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Created September 25, 2013 11:28
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tutorial of pymongo: - Recommendations of use - Examples - Useful readings
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
MOD: pymongo
import pymongo
# 'pymongo' is the official Python MongoDB driver
# Let's connect to our database
client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', 27017) # localhost:27017 is the default value
dbconn = client.mod_pymongo # also client['mod_pymongo'] getting a database is so easy ('use db' in mongo shell)
# db.authenticate(username, password) # Not enabled in our db right now
# - When connecting you can provide a list of seeds (replica set servers) in several ways
# -
# Now we create another client to a replicaset 'sdrepl' with three members
# To follow this parte, follow the instructions to create a replica set with three members in
# See to create locally
from pymongo import ReadPreference
from pymongo.errors import AutoReconnect, ConnectionFailure, DuplicateKeyError
replica_client = pymongo.MongoClient(
('localhost:27017', 'localhost:27018', 'localhost:27019'), # also you can use url format
w=3, # globally set write_concern (wtimeout can also be set...).
read_preference=ReadPreference.PRIMARY, # several options available
auto_start_request=True # consistent reads (socket allocated by requests)
) # you can also use MongoReplicaSetClient
# More options in
# When some of the hosts can not be accessed AutoReconnect is raised (still can use replica_client)
# When none of the hosts can be accessed, ConnectionFailure will be launched (must exit)
db_replica = replica_client.mod_pymongo
# Inserting
dbconn.writers.ensure_index([("name", pymongo.ASCENDING), ("age", pymongo.DESCENDING)], unique=True, name="unique_name")
dbconn.writers.insert({"name": "Jack London", "age": 200})
dbconn.writers.insert({"name": "Honore de Balzac", "age": 300})
dbconn.writers.insert({"name": "Lion Feuchtwanger", "age": 400}) # Note that the collection is created on demand
dbconn.writers.insert({"name": "Truman Capote", "age": 102}) # ObjectId (_id field value) is returned
# ensure_index can use kw cache_for and the driver will cache the index creation
# create_index in pymongo call internally ensure_index (no cache here). create_index is deprecated in shell
# let's insert them using a list
more_writers = ["Yukio Mishima", "Lev Tolstoi", "Franz Kafka", "J. D. Salinger"]
for writer in more_writers:
dbconn.writers.insert({"name": writer, "age": 90})
more_writers_using_bulk = ["Charles Bukowski", "Jorge Luis Borges", "Gabriel Garcia Marquez"]
dbconn.writers.insert([{"name": name} for name in more_writers_using_bulk])
# some in replica_set
db_replica.books.insert({'_id': 'hobbit', 'editions': []}) # rules is pretended to be a list of complex objects
db_replica.books.insert({'_id': 'lord_rings', 'editions': None }, w=0) # write_concern can be disabled in collection level operations
from pymongo.errors import DuplicateKeyError, OperationFailure
# collection level operations raise OperationFailure when a problem happens
# OperationFailure is translated in some cases:
db_replica.books.insert({'_id': 'hobbit'})
except DuplicateKeyError:
print "Already created object"
except OperationFailure:
print "Some problem occurred"
# Most of shell operations can be translated easilly:
# dict and list in python vs object and array in json
# some times dict must be changed to list of set because dict has no ordering... (ensure_index)
# Querying
cursor = dbconn.writers.find()
for writer in cursor: # we get a pymongo Cursor not a list (ordering, skip...)
print writer
# query for an specific register
res = dbconn.writers.find_one({"name": "Pablo Neruda"})
print res # we get a dict in python
cursor = dbconn.writers.find({"name": "Pablo Neruda"})
for writer in cursor:
print writer
# querying with several fields, just provide a dict
import re
dbconn.writers.insert({'name': 'Miguel de Unamuno', 'age': 130})
dbconn.writers.insert({'name': 'Miguel Delibes', 'age': 90})
dbconn.writers.insert({'name': 'Miguel de Cervantes', 'age': 500})
res = dbconn.writers.find({"name": re.compile("^Miguel"), "age": {'$lt': 200}}) # regex can be used in query
print list(res) # we get a dict in python
# sort, skip and limit are quite similar to shell
res = dbconn.writers.find().sort('name', pymongo.DESCENDING).skip(3).limit(1)
print list(res)
# you can use it as kw arguments
res = dbconn.writers.find(skip=3).sort('name', pymongo.DESCENDING).limit(1)
print list(res)
# to sort by more than one parameter we use list of set not dict
res = dbconn.writers.find().sort([('name', pymongo.DESCENDING), ('_id', pymongo.ASCENDING)]).skip(3).limit(1)
print list(res)
# if you want a query with several keys use compound index, use SON
from bson.son import SON
ordered_query = SON({'name': re.compile('^Miguel'), 'age':{'$lt': 200}})
res = dbconn.writers.find(ordered_query)
print list(res)
# Explain plans
from pprint import pprint
pprint(dbconn.writers.find({"name": "Pablo Neruda"}).explain())
# Updating
# Change the name of a field in a document
dbconn.writers.update({"name": "J. D. Salinger"}, {"name": "Jerome David Salinger"})
# if object does not exist, create new one (upsert)
dbconn.writers.update({"name": "George R. R. Martin"}, {"name": "George Raymond Richard Martin"}, upsert=True)
res = dbconn.writers.find_one({"name": "George Raymond Richard Martin"})
print res
# dealing with subdocuments and arrays
# Add book as subdocument in collection
book = {'name': 'hobbit'}
dbconn.writers.update({"name": "Jerome David Salinger"},{'$set': {'books': book}})
dbconn.writers.update({"name": "George Raymond Richard Martin"},{'$set': {'books': {'name': 'another_book'}}})
# check the documents...
print dbconn.writers.find_one({"name": "Jerome David Salinger"})
print dbconn.writers.find_one({"name": "George Raymond Richard Martin"})
# Update subdocument field
dbconn.writers.update({"name": "George Raymond Richard Martin"},{'$set': {'': 'lord_rings'}})
res = dbconn.writers.find_one({"name": "George Raymond Richard Martin"})
print res
# add one object to an array with push
edition = {
'year': '1997',
'editorial': 'planet'
db_replica.books.update({'_id': 'hobbit' }, {'$push': {'editions': edition}}) # quite similar to mongo shell
print db_replica.books.find_one({'_id': 'hobbit'})
# try to perform array operation over non-array element
db_replica.books.update({'_id': 'lord_rings' }, {'$push': {'editions': edition}}) # non array operation
except OperationFailure as e:
print e
# Create another edition
edition = {
'year': '2001',
'editorial': 'planet-lion'
db_replica.books.update({'_id': 'hobbit' }, {'$push': {'editions': edition}})
# Result ..
for edition in db_replica.books.find_one({'_id': 'hobbit'})['editions']:
print edition
# How to update one document name inside array of object ?:
{'_id': 'hobbit', # find document hobbit
'editions.year': '2001' # find subdocument inside editions array
{'$set': {'editions.$.editorial': 'planet-lion-updated'}} # work in subdocument of array
# Result
for edition in db_replica.books.find_one({'_id': 'hobbit'})['editions']:
print edition
# Dealing with Autoreconnect in replicaset
# Stop the mongo primary instance before continue
import time
except AutoReconnect:
print "Connection lost"
# We make same query again ...
print db_replica.books.find_one()
# as in the suggested rs config the 27017 has higher priority, would become primary again
# whe you restart the process
# -
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