Rebecca Murphey's "A baseline for frontend developers" in tweet form:
- Learn Javascript, then jQuery. Learn from the best.
- Use Git. Get a Github account.
- Use build tools and dependency management.
- Use in-browser development tools and learn debugging skills.
- Develop strong command line skills: ssh, scp, grep, ack, find, package managers and tools for OS and platform.
- Use client side (Javascript) templating for structured data.
- Write CSS using preprocessors like LESS and SASS.
- Test first, test often using tools like Grunt and Jasmine.
- Dot your i's, cross your t's, and use tools like JSLint to clean up your code.
- Use automation to make your life easier.
- There's no manual, but Mozilla Developer Network is very handy.
- A get-it-working sysadmin ethos helps a lot. Search and add to Stack Exchange sites as a gateway to open source participation.
- MDN is one of the best reasons to donate to Mozilla.
- In-browser dev tools: Start with Chrome or Firefox, then Opera and IE or mobile simulators as situation demands.
- Pick open source projects based on how willing you are to contribute.
- Use whatever form of lightweight task + project management fits your purposes: meetings, scrums, issue trackers, white boards, et al.