For anyone who needs Kovan PNK:
- You need the shared wallet imported on metamask.
- Go to the PNK contract here:
- Call the generateTokens function with the address that will be blessed with PNK as the _owner and the amount of tokens you want * 10^18 as _amount
- Once metamask pops up, you will notice it predicts that the transaction will fail. That's ok. Click on the Data tab and copy the hex code. It looks similar to this: 0x827f32c00000000000000000000000007cfa255496a7631f5750f6bd94223e6b1759f23e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000de0b6b3a7640000
- Go to KlerosLiquid:
- Call executeGovernorProposal with the parameters: