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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Slick 2.0 CRUD Trait
trait Unique {
val id: String
* Abstraction over a standard "Indexed" table.
trait CrudComponent{ this: Profile =>
import profile.simple._
abstract class IndexedTable[T](tag: Tag, name:String) extends Table[T](tag, name){
def id:Column[String]
trait Crud[T <: IndexedTable[A], A <: Unique] {
val query: TableQuery[T]
def count()(implicit session: Session): Int =
def all()(implicit session: Session): List[A] = query.list
def delete(id: String)(implicit session: Session): Boolean = query.filter( === id).delete > 0
def getById(id: String)(implicit session: Session): Option[A] = queryById(id).firstOption
lazy val queryById = for {
id <- Parameters[String]
e <- query if === id
} yield e
def insert(entity: A)(implicit session: Session): Boolean = {
query.forceInsert(entity) == 1
def update(entity: A)(implicit session: Session): Boolean = {
queryById( == 1
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