W3C Introduction to Web Components - explainer/overview of the technologies
- "The Shadow DOM Diaries
- "HTML Imports: Discussion over Async/Progressive Loading"
- "HTML as Custom Elements"
- chromestatus.com (use the filter "category: Web Components")
- chromium.org/blink/web-components - implementation details, bug hotlist, etc.
- "Custom elements v1: reusable web components" by @ebidel
- "Shadow DOM v1: self-contained web components" by @ebidel
- HTML5Rocks - "HTML's New Template Tag: standardizing client-side templating" by @ebidel
- HTML5Rocks - "Shadow DOM 101"
- HTML5Rocks - "Shadow DOM 201: CSS & Styling" by @ebidel
- HTML5Rocks - "Shadow DOM 301: Advanced Concepts & DOM APIs" by @ebidel
- HTML5Rocks - "Custom Elements: defining new elements in HTML" by @ebidel
- HTML5Rocks - "HTML Imports: #include for the web" by @ebidel
- "Exploring HTML Imports" - by @rob_dodson
- "Shadow DOM: The Basics" - by @rob_dodson
- "A Detailed Introduction To Custom Elements" - by @stopsatgreen
- "Accessibility and the Shadow DOM" by Marcy Sutton
- "Using Polymer to create web components"
Also see everthing on HTML5Rocks articles tagged "web components".
- webcomponentsshift.com (video) - Google I/O 2013 by @ebidel
- "Web Components: a new way of building web apps" - bdconf San Diego, 2013 by @ebidel
- "Web Components: Getting Started" (video)- by @stopsatgreen
- "The Web Platform's Cutting Edge" - Google I/O 2012
- "The future with web components" - by @ryanseddon
- "Future CSS in Web Components" (video) - by @stopsatgreen
- "The Return of Inspector Web" - @angelinamagnum
- "Web components Revolution" - by @rob_dodson
- "Web components: Why you're already an expert" - by @markdalgleish
- Polymer (polymer-project.org) by Google - contains platform explainers and polyfills
- x-tags by Mozilla
- Bosonic
- Onsen UI
- nx-framework
I had 2 bosonic links for 'Elements' and 'Social', see https://gist.github.com/enguerran/264e71f655482003172c