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Created March 19, 2013 15:13
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Save ecos/5196943 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A cool Windows batch script to upload a file to an FTP folder, and then copy the URL in the clipboard. Useful for posting screenshots quickly in a post on a forum. You only have to change these parameters SET Server=yourFTPserver SET UserName=yourFTPusername SET Password=yourpassword SET RemoteFolder=/www/images/screenshots SET ClipboardURLPrefi…
ECHO Upload to FTP
ECHO Written by: Jason Faulkner
ECHO. Improved by ecos
REM Usage:
REM UploadToFTP [/L] FileToUpload
REM Required Parameters:
REM FileToUpload
REM The file or file containing the list of files to be uploaded.
REM Optional Parameters:
REM /L When supplied, the FileToUpload is read as a list of files to be uploaded.
REM A list of files should be a plain text file which has a single file on each line.
REM Files listed in this file must specify the full path and be quoted where appropriate.
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
REM Connection information:
SET Server=yourFTPserver
SET UserName=yourFTPusername
SET Password=yourpassword
SET RemoteFolder=/www/images/screenshots
SET ClipboardURLPrefix=![](
SET ClipboardURLSuffix=)
REM ---- Do not modify anything below this line ----
SET Commands="%TEMP%SendToFTP_commands.txt"
REM FTP user name and password. No spaces after either.
ECHO %UserName%> %Commands%
ECHO %Password%>> %Commands%
REM set remote path.
ECHO cd %RemoteFolder% >> %Commands%
REM FTP transfer settings.
ECHO binary >> %Commands%
IF /I {%1}=={/L} (
REM Add file(s) to the list to be FTP'ed.
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%I IN ("%~dpnx2") DO ECHO put %%I >> %Commands%
) ELSE (
ECHO put "%~dpnx1" >> %Commands%
REM Close the FTP connection.
ECHO close >> %Commands%
ECHO bye >> %Commands%
REM Perform the FTP.
FTP -d -i -s:%Commands% %Server%
REM Save URL to clipboard.
ECHO %ClipboardURLPrefix%%~nx1%ClipboardURLSuffix%| clip
REM Clean up.
IF EXIST %Commands% DEL %Commands%
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Very interesting... But if password has a "&" character, the script does not work. Even with quote around the password, it does not work, because quotes are not part of the password.

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