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Forked from keilmillerjr/Creating an AUR
Created December 20, 2021 04:56
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How to create and manage an AUR package. #AUR #ARCH #makepkg #PKGBUILD

Creating an AUR Package

Maintainer: Keil Miller Jr

How to create and manage an AUR package.

The following link should be read:


$ pacman -S base-devel
$ nano ~/.ssh/config
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/aur
  User aur
$ ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/aur

Contents of public key need to be copied to profile in My Account page accessible from

Clone Repo

If you are creating a new package from scratch, establish a local Git repository and an AUR remote by cloning the intended pkgbase. If the package does not yet exist, the following warning is expected:

$ mkdir ~/abs
$ cd ~/abs
$ git clone ssh://[email protected]/pkgbase.git

Cloning into 'pkgbase'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
Checking connectivity... done.

Add remote to existing package

$ cd ~/abs/[package]
$ git remote add label ssh://[email protected]/pkgbase.git


There are only 2 files required for an AUR package, unless you wish to add patches. This .gitignore file might help. Ignore everything, and call required files directly.

$ cd ~/abs/[package]
$ touch .gitignore
$ nano .gitignore


PKGBUILD is an "Arch Linux package build description file." It will include package related variables, most oif which are self explanitory.

$ cd ~/abs/[package]
$ cp /usr/share/pacman/PKGBUILD.proto PKGBUILD

Make appropriate changes to PKGBUILD.

Adding md5sums to PKGBUILD

updpkgsums will perform an in place update of the checksums in the path specified by [build file], defaulting to PKGBUILD in the current working directory.

This should be done every time the source changes. Your source should change with pkgver.

$ updpkgsums


$ cd ~/abs/[package]
$ rm -r src`
$ makepkg --nobuild` # Make package, but do not build source. Will run `prepare()` function, so do not include an unwanted patch.
$ cp -r src`
$ code # Make changes to new source directory
$ diff -Naur src > package.diff



$ cd ~/abs/[package]
$ makepkg
$ sudo pacman -U [package].pkg.tar.xz # Install
$ pacman -R [pkgname] # Uninstall


  • Install: Three Vertical Dot Icon > Install Local Packages > [package] > Open
  • Uninstall: Search Icon > [package] > select package > remove

Generate .SRCINFO

.SRCINFO files contain package metadata in a simple, unambiguous format, so that tools such as the AUR's Web back-end or AUR helpers may retrieve a package's metadata without parsing the PKGBUILD directly.

$ cd ~/abs/[package]
$ makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO

Pushing to AUR repository

Before pushing to AUR repository, make sure the following are updated:

  • PKGBUILD > pkgver
  • PKGBUILD > pkgrel
  • PKGBUILD > source
  • PKGBUILD > md5sums
  • Regenerate .SRCINFO
$ makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO
$ git commit -m "useful commit message"
$ git push
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