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Created April 11, 2012 18:56
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pull db
def pull_db(db_name, user_db_name=None):
if db_name is None:
exit("You must provide a database name")
# add username to db_name
if user_db_name is None:
user_db_name = '%s_%s' % (env.user, db_name)
# drop the existing database
with settings(warn_only=True):
drop_result = local("dropdb %s" % user_db_name, capture=True)
if drop_result.failed and not confirm("Database %s does not exist, continue anyway?" % user_db_name):
abort("Aborting at user request")
# get the source db
run("pg_dump -Fc -U postgres -h10.0.0.50 %s |pv > ~/db/%s_local.db" % (db_name, db_name))
local("scp %s:~/db/%s_local.db ~/db/" % db_name)
# restore the source db into the target db
local(" /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.0.4/share/postgresql/contrib/postgis-1.5/postgis.sqls ~/db/%s_local.db" % db_name)
# clean files left from process
local("rm ~/db/%s_local.db" % db_name)
local("rm ~/db/%s_local.db.ascii" % db_name)
local("rm ~/db/%s_local.db.list" % db_name)
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