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Created June 21, 2023 20:01
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Draw a sparkline of dirty pages over time on Linux.
set -e
set -o pipefail
statefile="$(mktemp --tmpdir=/run spark-dirty-pages.XXXXX)"
trap 'rm -f $statefile' INT HUP QUIT
function watch_iter {
declare -a dirty
readarray -t dirty < "$statefile"
dirty+=( "$(grep Dirty /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2 "K";}' | numfmt --from=iec)" )
declare -i trimstart
(( trimstart = ${#dirty[@]} - COLUMNS ))
if (( trimstart < 0 )); then
dirty=( "${dirty[@]:$trimstart:$COLUMNS}" )
# Flush the state file
printf "%s\n" "${dirty[@]}" > "$statefile"
echo "Dirty: $(numfmt --to=iec --suffix=B ${dirty[-1]})"
spark <<< "${dirty[@]}"
export -f watch_iter
export statefile
watch -ex "$@" -- "$BASH" -c watch_iter
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