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Forked from philippkraft/
Created August 5, 2022 21:17
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Convert xyz elevation models to GeoTiff

Convert .xyz elevation models to GeoTiff

In Germany, more and more state agencies allow free access to high resolution elevation models. However, these are often released as xyz tables, which are not easily used in GIS environments. A standard method to convert this format to raster formats (eg. GeoTiff) is the GDAL function gdal_translate [1, 2]. However, converting 1M lines takes dozens of seconds and is not trivial to parallize.

This gist, using highly optimized Python library Pandas does the conversion on the same computer in less then 1 second. The script parallizes the conversion of multiple files and translates 100 files á 1M lines in 17 seconds on 16 core machine and a fast SSD. gdal_translate took 40 min.


$ pip install numpy pandas rasterio


To do the conversion:

python3 *.xyz

To merge the resulting files into one raster

python3 merge *.tif
Convert .xyz elevation models to GeoTiff
This gist, using highly optimized Python library Pandas does the conversion on the same computer in less then 1 second.
The script parallizes the conversion of multiple files and translates 150 files á 1M lines in 17 seconds on
16 core machine and a fast SSD. gdal_translate took 50 min.
$ pip install numpy pandas rasterio
$ python3 *.xyz
To merge the resulting files into one raster
$ python3 merge *.tif
import sys
import os
import multiprocessing
import time
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import rasterio as rio
from rasterio import transform as riotrans
def load_xyz(fn: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
Loads a xyz data table from disk
fn : str
File name
return pd.read_table(fn, names='x y z'.split(), sep=' ')
def xyz2matrix(xyz: pd.DataFrame) -> (np.ndarray, float, float, float, float):
Converts the xyz dataframe to a 2d numpy array with origin and bounding box
mat = xyz.pivot_table(index='y', columns='x', values='z')
mat.sort_index(axis='index', ascending=False, inplace=True)
mat.sort_index(axis='columns', ascending=True, inplace=True)
# Get origin (upper left corner)
cellsize = mat.columns[1] - mat.columns[0]
south = mat.index.min() - cellsize / 2
north = mat.index.max() + cellsize / 2
west = mat.columns.min() - cellsize / 2
east = mat.columns.max() + cellsize / 2
arr = np.asarray(mat, dtype=np.float32)
return arr, west, south, east, north
def merge(outfile, *in_files):
Merges in_files (*.tif) to outfile
from rasterio.merge import merge as rmerge
t0 = time.time()
rasters = [ for fn in in_files]
t1 = time.time() -t0
print(f'{t1:0.1f}s : Merging {len(rasters)} rasters')
arr, transform = rmerge(rasters)
t2 = time.time() - t0
print(f'{t2:0.1f}s : Save {arr.shape[1]} x {arr.shape[2]} raster to {outfile}')
outfile, 'w',
height= arr.shape[1], width = arr.shape[2],
count=arr.shape[0], dtype=str(arr.dtype),
crs=CRS, transform=transform,
compress='lzw', num_threads=os.cpu_count()
) as raster:
t3 = time.time() - t0
print(f'{t3:0.1f}s : Done')
def matrix2raster(fn_out:str, arr: np.ndarray, west: float, south: float, east: float, north: float):
transform = riotrans.from_bounds(
west=west, south=south,
east=east, north=north,
fn_out, 'w',
height= arr.shape[0], width = arr.shape[1],
count=1, dtype=str(arr.dtype),
crs=CRS, transform=transform, compress='lzw'
) as raster:
raster.write(arr, 1)
def process(fn_in, fn_out=None):
xyz = load_xyz(fn_in)
arr, origin_y, origin_x, cellsize_y, cellsize_x = xyz2matrix(xyz)
fn_out = fn_out or fn_in.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.tif'
matrix2raster(fn_out, arr, origin_y, origin_x, cellsize_y, cellsize_x)
return fn_out
def multi_process(files, *, nproc=None):
nproc = nproc or os.cpu_count()
with multiprocessing.Pool(nproc) as pool:
total = len(files)
print(f'Running {total} files on {nproc} processes')
t0 = time.time()
for i, fn_out in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(process, files)):
et = time.time() - t0
tt = et * total / (i + 1)
print(f'{i}/{total} : {fn_out} {et:0.1f}s/{tt:0.1f}s')
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
sys.stderr.write('Usage for conversion:\n$ python *.xyz\nUsage for merging:\n$ python merge *.tif')
elif 'merge' in sys.argv:
merge('all_merge.tif', *sys.argv[1:])
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