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Eric Capuano ecapuano

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ecapuano / better_event_logging.ps1
Created March 1, 2025 17:50
A PowerShell script for installing Sysmon and enabling best-practice audit logs.
# ================================================
# Sysmon & Windows Event Log Configuration Script
# ================================================
# Check for administrative privileges
$currentUser = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
$principal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($currentUser)
if (-not $principal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) {
Write-Host "This script requires administrative privileges. Please run as an administrator." -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1
ecapuano / HashMorpher.ps1
Last active December 19, 2024 02:36
interactive tutorial to better understand the difference between static hashes and fuzzy hashes
# Script: HashMorpher.ps1
# Author: Eric Capuano
# Source:
# Social:
######### What is this? #########
# This script is an interactive tutorial to better understand the difference
# between static hashes and fuzzy hashes
ecapuano /
Created November 12, 2023 23:00
Share specified libraries with all Plex users
# inspired by
# adapted by eric capuano, @[email protected]
# modified to support python3, and supports updating ALL users instead of specifying userIDs manually.
# first, add your PLEX_TOKEN and SERVER_ID
# second, add the libraries you want to share/unshare to SHARED_LIBRARY_IDS
# usage: python3 share/unshare
import requests
from xml.dom import minidom
ecapuano / sliver_broad.yara
Last active October 30, 2023 04:51
Inspired by NCSC UK, but modified to be much less specific. Ref:
rule sliver_strings {
author = "Eric Capuano, inspired by NCSC UK"
description = "Detects Sliver Windows and Linux implants based on obvious strings within - not tested at scale, but it's probably good :)"
$p1 = "/sliver/"
$p2 = "sliverpb"
all of ($p*)
rule sliver_github_file_paths_function_names {
author = "NCSC UK"
description = "Detects Sliver Windows and Linux implants based on paths and function names within the binary"
$p1 = "/sliver/"
$p2 = "sliverpb."
$fn1 = "RevToSelfReq"
$fn2 = "ScreenshotReq"
$fn3 = "IfconfigReq"
ecapuano / Windows.Destroy.System.yaml
Created March 1, 2023 22:54
A Velociraptor artifact that causes a Windows system to self-destruct
name: Windows.Destroy.System
description: |
Deletes ALL of the things. UNRECOVERABLE!
First deletes sensitive areas (user profiles, event logs) then moves
to wiping and zeroizing the entire C: drive.
The system will ultimately fail before the process finishes, but the
ecapuano / winlogbeats.yml
Created October 18, 2022 02:43
Tuned and curated Winlogbeats config file
# A retired winlogbeats config maintained by the Recon InfoSec SOC
# contains most the higher value events needed for detection and response
# should be tuned for your specific environment and log volume tolerance
winlogbeat.event_logs: # Global Event Logs Config
- name: Security
ignore_older: 24h
- script: Security
ecapuano / secrets.yara
Created October 10, 2022 23:47 — forked from dustyfresh/secrets.yara
yara signatures converted from trufflehog regexes for identifying secrets in text files
Yara signatures for identifying secrets in text files. Requires libmagic!
Mostly all stolen from Trufflehog regexes:
import "magic"
ecapuano / gist:fc0cde0e9293bff8b01783cf8666d214
Created June 1, 2022 00:23
Velociraptor Unsigned Processes w/VT Lookups
// Run against hunt results from Windows.System.Pslist
// Note: Returns ONLY unsigned processes, which minimizes less critical API calls
// Use's the server side enrichment artifact 'Artifact.Server.Enrichment.Virustotal' from @therealwlambert
LET VTKey <= "$apikey"
LET Results = SELECT Pid,Ppid,TokenIsElevated,Name,CommandLine,Exe,Hash.SHA256 AS SHA256, Authenticode, Username FROM source()
WHERE NOT Authenticode.Trusted = "trusted" // unsigned binaries
SELECT *, {SELECT * FROM Artifact.Server.Enrichment.Virustotal(VirustotalKey=VTKey, Hash=SHA256) } AS VTResults FROM foreach(row=Results)
ecapuano / wmi_event_consumer_stacking.txt
Last active May 26, 2022 01:42
// run against results from Windows.Persistence.PermanentWMIEvents
SELECT ConsumerDetails.Name AS ConsumerName, ConsumerDetails.CommandLineTemplate AS CommandLineTemplate, FilterDetails.Name AS FilterName, FilterDetails.Query AS FilterQuery, count() AS Count FROM source()
// filter common FPs
WHERE ConsumerName != "BVTConsumer"
AND ConsumerName != "SCM Event Log Consumer"
AND ConsumerName != "DellCommandPowerManagerAlertEventConsumer"
AND ConsumerName != "DellCommandPowerManagerPolicyChangeEventConsumer"
AND ConsumerName != "CmdLineConsumer_WSCEAA"