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Last active July 3, 2019 14:39
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New Features in beta 3

  • You can use an unlimited number of Swift files in a target if you set the build setting USE_SWIFT_RESPONSE_FILE to YES. (35879960)

  • Object detection and text classification templates are available in Create ML, joining the image classification and sound classification templates. Use these templates starting with macOS 10.15 beta 3. (52009035)

  • You can now classify sounds live directly from the microphone using Sound Classification preview. (52131594)

  • The view debugger now shows the names of NSImageinstances in the inspector. (35516797)

  • Added support for object anchors in AR scenes. (48774003)

  • The @frozen attribute for structures and enumerations is now available. (36597490)

New Known Issues in beta 3

  • Indexing doesn't work with Swift response files until a build is performed. (52110336)

    Workaround: Build the project after opening it in Xcode.

  • Localized assets in an asset catalog aren't matched to the user-preferred languages and locales. (49565973)

  • The energy gauge report doesn't show the conditions active on the device. (52349364)

  • Specifying a run destination using a device or simulator name from xcodebuild doesn't resolve correctly. (52081230)

    Workaround: Specify the destination by platform and ID instead of the name.

  • When profiling on a device running iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, or tvOS, Instruments uses wrong category for os_log(_:dso:log:_:_:) and os_signpost(_:dso:log:name:signpostID:) messages received from it. This causes Points of Interest to not receive any events and also impacts Custom Instruments category matching. (52193505)

  • Xcode might crash if you press Command-U or select an asset catalog in the navigator area. (52211868)

  • When viewing an iPad storyboard with the Mac device selected in the device bar, custom fonts added by the project don't render. (48528374)

  • If a glyph has a light and dark mode representation, the dark mode representation won't be picked up in the storyboard. (50354204)

  • Storyboards and .xib files created with Xcode 11 that contain Quaternary System Fill Color, Secondary System Fill Color, Tertiary System Fill Color, or System Fill Color crash previous versions of Xcode when opened. (51233884)

  • When viewing an iPad storyboard with the Mac device selected in the device bar, custom fonts added by the project don't render. (48528374)

  • Objects added from the content library in Reality Composer on macOS are incompatible with build 1A68 of Reality Composer on iOS and iPadOS.

  • Enabling or disabling a live preview may cause a crash in Xcode. (52083572)

Resolved Issues in beta 3

  • After closing and reopening a project, or when performing incremental builds using xcodebuild, diagnostics from prior builds regarding incompatible frameworks, app extensions, and code signing settings now are displayed with a description in the Issue Navigator and Build Log. (51131884)

  • Runtime issue breakpoints added to running processes behave correctly. (49433870)

  • Previews continue working after changing filenames without needing to switch to a different file and switch back. (51708183)

  • Previews respect conditional compilation blocks surrounding imports. For example, you can conditionally import UIKitguarded on #if canImport(UIKit). (51545182)

  • The availability attributes that you apply to types and methods are respected by previews. When the deployment target doesn't include SwiftUI --- that is, the deployment target is before iOS 13, macOS 10.15, watchOS 6, or tvOS 13 --- you can now view previews for views and view controllers using UIViewRepresentable instances and UIViewControllerRepresentable instances. To do so, add the appropriate availability attributes to your view representable types and PreviewProvider conformances, such as @available(iOS 13.0, *). (51493428)

  • Named colors are editable in the Attributes inspector. (51287606)

  • Using withAnimation(_:_:) to change state in a root view displays properly in live previews. (51164838)

  • Animations stay in their context in live previews, and live previews match on-device previews. (50708417)

  • Resolved an issue that prevented watchOS previews from working if a device paired with Apple Watch was selected in the run destination chooser. (50861269)

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when selecting and then re-selecting a named color in the Color inspector. (51304163)

  • When running on Apple Watch Series 3, apps built using SwiftUI no longer behave as if they are running on Apple Watch Series 4. (50678109)

  • Fixed an issue with UI tests for iPad apps on Mac where attempting to interact with elements inside of a table view cell could fail with an error about hit testing. (50745246)

  • The Execute in Parallel checkbox in the test action of a scheme is now enabled for test targets of a Swift package. (47564543)

  • Fixed collection view cell self-sizing layout issues coming from storyboards and .xib files when compiling and deploying to iOS 12.4 and later (49537998)

  • Resolved an issue that prevented the light or dark interface style group in the Interface Builder device bar from taking effect when viewing a UIKit storyboard for Mac. (50929581)

  • Xcode doesn't crash when opening a .xib file or Storyboard file with a custom view that's marked as IBDesignable if that project contains Swift packages. (50551974)

  • Fixed a delay that could occur when running a playground on macOS 10.15 with a slow or unreliable internet connection. (48995467)

  • Improved support for imported USDZ files. (49630946)

  • Improved support for manipulating objects. (50036512)

  • Notification triggers and notify actions from other scenes no longer appear in scenes in which they weren't authored. (51008577)

  • The .reality file generated automatically by Xcode from a Reality Composer project contains all scenes in the project. (51048599, 51868814)

  • Resolved an issue where Xcode Server failed to automatically sign projects that use the iCloud, Application Groups, Apple Pay, or Wallet capabilities. (41008156, 44704694)

  • Resolved an issue where Xcode threw an error when creating new signing certificates for members of the iOS Developer University Program. (50640287)

  • Safari's Share to Simulator behaves correctly. (49331693, 49416352)

  • Resolved a leak of IOSurface instances in processes in Simulator on macOS 10.14.5 and earlier. (50880827)

  • iCloud sync is available in iOS simulators. (50924245)

  • iOS 13 simulators don't have a simulated display connected when TVOut is configured as "disconnected". (50829453)

  • iOS simulators color match Metal content to the display's color space. (50625671)

  • Resolved an issue that caused Core Image shaders using Metal to fail to run on iOS 13 simulators, with the error "Metal DAG compiler disabled." (51521248)

  • Pulling with rebase no longer fails if author information isn't yet configured for Git in Preferences > Source Control. (48680076)

  • C++ operator overloads are shown in the Jump Bar. (50841460)


  • The WatchKit framework is no longer included in the iOS SDK. If you're using WatchKit APIs from iOS, you need to remove this use. The WatchKit framework remains available on watchOS. If you're using WatchKit APIs from iOS to infer availability of features on the paired Apple Watch, include information about your use case when you submit feedback to Feedback Assistant. (49707950)
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