking)
this->shaking = shaking;
void Stroke::SetLoop(bool loop)
this->loop = loop;
is_compiled = false;
void Stroke::SetDrawMode(Stroke::DrawMode draw_mode)
this->draw_mode = draw_mode;
void Stroke::SetInnerColor(const sf::Color & inner_color)
this->start_inner_color = inner_color;
this->end_inner_color = inner_color;
is_compiled = false;
void Stroke::SetOuterColor(const sf::Color & outer_color)
this->start_outer_color = outer_color;
this->end_outer_color = outer_color;
is_compiled = false;
void Stroke::SetStartInnerColor(const sf::Color & start_inner_color)
this->start_inner_color = start_inner_color;
is_compiled = false;
void Stroke::SetStartOuterColor(const sf::Color & start_outer_color)
this->start_outer_color = start_outer_color;
is_compiled = false;
void Stroke::SetEndInnerColor(const sf::Color & end_inner_color)
this->end_inner_color = end_inner_color;
is_compiled = false;
void Stroke::SetEndOuterColor(const sf::Color & end_outer_color)
this->end_outer_color = end_outer_color;
is_compiled = false;
void Stroke::SetTexture(const sf::Texture & texture, bool adjust_to_new_size)
if(adjust_to_new_size && (texture.getSize().x > 0) && (texture.getSize().y > 0))
SetSubRect(sf::IntRect(0, 0, texture.getSize().x, texture.getSize().y));
this->texture = texture;
draw_mode = Textured;
void Stroke::SetSubRect(const sf::IntRect & sub_rect)
this->sub_rect = sub_rect;
void Stroke::SetSymetric(bool symetric)
this->symetric = symetric;
void Stroke::SetTextureOffset(float texture_offset)
this->texture_offset = texture_offset;
void Stroke::MoveTexture(float texture_offset)
this->texture_offset += texture_offset;
void Stroke::SetTexturePan(float texture_pan)
if(texture_pan < 1)
this->texture_pan = 1;
this->texture_pan = texture_pan;
bool Stroke::AddJoint(float x, float y, bool precompile)
return AddJoint(sf::Vector2f(x, y), precompile);
bool Stroke::AddJoint(const sf::Vector2f & position, bool precompile)
Joint joint;
joint.position = position;
joint.birth_time = time;
joint.thickness_scale = myRand(random_thickness.x, random_thickness.y);
is_length_compiled = false;
return true;
bool joint_added = false;
// Adding joints
float angle = Angle(joints[joints.size()-1].position, position);
sf::Vector2f last_point_position = joints[joints.size()-1].position;
int i = 0;
while(Distance(joints[joints.size()-1].position, position) >= min_segment_length)
joint.position = last_point_position + ToVector(angle, (i + 1) * min_segment_length);
joint.thickness_scale = myRand(random_thickness.x, random_thickness.y);
is_compiled = false;
is_length_compiled = false;
joint_added = true;
if(joints[joints.size()-1].position != position)
is_compiled = false;
is_length_compiled = false;
joint_added = true;
if(precompile && joints.size() >= 3)
return joint_added;
bool Stroke::AddJoint(float x, float y, float thickness_scale, bool precompile)
return AddJoint(sf::Vector2f(x, y), thickness_scale, precompile);
bool Stroke::AddJoint(const sf::Vector2f & position, float thickness_scale, bool precompile)
Joint joint;
joint.position = position;
joint.birth_time = time;
joint.thickness_scale = thickness_scale;
is_length_compiled = false;
return true;
bool joint_added = false;
// Adding joints
float angle = Angle(joints[joints.size()-1].position, position);
sf::Vector2f last_point_position = joints[joints.size()-1].position;
int i = 0;
while(Distance(joints[joints.size()-1].position, position) >= min_segment_length)
joint.position = last_point_position + ToVector(angle, (i + 1) * min_segment_length);
is_compiled = false;
is_length_compiled = false;
joint_added = true;
if(joints[joints.size()-1].position != position)
is_compiled = false;
is_length_compiled = false;
joint_added = true;
return joint_added;
void Stroke::Clear()
void Stroke::Calculate(float time_interval)
// Deleting unwanted points
/* Removing if
- max joint counter is reached
- max length is reached
- points life is passed*/
while((joints.size() > max_joints && max_joints) || (GetLength() > max_length && max_length) || (time - joints[0].birth_time > joint_lifetime && joint_lifetime > 0))
is_compiled = false;
is_length_compiled = false;
// Moving lefting points
if(joint_linear_speed != sf::Vector2f(0.f, 0.f))
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < joints.size(); i++)
joints[i].position += joint_linear_speed * time_interval;
joints[i].upper_point += joint_linear_speed * time_interval;
joints[i].lower_point += joint_linear_speed * time_interval;
time += time_interval;
void Stroke::draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const
case Solid:
DrawSolid(target, states);
case Textured:
DrawTexture(target, states);
case Monochrome:
DrawMonochrome(target, states);
case WireFrame:
DrawWireframe(target, states);
DrawMonochrome(target, states);
void Stroke::DrawSolid(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const
states.texture = nullptr;
for(unsigned int i = 1; i < joints.size(); i++)
DrawSolidBloc(target, states, i, i-1);
DrawSolidBloc(target, states, 0, joints.size()-1);
void Stroke::DrawSolidBloc(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states, unsigned int current_joint, unsigned int previous_joint) const
sf::Vector2f center_previous = ((stippling)? joints[previous_joint].position * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[current_joint].position * (stippling/2.f) : joints[previous_joint].position) + joints[previous_joint].offset;
sf::Vector2f center_next = ((stippling)? joints[current_joint].position * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[previous_joint].position * (stippling/2.f) : joints[current_joint].position) + joints[current_joint].offset;
sf::Vector2f upper_previous = ((stippling)? joints[previous_joint].upper_point * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[current_joint].upper_point * (stippling/2.f) : joints[previous_joint].upper_point) + joints[previous_joint].offset;
sf::Vector2f upper_next = ((stippling)? joints[current_joint].upper_point * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[previous_joint].upper_point * (stippling/2.f) : joints[current_joint].upper_point) + joints[current_joint].offset;
sf::Vector2f lower_previous = ((stippling)? joints[previous_joint].lower_point * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[current_joint].lower_point * (stippling/2.f) : joints[previous_joint].lower_point) + joints[previous_joint].offset;
sf::Vector2f lower_next = ((stippling)? joints[current_joint].lower_point * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[previous_joint].lower_point * (stippling/2.f) : joints[current_joint].lower_point) + joints[current_joint].offset;
// First Side
sf::VertexArray first(sf::TrianglesStrip, 4);
first[0].position = center_previous;
first[0].color = joints[previous_joint].inner_color;
first[1].position = center_next;
first[1].color = joints[current_joint].inner_color;
first[2].position = upper_previous;
first[2].color = joints[previous_joint].outer_color;
first[3].position = upper_next;
first[3].color = joints[current_joint].outer_color;
// Second Side
sf::VertexArray second(sf::TrianglesStrip, 4);
second[0].position = center_previous;
second[0].color = joints[previous_joint].inner_color;
second[1].position = center_next;
second[1].color = joints[current_joint].inner_color;
second[2].position = lower_previous;
second[2].color = joints[previous_joint].outer_color;
second[3].position = lower_next;
second[3].color = joints[current_joint].outer_color;
target.draw(first, states);
target.draw(second, states);
void Stroke::DrawTexture(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const
if(texture.getSize().x > 0)
const sf::FloatRect coords(sub_rect.left / texture.getSize().x, / texture.getSize().y,
sub_rect.width / texture.getSize().x, sub_rect.height / texture.getSize().y);
states.texture = &texture;
// We repeat the texture to ensure no gap will appear between two blocs
float offset = std::fmod(texture_offset, 1.f);
if(offset < 0.f)
offset += 1.f;
float previous_accumulator = offset;
float offset_accumulator = offset;
bool is_integer = (texture_pan == (int)texture_pan);
for(unsigned int i = 1; i < joints.size(); i++)
sf::Vector2f center_previous = ((stippling)? joints[i-1].position * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[i].position * (stippling/2.f) : joints[i-1].position) + joints[i-1].offset;
sf::Vector2f center_next = ((stippling)? joints[i].position * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[i-1].position * (stippling/2.f) : joints[i].position) + joints[i].offset;
sf::Vector2f upper_previous = ((stippling)? joints[i-1].upper_point * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[i].upper_point * (stippling/2.f) : joints[i-1].upper_point) + joints[i-1].offset;
sf::Vector2f upper_next = ((stippling)? joints[i].upper_point * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[i-1].upper_point * (stippling/2.f) : joints[i].upper_point) + joints[i].offset;
sf::Vector2f lower_previous = ((stippling)? joints[i-1].lower_point * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[i].lower_point * (stippling/2.f) : joints[i-1].lower_point) + joints[i-1].offset;
sf::Vector2f lower_next = ((stippling)? joints[i].lower_point * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[i-1].lower_point * (stippling/2.f) : joints[i].lower_point) + joints[i].offset;
previous_accumulator = offset_accumulator;
offset_accumulator += 1/texture_pan;
float alpha = (1.f - previous_accumulator) / (offset_accumulator - previous_accumulator);
// Testing if the bloc is split by the texture
if(offset_accumulator > 1.f)
sf::Vector2f lower_separator = lower_next * alpha + lower_previous * (1.f - alpha);
sf::Vector2f center_separator = center_next * alpha + center_previous * (1.f - alpha);
sf::Vector2f upper_separator = upper_next * alpha + upper_previous * (1.f - alpha);
sf::FloatRect left_bloc_coords = coords;
left_bloc_coords.width = coords.width / texture_pan * alpha;
left_bloc_coords.left += coords.width * previous_accumulator;
sf::FloatRect right_bloc_coords = coords;
right_bloc_coords.width = coords.width / texture_pan * (1.f - alpha);
// Splitting
// First part
DrawTexturedBloc(target, states, upper_previous, upper_separator, center_previous, center_separator, lower_previous, lower_separator, left_bloc_coords);
// Second part
DrawTexturedBloc(target, states, upper_separator, upper_next, center_separator, center_next, lower_separator, lower_next, right_bloc_coords);
offset_accumulator -= 1.f;
sf::FloatRect bloc_coords = coords;
bloc_coords.width = coords.width / texture_pan;
if(previous_accumulator >= 1.f)
bloc_coords.left += coords.width * (previous_accumulator - 1.f);
bloc_coords.left += coords.width * previous_accumulator;
// Normal rendering
DrawTexturedBloc(target, states, upper_previous, upper_next, center_previous, center_next, lower_previous, lower_next, bloc_coords);
unsigned int current_joint = 0;
unsigned int previous_joint = joints.size()-1;
sf::Vector2f center_previous = ((stippling)? joints[previous_joint].position * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[current_joint].position * (stippling/2.f) : joints[previous_joint].position) + joints[previous_joint].offset;
sf::Vector2f center_next = ((stippling)? joints[current_joint].position * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[previous_joint].position * (stippling/2.f) : joints[current_joint].position) + joints[current_joint].offset;
sf::Vector2f upper_previous = ((stippling)? joints[previous_joint].upper_point * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[current_joint].upper_point * (stippling/2.f) : joints[previous_joint].upper_point) + joints[previous_joint].offset;
sf::Vector2f upper_next = ((stippling)? joints[current_joint].upper_point * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[previous_joint].upper_point * (stippling/2.f) : joints[current_joint].upper_point) + joints[current_joint].offset;
sf::Vector2f lower_previous = ((stippling)? joints[previous_joint].lower_point * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[current_joint].lower_point * (stippling/2.f) : joints[previous_joint].lower_point) + joints[previous_joint].offset;
sf::Vector2f lower_next = ((stippling)? joints[current_joint].lower_point * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[previous_joint].lower_point * (stippling/2.f) : joints[current_joint].lower_point) + joints[current_joint].offset;
previous_accumulator = offset_accumulator;
offset_accumulator += 1/texture_pan;
float alpha = (1.f - previous_accumulator) / (offset_accumulator - previous_accumulator);
// Testing if the bloc is split by the texture
if(offset_accumulator > 1.f)
sf::Vector2f lower_separator = lower_next * alpha + lower_previous * (1.f - alpha);
sf::Vector2f center_separator = center_next * alpha + center_previous * (1.f - alpha);
sf::Vector2f upper_separator = upper_next * alpha + upper_previous * (1.f - alpha);
sf::FloatRect left_bloc_coords = coords;
left_bloc_coords.width = coords.width / texture_pan * alpha;
left_bloc_coords.left += coords.width * previous_accumulator;
sf::FloatRect right_bloc_coords = coords;
right_bloc_coords.width = coords.width / texture_pan * (1.f - alpha);
// Splitting
// First part
DrawTexturedBloc(target, states, upper_previous, upper_separator, center_previous, center_separator, lower_previous, lower_separator, left_bloc_coords);
// Second part
DrawTexturedBloc(target, states, upper_separator, upper_next, center_separator, center_next, lower_separator, lower_next, right_bloc_coords);
offset_accumulator -= 1.f;
sf::FloatRect bloc_coords = coords;
bloc_coords.width = coords.width / texture_pan;
if(previous_accumulator >= 1.f)
bloc_coords.left += coords.width * (previous_accumulator - 1.f);
bloc_coords.left += coords.width * previous_accumulator;
// Normal rendering
DrawTexturedBloc(target, states, upper_previous, upper_next, center_previous, center_next, lower_previous, lower_next, bloc_coords);
DrawMonochrome(target, states);
void Stroke::DrawTexturedBloc(sf::RenderTarget & target, sf::RenderStates states, const sf::Vector2f & TopLeft, const sf::Vector2f & TopRight, const sf::Vector2f & CenterLeft, const sf::Vector2f & CenterRight, const sf::Vector2f & BottomLeft, const sf::Vector2f & BottomRight, const sf::FloatRect & TexCoords) const
sf::VertexArray first(sf::TrianglesStrip, 4);
first[0].position = CenterLeft;
first[0].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(TexCoords.left, TexCoords.height +;
first[1].position = CenterRight;
first[1].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(TexCoords.width + TexCoords.left, TexCoords.height +;
first[2].position = TopLeft;
first[2].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(TexCoords.left,;
first[3].position = TopRight;
first[3].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(TexCoords.width + TexCoords.left,;
sf::VertexArray second(sf::TrianglesStrip, 4);
second[0].position = CenterLeft;
second[0].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(TexCoords.left, TexCoords.height +;
second[1].position = CenterRight;
second[1].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(TexCoords.width + TexCoords.left, TexCoords.height +;
second[2].position = BottomLeft;
second[2].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(TexCoords.left,;
second[3].position = BottomRight;
second[3].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(TexCoords.width + TexCoords.left,;
target.draw(first, states);
target.draw(second, states);
sf::VertexArray first(sf::TrianglesStrip, 4);
first[0].position = TopLeft;
first[0].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(TexCoords.left, TexCoords.height +;
first[1].position = TopRight;
first[1].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(TexCoords.width + TexCoords.left, TexCoords.height +;
first[2].position = BottomLeft;
first[2].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(TexCoords.left,;
first[3].position = BottomRight;
first[3].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(TexCoords.width + TexCoords.left,;
target.draw(first, states);
void Stroke::DrawMonochrome(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const
states.texture = nullptr;
for(unsigned int i = 1; i < joints.size(); i++)
DrawMonochromeBloc(target, states, i, i-1);
DrawMonochromeBloc(target, states, 0, joints.size()-1);
void Stroke::DrawMonochromeBloc(sf::RenderTarget & target, sf::RenderStates states, unsigned int current_joint, unsigned int previous_joint) const
sf::Vector2f center_previous = ((stippling)? joints[previous_joint].position * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[current_joint].position * (stippling/2.f) : joints[previous_joint].position) + joints[previous_joint].offset;
sf::Vector2f center_next = ((stippling)? joints[current_joint].position * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[previous_joint].position * (stippling/2.f) : joints[current_joint].position) + joints[current_joint].offset;
sf::Vector2f upper_previous = ((stippling)? joints[previous_joint].upper_point * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[current_joint].upper_point * (stippling/2.f) : joints[previous_joint].upper_point) + joints[previous_joint].offset;
sf::Vector2f upper_next = ((stippling)? joints[current_joint].upper_point * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[previous_joint].upper_point * (stippling/2.f) : joints[current_joint].upper_point) + joints[current_joint].offset;
sf::Vector2f lower_previous = ((stippling)? joints[previous_joint].lower_point * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[current_joint].lower_point * (stippling/2.f) : joints[previous_joint].lower_point) + joints[previous_joint].offset;
sf::Vector2f lower_next = ((stippling)? joints[current_joint].lower_point * (1.f - stippling/2.f) + joints[previous_joint].lower_point * (stippling/2.f) : joints[current_joint].lower_point) + joints[current_joint].offset;
// First Side
sf::VertexArray first(sf::TrianglesStrip, 4);
first[0].position = center_previous;
first[1].position = center_next;
first[2].position = upper_previous;
first[3].position = upper_next;
// Second Side
sf::VertexArray second(sf::TrianglesStrip, 4);
first[0].position = center_previous;
first[1].position = center_next;
first[2].position = lower_previous;
first[3].position = lower_next;
target.draw(first, states);
target.draw(second, states);
void Stroke::DrawWireframe(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const
states.texture = nullptr;
std::size_t size = joints.size();
sf::VertexArray first(sf::LinesStrip, size);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < joints.size(); i++)
first[i].position = sf::Vector2f(joints[i].position.x + joints[i].offset.x, joints[i].position.y + joints[i].offset.y);
first[size-1].position = first[0].position;
sf::VertexArray second(sf::LinesStrip, size);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < joints.size(); i++)
second[i].position = sf::Vector2f(joints[i].upper_point.x + joints[i].offset.x, joints[i].upper_point.y + joints[i].offset.y);
second[i].color = sf::Color(128, 128, 128);
second[size-1].position = second[0].position;
second[size-1].color = second[0].color;
sf::VertexArray third(sf::LinesStrip, size);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < joints.size(); i++)
third[i].position = sf::Vector2f(joints[i].lower_point.x + joints[i].offset.x, joints[i].lower_point.y + joints[i].offset.y);
third[i].color = sf::Color(128, 128, 128);
third[size-1].position = third[0].position;
third[size-1].color = third[0].color;
sf::VertexArray forth(sf::Lines, 2*joints.size());
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < joints.size(); i++)
forth[i].position = sf::Vector2f(joints[i].upper_point.x + joints[i].offset.x, joints[i].upper_point.y + joints[i].offset.y);
forth[i].color = sf::Color(128, 128, 128);
forth[i+1].position = sf::Vector2f(joints[i].lower_point.x + joints[i].offset.x, joints[i].lower_point.y + joints[i].offset.y);
forth[i+1].color = sf::Color(128, 128, 128);
sf::VertexArray fifth(sf::LinesStrip, 5);
fifth[0].position = sf::Vector2f(bounding_box.left,;
fifth[0].color = sf::Color(32, 164, 32);
fifth[1].position = sf::Vector2f(bounding_box.left, + bounding_box.height);
fifth[1].color = sf::Color(32, 164, 32);
fifth[2].position = sf::Vector2f( + bounding_box.height, + bounding_box.height);
fifth[2].color = sf::Color(32, 164, 32);
fifth[3].position = sf::Vector2f(bounding_box.left + bounding_box.width,;
fifth[3].color = sf::Color(32, 164, 32);
fifth[4].position = fifth[0].position;
fifth[4].color = fifth[0].color;
target.draw(first, states);
target.draw(second, states);
target.draw(third, states);
target.draw(forth, states);
target.draw(fifth, states);
bool Stroke::Compile()
if(joints.size() < 2)
return false;
float total_length = GetLength();
// Determining joints' angles
// First joint
joints[0].angle = Angle(joints[0].position, joints[1].position);
// Calculating in and out angles
float angle1 = Angle(joints[joints.size()-1].position, joints[0].position);
float angle2 = Angle(joints[0].position, joints[1].position);
// Calculating joint angle
joints[0].angle = (angle1 + angle2)/2.f;
// In certain cases, previous line give the opposite of the wanted angle, applying correction if so
if(Sign(angle1) != Sign(angle2) && ((angle1 > 90 || angle1 < -90) || (angle2 > 90 || angle2 < -90)) && (Norm(angle1) + Norm(angle2) > 180))
if(Sign(joints[0].angle) == 1)
joints[0].angle -= 180;
joints[0].angle += 180;
// Last joint
joints[joints.size()-1].angle = Angle(joints[joints.size()-2].position, joints[joints.size()-1].position);
// Calculating in and out angles
float angle1 = Angle(joints[joints.size()-2].position, joints[joints.size()-1].position);
float angle2 = Angle(joints[joints.size()-1].position, joints[0].position);
// Calculating joint angle
joints[joints.size()-1].angle = (angle1 + angle2)/2.f;
// In certain cases, previous line give the opposite of the wanted angle, applying correction if so
if(Sign(angle1) != Sign(angle2) && ((angle1 > 90 || angle1 < -90) || (angle2 > 90 || angle2 < -90)) && (Norm(angle1) + Norm(angle2) > 180))
if(Sign(joints[joints.size()-1].angle) == 1)
joints[joints.size()-1].angle -= 180;
joints[joints.size()-1].angle += 180;
// First joint
joints[0].angle = Angle(joints[0].position, joints[1].position);
// Last joint
joints[joints.size()-1].angle = Angle(joints[joints.size()-2].position, joints[joints.size()-1].position);
// other joints
for(unsigned int i = 1; i < joints.size()-1; i++)
// Calculating in and out angles
float angle1 = Angle(joints[i-1].position, joints[i].position);
float angle2 = Angle(joints[i].position, joints[i+1].position);
// Calculating joint angle
joints[i].angle = (angle1 + angle2)/2.f;
// In certain cases, previous line give the opposite of the wanted angle, applying correction if so
if(Sign(angle1) != Sign(angle2) && ((angle1 > 90 || angle1 < -90) || (angle2 > 90 || angle2 < -90)) && (Norm(angle1) + Norm(angle2) > 180))
if(Sign(joints[i].angle) == 1)
joints[i].angle -= 180;
joints[i].angle += 180;
// Compiling outer points, inner points, thickness and color of each joint
float l = 0;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < joints.size(); i++)
if(i > 0)
l += Distance(joints[i-1].position, joints[i].position);
float alpha = l / total_length;
float off = (stroke_offset + 1.f)/2.f;
float t = (thickness/2.f) * joints[i].thickness_scale;
joints[i].thickness = ComputeThickness(alpha, off, t);
joints[i].upper_point = joints[i].position + ToVector(joints[i].angle + 90, joints[i].thickness);
joints[i].lower_point = joints[i].position + ToVector(joints[i].angle - 90, joints[i].thickness);
if(draw_mode == Solid || draw_mode == Textured)
joints[i].inner_color = ColorInterpolation(start_inner_color, end_inner_color, alpha);
joints[i].outer_color = ColorInterpolation(start_outer_color, end_outer_color, alpha);
is_bounding_box_compiled = false;
is_compiled = true;
return true;
void Stroke::ComputeOffset()
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < joints.size(); i++)
float offset = myRand(-shaking, shaking);
joints[i].offset =ToVector(joints[i].angle + 90, offset);
void Stroke::CompileBoundingBox()
// Compiling bounding box
float Left = joints[0].position.x;
float Right = joints[0].position.x;
float Top = joints[0].position.y;
float Bottom = joints[0].position.y;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < joints.size(); i++)
if(joints[i].lower_point.x < Left)
Left = joints[i].lower_point.x;
if(joints[i].upper_point.x < Left)
Left = joints[i].upper_point.x;
if(joints[i].lower_point.y < Top)
Top = joints[i].lower_point.y;
if(joints[i].upper_point.y < Top)
Top = joints[i].upper_point.y;
if(joints[i].lower_point.x > Right)
Right = joints[i].lower_point.x;
if(joints[i].upper_point.x > Right)
Right = joints[i].upper_point.x;
if(joints[i].lower_point.y > Bottom)
Bottom = joints[i].lower_point.y;
if(joints[i].upper_point.y > Bottom)
Bottom = joints[i].upper_point.y;
bounding_box.left = Left; = Top;
bounding_box.width = Right - Left;
bounding_box.height = Bottom - Top;
is_bounding_box_compiled = true;
void Stroke::CompileLength()
float temp_length = 0;
if(joints.size() > 1)
for(unsigned int i = 1; i < joints.size(); i++)
temp_length += Distance(joints[i-1].position, joints[i].position);
length = temp_length;
is_length_compiled = true;
float Stroke::ComputeThickness(float alpha, float offset, float t)
if(alpha <= offset)
float a = (alpha * (1.f - end_thickness))/offset + end_thickness;
float b = ApplySweep(end_sweep_style, a);
t *= a * (1.f - end_sweep) + b * end_sweep;
t *= a;
float a = ((alpha - 1.f) * (1.f - start_thickness))/(offset - 1.f) + start_thickness;
float b = ApplySweep(start_sweep_style, a);
t *= a * (1.f - start_sweep) + b * start_sweep;
t *= a;
return t;
float Stroke::ApplySweep(int sweep_style, float a)
case Soft:
return sin(a/2.f * M_PI);
case Softer:
return sin(sin(a/2.f * M_PI)/2.f * M_PI);
case Sharp:
return sin(a/2.f * M_PI) * sin(a/2.f * M_PI);
return a;
inline float Stroke::ToRange(float value, float min, float max)
if(value < min) value = min;
if(value > max) value = max;
return value;
inline float Stroke::ToDeg(float angle)
return angle * 180.f / M_PI;
inline float Stroke::ToRad(float angle)
return angle * M_PI / 180.f;
inline float Stroke::Angle(const sf::Vector2f & P1, const sf::Vector2f & P2)
if(P1 == P2)
return 0;
return ToDeg(atan2(P1.y - P2.y, P2.x - P1.x));
inline float Stroke::Distance(const sf::Vector2f & P1, const sf::Vector2f & P2)
return sqrt((P1.x - P2.x) * (P1.x - P2.x) + (P1.y - P2.y) * (P1.y - P2.y));
inline sf::Vector2f Stroke::ToVector(float angle, float length)
angle = ToRad(angle);
return sf::Vector2f(length * cos(angle), length * -sin(angle));
inline float Stroke::Sign(float value)
if(value >= 0)
return 1;
return -1;
inline float Stroke::Norm(float value)
return value * Sign(value);
inline sf::Color Stroke::ColorInterpolation(const sf::Color & color1, const sf::Color & color2, float alpha)
return sf::Color(static_cast<sf::Uint8>(static_cast<float>(color1.r) * alpha + static_cast<float>(color2.r) * (1.f - alpha)),
static_cast<sf::Uint8>(static_cast<float>(color1.g) * alpha + static_cast<float>(color2.g) * (1.f - alpha)),
static_cast<sf::Uint8>(static_cast<float>(color1.b) * alpha + static_cast<float>(color2.b) * (1.f - alpha)),
static_cast<sf::Uint8>(static_cast<float>(color1.a) * alpha + static_cast<float>(color2.a) * (1.f - alpha)));
#ifndef STROKE_HPP
#define STROKE_HPP
// Headers
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <deque>
#include <cmath>
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846f
const float myRand(float low, float high);
/// \brief A graphical stroke.
class Stroke : public sf::Drawable
enum SweepStyle
Soft = 0,
enum DrawMode
Solid = 0,
/// \brief Define a joint of the stroke, with all its data members.
struct Joint
sf::Vector2f position;
sf::Vector2f offset;
float birth_time;
float thickness;
float angle;
sf::Vector2f upper_point;
sf::Vector2f lower_point;
sf::Color inner_color;
sf::Color outer_color;
float thickness_scale;
// Member data
// Bones
std::deque<Joint> joints; ///< The joints of the stroke
float time; ///< The lifetime elapsed, used with joints lifetime
// Body structure
unsigned int max_joints; ///< Maximum joints the stroke can have
float max_length; ///< Maximum length the stroke can have
float min_segment_length; ///< Minimum length between each segments
float joint_lifetime; ///< Maximum time the joints can stay
sf::Vector2f joint_linear_speed; ///< Linear speed the joints move
// Stroke option
float thickness; ///< Global thickness
sf::Vector2f random_thickness; ///< Random thickness applyed when adding joint
float start_thickness; ///< Thickness at the start of the stroke
float end_thickness; ///< Thickness at the end of the stroke
float stroke_offset; ///< Position of the separation between start and end
float start_sweep; ///< Amplitude of the sweep effect at the start
float end_sweep; ///< Amplitude of the sweep effect at the end
SweepStyle start_sweep_style; ///< Effect used at the start of the stroke
SweepStyle end_sweep_style; ///< Effect used at the end of the stroke
float stippling; ///< Amplitude of the stippling effect
float shaking; ///< Amplitude of the shaking effect
bool loop; ///< Loop the stroke by joining first and last joint
// Appearance
DrawMode draw_mode; ///< Drawing mode used to render the stroke
sf::Color start_inner_color; ///< Inner color at the start of the stroke (used by monochrome mode)
sf::Color start_outer_color; ///< Outer color at the start of the stroke
sf::Color end_inner_color; ///< Inner color at the end of the stroke
sf::Color end_outer_color; ///< Outer color at the end of the stroke
// Texture
sf::Texture texture; ///< Image used in Textured mode
sf::IntRect sub_rect; ///< Region drawn from the image
bool symetric; ///< Image drawn symetricaly around the stroke
float texture_offset; ///< Offset of the texture in the stroke
float texture_pan; ///< Pan (number of bloc) the texture will expand on
// Length
bool is_length_compiled; ///< Flag for lengh computation
float length; ///< Total length of the stroke
// Bonding Box
bool is_bounding_box_compiled; ///< Flag for bounding box computation
sf::FloatRect bounding_box; ///< Bounding box of the stroke
// State
bool is_compiled; ///< Flag for stroke computation
/// \brief Draw the object to a render target
/// Render the stroke according to the drawing mode choosed.
/// The function will compile the stroke and its length if needed.
/// \param target Render target
/// \param renderer Renderer providing low-level rendering commands
virtual void draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const;
/// \brief Draw the object to a render target
/// DrawSolid draw the stroke with a solid style, meaning
/// the stroke is composed with gradiant polygones.
/// \param target Render target
/// \param renderer Renderer providing low-level rendering commands
void DrawSolid(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const;
/// \brief Draw a bloc in the DrawSolid function
/// A 'bloc' is one of the polygone drawn to form the final stroke.
/// \param target Render target
/// \param renderer Renderer providing low-level rendering commands
/// \param current_joint Identifier of the current joint
/// \param previous_joint Identifier of the previous joint
void DrawSolidBloc(sf::RenderTarget & target, sf::RenderStates states, unsigned int current_joint, unsigned int previous_joint) const;
/// \brief Draw the object to a render target
/// DrawTexture draw the stroke using the image provided with
/// the SetImage() function. If no image is assigned, it call
/// the DrawMonochrome instead.
/// \param target Render target
/// \param renderer Renderer providing low-level rendering commands
void DrawTexture(sf::RenderTarget & target, sf::RenderStates states) const;
/// \brief Draw a bloc in the DrawTexture function
/// A 'bloc' is one of the polygone drawn to form the final stroke.
/// \param target Render target
/// \param renderer Renderer providing low-level rendering commands
/// \param TopLeft Top-left coordinate of the bloc
/// \param TopRight Top-right coordinate of the bloc
/// \param CenterLeft Left coordinates of the stroke main line
/// \param CenterRight Right coordinates of the stroke main line
/// \param BottomLeft Bottom-left coordinates of the bloc
/// \param BottomRight Bottom-right coordinates of the bloc
/// \param TexCoords Coordinates of the region used as texture on the current image
void DrawTexturedBloc(sf::RenderTarget & target, sf::RenderStates states, const sf::Vector2f & TopLeft, const sf::Vector2f & TopRight, const sf::Vector2f & CenterLeft, const sf::Vector2f & CenterRight, const sf::Vector2f & BottomLeft, const sf::Vector2f & BottomRight, const sf::FloatRect & TexCoords) const;
/// \brief Draw the object to a render target
/// DrawMonochrome draw the stroke only using the color provided
/// with the SetColor function.
/// \param target Render target
/// \param renderer Renderer providing low-level rendering commands
void DrawMonochrome(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const;
/// \brief Draw a bloc in the DrawMonochrome function
/// A 'bloc' is one of the polygone drawn to form the final stroke.
/// \param target Render target
/// \param renderer Renderer providing low-level rendering commands
/// \param current_joint Identifier of the current joint
/// \param previous_joint Identifier of the previous joint
void DrawMonochromeBloc(sf::RenderTarget & target, sf::RenderStates states, unsigned int current_joint, unsigned int previous_joint) const;
/// \brief Draw the object to a render target
/// DrawWireframe draw the stroke with a wired style. The main line
/// of the stroke is drawn in white, while the other lines are in gray.
/// It is mainly made for debugging and benchmark usage.
/// \param target Render target
/// \param renderer Renderer providing low-level rendering commands
void DrawWireframe(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const;
/// \brief Compile the stroke
/// This function precomputes all the internal parameters
/// needed to properly render the stroke (external points, thickness).
bool Compile();
/// \brief Compute the shaking effect
/// This function precomputes the joints offset due to the
/// shaking effect.
/// It is called only if the shaking is not at 0.
void ComputeOffset();
/// \brief Compute the bounding box
/// This function precomputes the bounding box of the stroke.
/// It is called only if a bounding box is asked using
/// the GetBoundingBox() function.
void CompileBoundingBox();
/// \brief Compute the length
/// This function precomputes the total length of the stroke,
/// in pixels. It is called only if joints are added, moved or
/// removed.
void CompileLength();
/// \brief Compute the thickness
/// This function precomputes the joints thickness regarding
/// the thickness parameters.
/// \param alpha The alpha value of the current joint,
/// meaning the length of the joint divised by
/// the total length. (Its position on the stroke.)
/// \param offset The offset of the sweep.
/// \param t The base joint thickness multiplyed by
/// the global thickness.
float ComputeThickness(float alpha, float offset, float t);
/// \brief Compute the sweep
/// This function precomputes the stroke sweep effect for
/// the current joint, regarding the desired sweep style.
/// \param sweep_style The wanted sweep style to apply
/// \param a The current thickness
/// /return The new thickness regarding the sweep.
float ApplySweep(int sweep_style, float a);
/// \brief Check if a value is in range
/// This function ensure the value of a desired variable is
/// in its correct range. If the value is out of the range,
/// it round the value to the min or max value.
/// \param value The initial value
/// \param min The minimum wanted value
/// \param max The maximum wanted value
/// \return The correct value regarding its range.
inline float ToRange(float value, float min = 0.f, float max = 1.f);
// Some mathematical functions
/// \brief Angle convertion in degree
/// \param angle The angle in radian
/// \return The angle in degree
inline float ToDeg(float angle);
/// \brief Angle convertion in radian
/// \param angle The angle in degree
/// \return The angle in radian
inline float ToRad(float angle);
/// \brief Angle were the segment P1P2 point to
/// \param P1 First point of the segment
/// \param P2 Second point of the segment
/// \return The angle of the segment, in the range [-180, 180]
inline float Angle(const sf::Vector2f & P1, const sf::Vector2f & P2);
/// \brief Distance between two points
/// \param P1 First point
/// \param P2 Second point
/// \return The distance between each point
inline float Distance(const sf::Vector2f & P1, const sf::Vector2f & P2);
/// \brief Vector from an angle and length
/// \param angle The angle of the vector
/// \param length The length of the vector
/// \return The desired vector
inline sf::Vector2f ToVector(float angle, float length);
/// \brief Sign of a number
/// \param value The number we want the sign from
/// \return 1 if positive, -1 if negative. value = 0 is considered positive.
inline float Sign(float value);
/// \brief Norm of a number
/// \param value The number we want the norm from
/// \return The norm of the number
inline float Norm(float value);
/// \brief Interpolate between two colors
/// \param color1 First color
/// \param color2 Second color
/// \param alpha The alpha value, in the range [0, 1]
/// \return The interpolated color
inline sf::Color ColorInterpolation(const sf::Color & color1, const sf::Color & color2, float alpha);
/// \brief Default constructor
/// Creates an empty stroke (no joints).
/// \brief Get the linear speed applied to the points
/// \return Linear speed, in pixels/sec
/// \see SetJointLinearSpeed
const sf::Vector2f & GetJointLinearSpeed() const;
/// \brief Get the maximum joints the stroke can contain
/// \return Maximum joints of the stroke
/// \see SetMaxJoints
unsigned int GetMaxJoints() const;
/// \brief Get the maximum length the stroke can have
/// \return Maximum length of the stroke, in pixels
/// \see SetMaxLength
float GetMaxLength() const;
/// \brief Get the minimum length between each joint
/// \return Minimum length, in pixels
/// \see SetMinSegmentLength
float GetMinSegmentLength() const;
/// \brief Get the lifetime of each new joint
/// \return Lifetime, in seconds
/// \see SetJointLifeTime
float GetJointLifetime() const;
/// \brief Get the global thickness of the stroke
/// \return Global thickness, un pixels
/// \see SetThickness
float GetThickness() const;
/// \brief Get the quotien of the minimum thickness that can
/// be randomly generated
/// \return Minimum thickness
/// \see SetMaxRandomThickness
float GetMaxRandomThickness() const;
/// \brief Get the quotien of the maximum thickness that can
/// be randomly generated
/// \return Maximum thickness
/// \see SetMinRandomThickness
float GetMinRandomThickness() const;
/// \brief Get the quotien of the thickness at the start of the stroke.
/// \return Start thickness, in range [0, 1]
/// \see SetStartThickness
float GetStartThickness() const;
/// \brief Get the quotien of the thickness at the end of the stroke.
/// \return End thickness, in range [0,1]
/// \see SetEndThickness
float GetEndThickness() const;
/// \brief Get the offset separating the start from the end of the stroke.
/// \return Offset, in range [-1, 1]
/// \see SetOffset
float GetOffset() const;
/// \brief Get the quotien of the sweep at the start of the stroke.
/// \return Start sweep, in range [0, 1]
/// \see SetStartSweep
float GetStartSweep() const;
/// \brief Get the quotien of the sweep at the end of the stroke.
/// \return End sweep, in range [0, 1]
/// \see SetEndSweep
float GetEndSweep() const;
/// \brief Get the style of the sweep at the start of the stroke.
/// \return Sweep style
/// \see SetStartSweepStyle
SweepStyle GetStartSweepStyle() const;
/// \brief Get the style of the sweep at the end of the stroke.
/// \return Sweep style
/// \see SetEndSweepStyle
SweepStyle GetEndSweepStyle() const;
/// \brief Get the quotien of the stippling effect
/// \return Stippling, in range [0, 1]
/// \see SetStippling
float GetStippling() const;
/// \brief Get the amplitude of the shaking effect
/// \return Shaking amplitude, in pixels
/// \see SetShaking
float GetShaking() const;
/// \brief Get the looping flag
/// \return True if the stroke loop
/// \see SetLoop
bool IsLooping() const;
/// \brief Get the inner color at the start of the stroke
/// \return Start inner color
/// \see SetStartInnerColor, SetInnerColor
const sf::Color & GetStartInnerColor() const;
/// \brief Get the outer color at the start of the stroke
/// \return Start outer color
/// \see SetStartOuterColor, SetOuterColor
const sf::Color & GetStartOuterColor() const;
/// \brief Get the inner color at the end of the stroke
/// \return End inner color
/// \see SetEndInnerColor, SetInnerColor
const sf::Color & GetEndInnerColor() const;
/// \brief Get the outer color at the end of the stroke
/// \return End outer color
/// \see SetEndOuterColor, SetOuterColor
const sf::Color & GetEndOuterColor() const;
/// \brief Get a pointer to the image used with the Textured style
/// If the sprite has no source image, or if the image
/// doesn't exist anymore, a NULL pointer is returned.
/// The returned pointer is const, which means that you can't
/// modify the image when you retrieve it with this function.
/// \return Pointer to the stroke's image
/// \see SetImage
const sf::Texture & GetTexture() const;
/// \brief Get the region of the image displayed by the stroke
/// \return Rectangle defining the region of the image
/// \see SetSubRect
const sf::IntRect & GetSubRect() const;
/// \brief Indicate if the texture is symetric to the stroke
/// \return True is the texture is symetric
/// \see SetSymetric
bool IsSymetric() const;
/// \brief Get the texture offset of the stroke
/// \return Texture offset
/// \see SetTextureOffset
float GetTextureOffset() const;
/// \brief Get the texture pan of the stroke
/// \return Texture pan
/// \see SetTexturePan
float GetTexturePan() const;
/// \brief Get total length of the stroke
/// \return Total length
float GetLength();
/// \brief Get the bounding box of the stroke
/// The bounding box is a rectangle incorporating all the points
/// created to draw the stroke. It is usefull for collision test.
/// For example, a stroke from wich the bounding box is out of the
/// current view isn't visible on the screen, and thus it don't need
/// to be drawn.
/// \return Rectangle defining the bounding box of the stroke
const sf::FloatRect & GetBoundingBox();
/// \brief Indicate if the stroke will be appearent if we draw it
/// This function indicate if the stroke have the minimum requierements
/// to be visible on screen. The requierements are:
/// - at least 3 joints
/// - a thickness different from 0
/// \return True if the stroke has enough joints
bool IsDrawable() const;
// Modificateurs de l'objet
/// \brief Set the joint's linear speed
/// The linear speed allow the joints to move themselves. It requier
/// that the stroke is made dynamic and keep its joints free from
/// custom data, meaning the stroke isn't cleared at each frame. The
/// speed is expressed in pixel per second on each axis.
/// Default value : 0 for each Axis
/// \param x Horizontal velocity
/// \param y Vertical velocity
/// \see GetJointLinearSpeed
void SetJointLinearSpeed(float x, float y);
/// \brief Set the joint's linear speed
/// The linear speed allow the joints to move themselves. It requier
/// that the stroke is made dynamic and keep its joints free from
/// custom data, meaning the stroke isn't cleared at each frame. The
/// speed is expressed in pixel per second on each axis.
/// Default value : 0 for each Axis
/// \param linear_speed Linear speed in pixel/sec
/// \see GetJointLinearSpeed
void SetJointLinearSpeed(const sf::Vector2f & linear_speed);
/// \brief Set the maximum joints the stroke can have
/// Each stroke is composed of a number of joints. Having a
/// restriction on their number can avoid having a stroke
/// infinitely growing. It is a way to constraint the length
/// of a stroke.
/// Default value : 0
/// Warning : if you want to use a dynamic stroke, be sure to
/// set a maximum value to at least one of the following functions:
/// - SetMaxJoints
/// - SetMaxLength
/// - SetJointLifetime
/// \param max_joints The maximum joints the stroke can have
/// \see GetMaxJoints, SetMaxJoints, SetMaxLength, SetJointLifetime
void SetMaxJoints(unsigned int max_joints);
/// \brief Set the maximum length the stroke can have
/// Stroke don't have limits in length. This function allow
/// you to set a limit to the length. The length is basically
/// the sum of the distances between each joints, not the distance
/// between the first and last joint.
/// If the length of the stroke became too long when adding new joints
/// with \a AddJoint function, the \ Calculate function will remove
/// the last joints of the list until the length get back smaller than
/// the maximum length.
/// A maximum length of 0 let the stroke grow infinitely.
/// Warning : if you want to use a dynamic stroke, be sure to
/// set a maximum value to at least one of the following functions:
/// - SetMaxJoints
/// - SetMaxLength
/// - SetJointLifetime
/// Default value : 0
/// \param max_length The maximum length the stroke can have, in pixels
/// \see GetMaxLength, SetMaxJoints, SetMaxLength, SetJointLifetime
void SetMaxLength(float max_length);
/// \brief Set the minimum length between each joint
/// Having too few joints give to your stroke a sad polygonal look,
/// but too much can be a threat to your program performances.
/// The minimum length ensure a new joint placed with the /a AddJoint
/// function will have a minimum length with the previous one to
/// be added. If it is too close to the previous joint, the new joint
/// won't be added. If it is too far, intermediate joints will be added
/// forming a straight line.
/// A minimum length of 0 allow ANY new joints to be added.
/// Default value : 0
/// \param min_segment_length The minimum length between each joint, in pixels
/// \see GetMinSegmentLength
void SetMinSegmentLength(float min_segment_length);
/// \brief Set the lifetime of each joints
/// This function give a maximum lifetime to your joints. Too
/// old joints will be removed by the \a Calculate function.
/// It is a cool way to create organic strokes depleting in time.
/// It is also a way to avoid infinitely growing strokes.
/// Warning : if you want to use a dynamic stroke, be sure to
/// set a maximum value to at least one of the following functions:
/// - SetMaxJoints
/// - SetMaxLength
/// - SetJointLifetime
/// Default value : 0
/// \param joint_lifetime The lifetime of each joint, in seconds
/// \see GetJointLifetime
void SetJointLifetime(float joint_lifetime);
/// \brief Set the global thickness of the stroke
/// The global thickness is the main thickness of the stroke. It
/// prevail over the overthickness, meaning a stroke with a thickness
/// of 0 won't be drawn.
/// Default value : 3 pixels
/// \param thickness The global thickness, in pixels
/// \see GetThickness
void SetThickness(float thickness);
/// \brief Set the range of random thickness
/// Each joint possess a thickness of it's own. Settings a thickness
/// with this function will give a randomly choosed thickness to each
/// new joint added with the \a AddJoint function.
/// The random thickness take multiples of the global thickness.
/// Example :
/// \code
/// mu_stroke.SetThickness(30.f);
/// my_stroke.SetRandomThickness(0.5f, 1.5f);
/// \endcode
/// With this code, each new joint will receive a thickness
/// between 15 and 45 pixels.
/// Default value : 1 to min and max
/// \param min Minimum possible value
/// \param max Maximim possible value
/// \see GetMaxRandomThickness, GetMinRandomThickness
void SetRandomThickness(float min, float max);
/// \brief Set the thickness at the start of the stroke
/// The stroke have a starting and ending thickness. It allow it
/// to have a smoothed shape, defined by both the start/end thickness,
/// sweep and sweep style.
/// A thickness of 0 will make the stroke tapered at the start,
/// a thickness of 1 will make it squared.
/// Default value : 1
/// \param start_thickness Thickness at the start of the stroke, in range [0, 1]
/// \see GetStartThickness
void SetStartThickness(float start_thickness);
/// \brief Set the thickness at the end of the stroke
/// The stroke have a starting and ending thickness. It allow it
/// to have a smoothed shape, defined by both the start/end thickness,
/// sweep and sweep style.
/// A thickness of 0 will make the stroke tapered at the end,
/// a thickness of 1 will make it squared.
/// Default value : 1
/// \param end_thickness Thickness at the end of the stroke, in range [0, 1]
/// \see GetEndThickness
void SetEndThickness(float end_thickness);
/// \brief Set the offset of the stroke
/// Having a stroke with tapered start and end give it a more
/// organic look. The offset allow you to move the separation
/// between each part of the stroke (start and end) along the strok.
/// An offset of 1 will move it to the start of the stroke,
/// an offset of -1 will move it at the end and an offset of
/// 0 keep it at midway of the stroke.
/// The offset is useless if neither of the start or end of the stroke
/// have a thickness lower that 1.
/// Default value : 0
/// \param stroke_offset Offset of the stroke, in range [-1, 1]
/// \see GetOffset
void SetOffset(float stroke_offset);
/// \brief Set the sweep of the stroke
/// The default tapered stroke take a diamond shape. The sweep
/// allow to give your stroke a more swift and smooth shape.
/// A sweep of 0 will keep the stroke a diamond shape, while
/// a sweep of 1 will give it the full sweep shape defined with
/// the sweep style.
/// SetSweep function set the sweep for both start and end of the stroke.
/// Default value : 0
/// \param sweep Sweep of the stroke, in range [0, 1]
/// \see GetStartSweep, GetEndSweep, SetStartSweep, SetEndSweep, SetSweepStyle
void SetSweep(float sweep);
/// \brief Set the start sweep of the stroke
/// The default tapered stroke take a diamond shape. The sweep
/// allow to give your stroke a more swift and smooth shape.
/// A sweep of 0 will keep the stroke a diamond shape, while
/// a sweep of 1 will give it the full sweep shape defined with
/// the sweep style.
/// Default value : 0
/// \param start_sweep Sweep of the start of the stroke, in range [0, 1]
/// \see GetStartSweep, SetSweepStyle
void SetStartSweep(float start_sweep);
/// \brief Set the end sweep of the stroke
/// The default tapered stroke take a diamond shape. The sweep
/// allow to give your stroke a more swift and smooth shape.
/// A sweep of 0 will keep the stroke a diamond shape, while
/// a sweep of 1 will give it the full sweep shape defined with
/// the sweep style.
/// Default value : 0
/// \param end_sweep Sweep of the end of the stroke, in range [0, 1]
/// \see GetEndSweep, SetSweepStyle
void SetEndSweep(float end_sweep);
/// \brief Set the sweep style of the stroke
/// The sweep style is the shape the tapered stroke will take
/// with a sweep greater than 0.
/// The sweep style allow the following style :
/// - Sin: the stroke will be lightly rounded
/// - Sin2: the stroke will be more rounded,
/// - Sin3: the stroke will be even more rounded,
/// - SquareSin : the stroke will have a piercing look, rounding
/// the more it get closer to the offset position
/// SetSweepStyle set the sweep style for both start and end of the stroke.
/// Default value : e_Sin for both side
/// \param sweep_style Sweep style of the stroke
/// \see SweepStyle, GetStartSweepStyle, GetEndSweepStyle
void SetSweepStyle(SweepStyle sweep_style);
/// \brief Set the sweep style at the start of the stroke
/// The sweep style is the shape the tapered stroke will take
/// with a sweep greater than 0.
/// The sweep style allow the following style :
/// - Sin: the stroke will be lightly rounded
/// - Sin2: the stroke will be more rounded,
/// - Sin3: the stroke will be even more rounded,
/// - SquareSin : the stroke will have a piercing look, rounding
/// the more it get closer to the offset position
/// Default value : e_Sin
/// \param start_sweep_style Sweep style at the start of the stroke
/// \see SweepStyle, GetStartSweepStyle
void SetStartSweepStyle(SweepStyle start_sweep_style);
/// \brief Set the sweep style at the end of the stroke
/// The sweep style is the shape the tapered stroke will take
/// with a sweep greater than 0.
/// The sweep style allow the following style :
/// - Sin: the stroke will be lightly rounded
/// - Sin2: the stroke will be more rounded,
/// - Sin3: the stroke will be even more rounded,
/// - SquareSin : the stroke will have a piercing look, rounding
/// the more it get closer to the offset position
/// Default value : e_Sin
/// \param end_sweep_style Sweep style at the end of the stroke
/// \see SweepStyle, GetEndSweepStyle
void SetEndSweepStyle(SweepStyle end_sweep_style);
/// \brief Set the stippling of the stroke
/// This function allow you to set a stippling quotien for
/// your stroke. The stippling will give a dotted look to your
/// stroke.
/// A stippling of 0 disable the stippling effect while
/// a stippling of 1 will make the stroke non-displayable.
/// Default value : 0
/// \param stippling Stippling of the stroke, in range [0, 1]
/// \see GetStippling
void SetStippling(float stippling);
/// \brief Set the shaking amplitude of the stroke
/// The shaking is a simple distortion of the stroke. With
/// static stroke, the shaking will give a distorded look at
/// your stroke, with dynamic stroke, it will make the stroke
/// shake over the time.
/// Default value : 0
/// \param shaking Shaking amplitude of the stroke, in pixels
/// \see GetShaking
void SetShaking(float shaking);
/// \brief Set the shaking amplitude of the stroke
/// Looping the stroke can be usefull to draw closed path like
/// circles or squares. Looping the stroke join the first and last
/// joint, computing their angles accordingly.
/// Default value : false
/// \param loop Set to true if you need to make the stroke looping
/// \see GetShaking
void SetLoop(bool loop);
/// \brief Set the drawing mode for the stroke
/// The drawing mode allow you to choose between several
/// behavior to render the stroke. The drawing mode can take
/// one of those modes :
/// - Solid: the basic mode, draw the stroke with gradiant colors.
/// - Textured: draw the stroke using an image (assigned with \a SetImage)
/// If no image is assigned, the stroke is drawn with
/// monochrome mode.
/// - Monochrome: draw the stroke with a uni color, wich is set
/// with \a SetColor
/// - Wireframe: draw the stroke with a wired style. The main line
/// of the stroke is drawn in white and the other lines
/// are drawn in gray.
/// Default value : Solid
/// \param draw_mode Drawing mode for the stroke
/// \see DrawMode
void SetDrawMode(DrawMode draw_mode);
/// \brief Set the inner color of the stroke
/// The stroke allow to use different color for both in the stroke
/// and out the stroke. It allow to create gradiant between the center
/// and extremities of the stroke.
/// For both inner and outer color, you can also set the color at
/// the start and the end of the stroke.
/// SetInnerColor set the inner color for both start and end of
/// the stroke.
/// Default value : sf::Color(255, 255, 255)
/// \param inner_color Inner color of the stroke
/// \see GetStartInnerColor, GetEndInnerColor
void SetInnerColor(const sf::Color & inner_color);
/// \brief Set the outer color of the stroke
/// The stroke allow to use different color for both in the stroke
/// and out the stroke. It allow to create gradiant between the center
/// and extremities of the stroke.
/// For both inner and outer color, you can also set the color at
/// the start and the end of the stroke.
/// SetOuterColor set the outer color for both start and end of
/// the stroke.
/// Default value : sf::Color(255, 255, 255)
/// \param outer_color Outer color of the stroke
/// \see GetStartOuterColor, GetEndOuterColor
void SetOuterColor(const sf::Color & outer_color);
/// \brief Set the inner color at the start of the stroke
/// The stroke allow to use different color for both in the stroke
/// and out the stroke. It allow to create gradiant between the center
/// and extremities of the stroke.
/// For both inner and outer color, you can also set the color at
/// the start and the end of the stroke.
/// Default value : sf::Color(255, 255, 255)
/// \param start_inner_color Inner color at the start of the stroke
/// \see GetStartInnerColor
void SetStartInnerColor(const sf::Color & start_inner_color);
/// \brief Set the outer color at the start of the stroke
/// The stroke allow to use different color for both in the stroke
/// and out the stroke. It allow to create gradiant between the center
/// and extremities of the stroke.
/// For both inner and outer color, you can also set the color at
/// the start and the end of the stroke.
/// Default value : sf::Color(255, 255, 255)
/// \param start_outer_color Outer color at the start of the stroke
/// \see GetStartOuterColor
void SetStartOuterColor(const sf::Color & start_outer_color);
/// \brief Set the inner color at the end of the stroke
/// The stroke allow to use different color for both in the stroke
/// and out the stroke. It allow to create gradiant between the center
/// and extremities of the stroke.
/// For both inner and outer color, you can also set the color at
/// the start and the end of the stroke.
/// Default value : sf::Color(255, 255, 255)
/// \param end_inner_color Outer color at the end of the stroke
/// \see GetStartInnerColor
void SetEndInnerColor(const sf::Color & end_inner_color);
/// \brief Set the outer color at the end of the stroke
/// The stroke allow to use different color for both in the stroke
/// and out the stroke. It allow to create gradiant between the center
/// and extremities of the stroke.
/// For both inner and outer color, you can also set the color at
/// the start and the end of the stroke.
/// Default value : sf::Color(255, 255, 255)
/// \param end_outer_color Outer color at the end of the stroke
/// \see GetEndOuterColor
void SetEndOuterColor(const sf::Color & end_outer_color);
/// \brief Set the image used has texture of the stroke
/// A colored stroke is good, a textured one is (often) better!
/// This function allow you to set an sf::Image as a texture for
/// the stroke. Adding an image automaticaly turn the drawing mode
/// to Textured. The image respond to the symetric, texture offset
/// and texture pan member data. If an invalid image is passed,
/// the stroke will be rendered in Monochrome mode.
/// Default value : 0 (no image)
/// \param image Image used has texture
/// \param adjust_to_new_size Set to True to adapt the sub rect to the size of the image
/// \see GetImage, SetSubRect
void SetTexture(const sf::Texture & texture, bool adjust_to_new_size = false);
/// \brief Set the part of the image that the stroke will display
/// The sub-rectangle is useful when you don't want to display
/// the whole image, but rather a part of it.
/// By default, the sub-rectangle covers the entire image.
/// \param sub_rect Rectangle defining the region of the image to display
/// \see GetSubRect, SetImage
void SetSubRect(const sf::IntRect & sub_rect);
/// \brief Set symetry of the stroke
/// By setting the symetry, you can choose whether the texture
/// is drawn once or twice on each sub-part of the stroke.
/// \param symetric Set to True to use the symetry
/// \see GetSubRect, SetImage
void SetSymetric(bool symetric);
/// \brief Set the texture offset
/// The texture offset allow you to move the texture along
/// the stroke. It can take positive or negative value.
/// One stroke unit match to 'texture_pan' blocs.
/// texture_move = texture_offset * texture_pan
/// \param texture_offset The offset of the texture
/// \see GetTextureOffset
void SetTextureOffset(float texture_offset);
/// \brief Move the texture
/// The texture offset allow you to move the texture along
/// the stroke. It can take positive or negative value.
/// One stroke unit match to 'texture_pan' blocs.
/// texture_move = texture_offset * texture_pan
/// MoveTexture add the value to the existing offset
/// \param texture_offset The offset of the texture
/// \see GetTextureOffset
void MoveTexture(float texture_offset);
/// \brief Set the texture pan
/// The texture pan strech the texture over 'texture_pan' bloc.
/// The minimum pan is 1, meaning the texture will repeat at each
/// bloc. A pan of 3 will repeat the texture each 3 blocs.
/// \param texture_pan The pan of the texture
/// \see GetTexturePan
void SetTexturePan(float texture_pan);
/// \brief Clear the joint array
/// Remove all the joints from the stroke.
void Clear();
/// \brief Add a joint to the stroke
/// Add a joint to the stroke, giving its position and if
/// a precompilation of the stroke is wanted.
/// \param x Position of the joint on X Axis (relative position)
/// \param y Position of the joint on Y Axis (relative position)
/// \param precompile Set to true if a precompilation is needed
/// \return True if the joint has been successfully added
bool AddJoint(float x, float y, bool precompile = false);
/// \brief Add a joint to the stroke
/// Add a joint to the stroke, giving its position and if
/// a precompilation of the stroke is wanted.
/// \param position Position of the joint (relative position)
/// \param precompile Set to true if a precompilation is needed
/// \return True if the joint has been successfully added
bool AddJoint(const sf::Vector2f & position, bool precompile = false);
/// \brief Add a joint to the stroke
/// Add a joint to the stroke, giving its position and if
/// a precompilation of the stroke is wanted.
/// With the thickness scale, the randomness given by
/// the random Thickness parameter will be ignored.
/// \param x Position of the joint on X Axis (relative position)
/// \param y Position of the joint on Y Axis (relative position)
/// \param thickness_scale Thickness of the joint
/// \param precompile Set to true if a precompilation is needed
/// \return True if the joint has been successfully added
bool AddJoint(float x, float y, float thickness_scale, bool precompile = false);
/// \brief Add a joint to the stroke
/// Add a joint to the stroke, giving its position and if
/// a precompilation of the stroke is wanted.
/// With the thickness scale, the randomness given by
/// the random Thickness parameter will be ignored.
/// \param position Position of the joint (relative position)
/// \param thickness_scale Thickness of the joint
/// \param precompile Set to true if a precompilation is needed
/// \return True if the joint has been successfully added
bool AddJoint(const sf::Vector2f & position, float thickness_scale, bool precompile = false);
/// \brief Add a joint to the stroke
/// Calculate must be called if you want to make your stroke
/// dynamic. It calculate the position of the joints according
/// to the linear speed and delete useless joints regarding
/// maximum length, maximum joint number and joint lifetime
/// parameters.
/// \param time_interval Duration of the frame
void Calculate(float time_interval);
#endif // STROKE_HPP
/// \class Stroke
/// The Stroke class allow to draw real-time animated strokes.
/// It give access to severals stroke parameter, different drawing
/// styles and is optimized wether the stroke is static (meaning all
/// its joints/points won't change) or dynamic.
/// Stroke is a graphical class, meaning it is better to 'link' it
/// to other data structure, such as a list or vector of points if
/// you want a better control over it, for example, handling collision
/// with your stroke.
/// Stroke inherit sf::Drawable, meaning all transformation properties
/// of the drawable works. It has a heavy interface as it is wanted to
/// be complete and suitable for a large panel of usage.
/// Static stroke usage example :
/// \code
/// Stroke my_stroke;
/// // A stroke need at least 3 joints to be displayed.
/// my_stroke.AddJoint(40, 40);
/// my_stroke.AddJoint(200, 50);
/// // Set the precompile parameter to true if you want to
/// // precompile your stroke while loading your application.
/// my_stroke.AddJoint(230, 400, true);
/// while(true)
/// {
/// App.Clear();
/// App.Draw(my_stroke);
/// App.Display();
/// }
/// \endcode
/// Dynamic stroke usage example :
/// \code
/// Stroke my_stroke;
/// // We add some speed to the joints to make the stroke grow upward.
/// my_stroke.SetJointLinearSpeed(0, -200);
/// while(true)
/// {
/// // Precompiling is useless because the stroke will change each frame.
/// my_stroke.AddJoint(400, 300);
/// // We need to compute the joints to delete
/// // useless joints and move existing ones.
/// my_stroke.Calculate(App.GetFrameTime());
/// App.Clear();
/// App.Draw(my_stroke);
/// App.Display();
/// }
/// \endcode
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